Johann Albrecht Siegwitz

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Johann Albrecht Siegwitz (last name also Siegewitz ; * in Bamberg ; † 1756 or later, presumably in Breslau ) was a German sculptor who initially worked in Prague and from 1724 mainly in Breslau.



His exact life dates are not yet known. It is possible that he learned his trade in Prague and also worked there. It is first recorded for the year 1724. At that time, coming from Prague, he settled in Breslau, where he still lived in 1756. In Breslau he created sculptures with pronounced light-shadow effects that refer to the Prague school of the sculptors Ferdinand Maximilian Brokoff and Matthias Bernhard Braun . He created outstanding works for the then Jesuit University of Breslau with its Aula Leopoldina . His colleagues in Breslau included the Jesuit Christoph Tausch , Franz Joseph Mangoldt , Johann Georg Urbansky , Felix Anton Scheffler , Christian Philipp Bentum , Johann Christoph Handke and the stonemason Johann Adam Karinger . His clients were the Jesuits and other church institutions as well as noble families.

Works (selection)

  • Wroclaw:
    • Jesuit Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ( from 1819 Parish Church of St. Matthias ): carvings of the main altar (1722–1724); Franz Xaver Altar (1729–1734; together with Franz Joseph Mangoldt); Figures of St. Ignatius von Loyola and Francis Xavier on the triumphal arch; two angel groups (1726)
    • Main building of the university ( formerly Jesuit college )
      • Figures of the four cardinal virtues
      • Participation in the Oratorium Marianum
      • Figure of St. Ignatius in a niche on the southern front
    • Elisabethkirche: epitaph for Georg Teubner (1736) and epitaph for Johann Christoph Meyer (1749)
    • Breslau Cathedral : Epitaph for Provost Kornelius von Strattmann (after 1734)
    • Dominican Church: facade decoration (around 1740)
    • Nepomuk monument in front of the Kreuzkirche (now plac Kościelny ), together with Johann Georg Urbansky and Johann Anton Karinger based on a design by Christoph Tausch
    • St. Vinzenz , mausoleum based on a design by the architect Christoph Hackner for Abbot Ferdinand von Hochberg: four angels under the vault (contract of 1724, drawn up in 1727); on the outside: four sandstone figures with St. Barbara, Hedwig, Johann Nepomuk and Karl Borromeo.
    • Former summer palace of the Breslau bishops ( Websky-Schlösschen ): figures of the four seasons on the facade (1749/50)
  • In the vicinity of Wroclaw:

County of Glatz

  • Glatz , parish church Maria Himmelfahrt: carvings for the main altar designed by Christoph Tausch (1728/29)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Personal details
  2. Angel group
  3. Main portal on the south facade with the four cardinal virtues
  4. ^ Oratorium Marianum
  5. Epitaph for Johann Christoph Meyer