Johann Anton Gumpp

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Johann Anton Gumpp (* 27. April 1654 in Innsbruck ; † 28. March 1719 in Munich ) was a painter of Baroque , who was naturalized in Munich 1678th

life and work

Ceiling fresco in St. Florian Monastery
Mercury from a sequence of planets (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen)
Fresco from the sacristy of the former Carmelite Church in Munich
Ceiling fresco in the entrance area of ​​the Pagodenburg in the Nymphenburg Palace Park (Munich)

Gumpp came from a widespread family of artists, which can be traced back to Tyrol in the 16th century . He was one of the four sons of the court carpenter and architect Christoph Gumpp the Elder. J. (1600-1672). In Innsbruck, Gumpp was a student of Egid Schor , his brother-in-law, who came to Munich in 1685 to furnish the wedding of the Bavarian Elector Max Emanuel with the Austrian Emperor's daughter Maria Antonia . In Munich he was appointed princely court and chamber painter. Frescoes by him can be found in the St. Florian Monastery , in the Munich Residence , in the Munich Citizens' Hall and in Dachau Castle . In 1685, Gumpp designed a triumphal gate for Max Emanuel's wedding. In Lustheim Palace, the easternmost of the castles in the Schleissheim Palace complex north of Munich, he created four ceiling frescoes , including the fresco in Hall II, which shows the goddess Diana catching the Armenian tiger , in Hall III (punishment of the Ampelos ) and in Hall V. (Diana drives off in her car), for which he was paid on August 28, 1687. The framework architecture there is also attributed to him. He also made the ceiling fresco (Glory of St. Renatus) in the Renatus Chapel south of Lustheim Palace.

Other works :

  • Ceiling frescoes in St. Florian Monastery , Upper Austria , the splendor of the pioneering frescoes for Austria (Reclam's Art Guide Austria I).
  • Ceiling fresco in the sacristy of St. Florian Monastery.
  • Mercury and Mars (from a sequence of planets), again in the reconstructed four-bay hall of the Munich residence .
  • In Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, putti pictures in the northern anteroom (1701/1702) and ceiling pictures in the audience room, 1682. Frescoes in the stone hall of Nymphenburg Palace have been lost.
  • His last works include ceiling paintings in the Pagodenburg in the park of Nymphenburg Palace, which were created in 1718 and 1719, for example in a niche in the Blue Garden Hall.
  • In the Munich Bürgersaalkirche frescoes on the wall panels of the southern yokes (Immaculate, Birth of Mary, Temple aisle, Visitation of Mary, Presentation in the Temple, Mother of Sorrows), all heavily reworked.
  • In 1981 uncovered frescoes in the sacristy (now reading room) of the former Carmelite Church in Munich (around 1715/1719), showing Marian emblems and the help of the scapular in the dangers emanating from the four elements (Dehio Munich / Upper Bavaria).
  • In Dachau Castle, the ceiling painting in the stairwell (1716), of which only the two hall-side corner porches have survived.
  • A picture of Mary in the former collegiate church in Rottenbuch (now in the north transept).
  • Maria Altenburg in Moosach (Ebersberg district) : main frescoes (attributed).


Web links

Commons : Johann Anton Gumpp  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Luisa Hager: Nymphenburg Palace, Park and Castles . 1961, p. 35–36 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  2. Cover picture