Joachim Müller (Germanist)

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Hermann Gotthold Joachim Müller (born July 12, 1906 in Oberwiesenthal ; † March 7, 1986 in Jena ) was a German specialist in German .


Originally from the Upper Ore Mountains , Müller studied at the universities of Munich, Heidelberg and Leipzig a. a. German studies . In 1930 he passed the state examination for higher education and received his doctorate from the University of Leipzig . He then became a trainee lawyer at the Thomasschule Leipzig. Then he went to the business school in Leipzig , from which he was dismissed in 1945 because of membership in the NSDAP , to which he had belonged since 1933. From 1937 to 1945 he was editor and co-editor of the 'Zeitschrift für Deutschkunde'. In 1944/45 he took part in the Second World War.

After his release from teaching in Leipzig, he went back to Oberwiesenthal, where he worked as a commercial clerk. In 1949 he took over the management of the Kulturbund in the district of Annaberg , which he held until 1951. From 1950 to 1960 he was a member of the National Democratic Party of Germany (NDPD).

In 1951 he was appointed professor for modern German literature at the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) in Jena . From 1952 he was director of the German Institute there, where he worked until 1968. In 1953 he completed his habilitation at the FSU with a thesis on Friedrich Hebbel .

From 1969 to 1971 he was still professor for German literature at the university mentioned, after which he retired at the age of 65.

From 1959 Joachim Müller was a full member of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig. His academic students include a .: Manfred Beyer, Edith Braemer, Helmut Brandt, Volker Ebersbach, Hans Jürgen Geerdts, Theodor Luthardt, Hans Heinrich Reuter, Hans Richter, Rainer Rosenberg, Klaus Schuhmann , Hans Günther Thalheim and Ursula Wertheim. The Leipzig writer Volker Ebersbach included his two early patrons in the field of German studies, Karl Görner and Joachim Müller, in his memorial work.

Fonts (selection)

Müller has written and edited almost 100 books. His brochure Yvan Goll in German Expressionism (Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1962) caused a stir among Germanists at that time and was sharply attacked at the University of Jena by the SED and the FDJ, among other things with the irrelevant reason that Müller had the poet Gottfried Benn , who spoke out in favor of the Nazis in 1933, but was then persecuted by them, mentioned and cited too uncritically. The bad air that was spreading in Jena German studies at that time has remained in the worst memory of the former student Volker Ebersbach .

Furthermore, von Müller has published numerous articles in the scientific journal of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (social and linguistic series) :

