Johannes Baptist Przyklenk

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Johannes Baptist Przyklenk MSF (born December 30, 1916 in Pogosch , † May 3, 1984 in Indaiatuba ) was the Catholic Bishop of Januária .


Johannes Przyklenk grew up in Gelsenkirchen-Rotthausen . He joined the Order of Missionaries of the Holy Family . In 1938 he was sent on a mission to Brazil by his order . He studied theology at the Collegium Maximum of the Jesuits in São Leopoldo . On December 8, 1940, he was ordained a priest in Brazil . He was a lecturer at a religious college and chaplain in Santo Ângelo and in Passo Fundo . At the Lateran University in Rome, he obtained the licentiate of canon law . From 1947 he was general secretary of his order in the generalate in Rome.

Pope John XXIII appointed him on June 1, 1962 Bishop of Januária. The Bishop of Essen , Franz Hengsbach , donated him the episcopal ordination on July 29 of the same year in Kevelaer ; Co- consecrators were Heinrich Maria Janssen , Bishop of Hildesheim , and Heinrich Tenhumberg , Auxiliary Bishop in Münster .

Bishop Johannes Przyklenk attended all the sessions of the Second Vatican Council . He worked to ensure that the council encouraged all believers (not just priests) to read the Scriptures constantly . His suggestion was taken up by three council theologians , Alois Grillmeier , Otto Semmelroth and Joseph Ratzinger , and found its way into the Dogmatic Constitution on divine revelation .

Pope Paul VI appointed Johannes Przyklenk on March 1, 1976 Vicar Apostolic of Tromsø . On February 19, 1977 he was reappointed Bishop of Januária. On July 20, 1983, he resigned from office.

Bishop Przyklenk died during the plenary assembly of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference ( Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil , CNBB) at Itaici Monastery in Indaiatuba. Thousands escorted him when the deceased was transferred to Januária and there was buried in the cathedral Nossa Senhora das Dores.

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  1. a b c Diocese de Januária: Bispos , accessed on June 8, 2020.
  2. a b Before an episcopal ordination in Kevelaer. A German missionary became a bishop in Brazil. In: Kirche + Leben from July 22, 1962.
  3. Josef Enssen: The mission forces active overseas from the diocese of Essen . Diocesan Office for World Mission in the Diocese of Essen, Essen 1970, p. 18.
  4. Jared Wicks: Scripture reading urged Vehementer (Dei Verbum No. 25): background and development . In: David G. Schultenover: 50 years on. Probing the riches of Vatican II . Michael Glazier, Collegeville 2015, ISBN 978-0-8146-8301-9 , pp. 365-390, here p. 378.