Yitzchak Sadeh

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Yitzhak Sadeh , also Yitzhak Sadeh ; Birth name: Jitzchak Landoberg ; Hebrew יצחק שדה; (* July 29 . Jul / 10. August  1890 greg. In Lublin , Russian Empire ; † 21st August 1952 in Tel Aviv ) was an Israeli Major General ( Aluf ).

Yitzchak Sadeh (1950)


Sadeh was born as Jitzchak Landoberg in Lublin (in today's Poland) in the Russian Empire. He began his military career in the Russian Army during World War I and received an award for bravery as a battalion commander . When he heard of the death of Joseph Trumpeldor , whose acquaintance he had made in 1917, he emigrated to Palestine. In the Palestinian mandate he founded the Trumpeldor Labor Battalion (Gedud ha-Avodah).

After the Arab uprising broke out in 1936 , Sadeh joined the Hagana . He initiated the Notrim in Jerusalem . With the Nodedot subdivision of this newly founded force, Sadeh carried out attacks and retaliatory actions against Arab villages and military bases. In the summer of 1937, Sadeh founded the FO'SH , a command unit of the Hagana. With this elite troop he managed, among other things, to settle Kibbutz Chanita on an isolated hill on the Lebanese border.

In 1941 Sadeh participated in the founding of the Palmach , of which he remained in command until 1945. In 1945 he became chief of staff of the Hagana. Among other activities, he took part in actions against the British troops in the Mandate area and in the Aliyah Bet of Jewish immigration to the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.

Yitzchak Sadeh

At the start of the Israeli War of Independence , Sadeh commanded the defense of Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek against Syrian troops who surrounded the settlement. Sadeh was promoted to Brigadier General (Aluf). He introduced the IDF's first armored brigade , which fought heavy fighting over Lod Airport and an Iraqi fort near Kibbutz Negba . Sadeh took part in Operation Khorev against the Egyptian army in the Negev desert and led the troops he commanded to the entrance of al-Arish .

After the end of the Israeli War of Independence, Sadeh left the army. He began writing articles, short stories and plays. The book "Around the Bonfire" contains various articles that Sadeh wrote under the pseudonym Y. Noded.

Yitzchak Sadeh died in Tel Aviv on August 21, 1952. Sadeh was a charismatic, colorful personality. His nickname with the Palmach was Ha-Zaken ("old man"). The settlements of Nir Itzhak and Maschʾabbe Sade in the Negev are named after him. Yitzchak Sadeh was buried in the Givat Brenner kibbutz .

Since 1972 he has been awarded the Yitzhak Sadeh Prize for Military Literature in honor .

Individual evidence

  1. Mordecai Naor: Eretz Israel. Könemann, Cologne 1998, ISBN 3-89508-594-4 , page 306
  2. ^ Herzog, Chaim (1982) The Arab-Israeli Wars. War and Peace in the Middle East. Arms and Armor Press. ISBN 0-85368-367-0 . Page 100.

Web links

Commons : Jitzchak Sadeh  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files