  • Heinrich Heine's path as a lyric poet; 1 (1951/52) 1, 17-27.
  • The poet and the real; 2 (1952/53) 1, 63-72.
  • The tragic and the tragic situation in Shakespeare's dramas; 2 (1952/53) 2, 73-100.
  • Two Schiller Studies; 2 (1952/53) 3, 93-109.
  • Revolution and Nation in Klopstock's Odes; 2 (1952/53) 4, 37-52.
  • Marx and Heine; 2 (1952/53) 5, 9-19.
  • Image and symbol of hope in Goethe's work; 3 (1953/54) 1, 109-114.
  • Adalbert Stifter's “Witiko” and the problem of the historical novel; 3 (1953/54) 2/3, 275-285.
  • Principles of a realistic aesthetic in Lessing's Hamburg dramaturgy; 3 (1953/54) 4/5, 451-454.
  • Address on the Day of the Republic on October 7, 1954; 4 (1954/55) 1/2, 73-76.
  • Four chapters from a Hebbel book; 4 (1954/55) 1/2, 99-143.
  • Healing and knowledge; 4 (1954/55) 3/4, 317-322.
  • Schiller's lyric art; 4 (1954/55) 5/6, 485-500.
  • The tragedy in Schiller's “Bride of Messina”; 5 (1955/56) 1, 61-71.
  • Man in the landscape. On Adalbert Stifter's poetic representation of nature; 5 (1955/56) 6, 631-647.
  • Heine's North Sea poems; 6 (1956/57) 1/2, 191-212.
  • On the development of German literature in the 20th century; 6 (1956/57) 3/4, 281-292.
  • Literary history and social problems; 7 (1957/58) 1, 173-179.
  • Romance and ballad. The question of their structures, presented in two poems by Heinrich Heine; 7 (1957/58) 2/3, 377-385.
  • Eduard Mörike, Erinna to Sappho. An interpretation; 7 (1957/58) 4, 553-558.
  • Dramatic and epic theater. On aesthetic theory and on the stage work of Bertolt Brecht; 8 (1958/59) 2/3, 365-382.
  • Schiller's Jena Decade; 8 (1958/59) 4/5, 407-412.
  • The hero and his opponents in Schiller's dramas; 8 (1958/59) 4/5, 451-469.
  • Tieck's novella “The Old Man from the Mountain”; 8 (1958/59) 4/5, 475-481.
  • Goethe's "Iphigenia"; 9 (1959/60) 3, 309-320.
  • Welcome address (at the opening of the Becher Conference); 10 (1960/61) 3, 375-378.
  • Becher's contributions to the twilight of mankind; 10 (1960/61) 3, 379-391.
  • Contribution to discussion; 10 (1960/61) 3, 476-477.
  • Contribution to discussion; 10 (1960/61) 3, 480.
  • Contribution to discussion; 10 (1960/61) 3, 486.
  • Final word; 10 (1960/61) 3, 489-490.
  • The humanistic program of the German classical period; 11 (1962) 2, 167-171.
  • In memoriam Hermann Hesse; 12 (1963) 2/3, 159-162.
  • Gerhart Hauptmann - Human Formation and Worldview; 12 (1963) 2/3, 163-172.
  • The figure of the drinker in German literature since naturalism; 1968, 17, 2: 255-267.
  • Schiller's Wallenstein as an example of a historical-literary portrait; 18 (1969) l, 165-168.
  • Main phases and basic tendencies in German literary history from 1748 to 1848; 18 (1969) 2, 145-165.
  • Hegel and the theory of the novel; 19 (1970) 4: 637-644.
  • Heine's Napoleon poem; 21 (1972) 2: 235-243.
  • On the figure of the gods in Hölderlin's late poetry; 21 (1972) 3, 413-420.
  • The cultural-political position of the essayist Heinrich Mann; 23 (1974) 1, 163-177.
  • Schiller, Goethe and Novalis in Jena; 1974, 23, 1, 179-200.
  • Goethe and Herder - the problem of their friendship; 24 (1975) 5/6, 673-696.
  • The cultural tradition in Erfurt from humanism to Goethe; 24 (1975) 5/6, 697-712.
  • On the history and consideration of history of conservative student corporations in the FRG; 31 (1982) 4/5, 617-621.


  • Michael Eckardt: Complete bibliography of the "Scientific Journal" of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (GS series) 1951–1990. Jena 2006, ISBN 3-935850-39-5 .
  • Günter Schmidt, Ulrich Kaufmann (Hrsg.): Ritt über den Bodensee - studies and documents on the work of the Jena Germanist Joachim Müller. Bussert and Stadeler, Jena; Quedlinburg 2006, ISBN 978-3-932906-71-8 .
  • Günter Schmidt: "Half the truth is not enough". The controversies with Joachim Müller in 1956/57 and 1962/63. In: R. Hahn, A. Pöthe (Ed.): "... and what kind of fights there were." Studies in the history of German studies at the University of Jena. Heidelberg 2010.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Members of the SAW: Joachim Müller. Saxon Academy of Sciences, accessed on November 18, 2016 .
  2. ^ Volker Ebersbach : The last journey of the Württemberg. Stories, memories. VentVerlag, Leipzig 2012, p. 150, ISBN 978-3-942560-05-4 .
  3. Günter Schmidt: "Half the truth is not enough". The controversies with Joachim Müller in 1956/57 and 1962/63. In: R. Hahn, A. Pöthe (Ed.): "... and what kind of fights there were." Studies in the history of German studies at the University of Jena. Heidelberg 2010, pp. 229-248.