Bürgersaal (Munich)

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The Bürgersaal in Munich , unofficially called the “ Bürgersaalkirche ” since the consecration of the high altar on May 13, 1778 , is the prayer and assembly hall of the Marian men's congregation “Annunciation” at the Bürgersaal in Munich . It was built in 1709/10 according to plans by Giovanni Antonio Viscardi . The hall has been used as a church since 1778.


Bürgersaal Munich

The Bürgersaal ( Neuhauser Straße 14) is located in the Kreuzviertel of the historic old town on the pedestrian zone near Karlstor .


Interior view against the high altar

After the old congregation hall became too small, the Sodals of the Marian Men's Congregation »Annunciation«, founded in 1610 , decided to build a new building. Since it was not initially intended for church services, the decision was made to locate it on the east-west thoroughfare of Salzstrasse in the immediate vicinity of the Jesuit monastery of St. Michael , in whose grammar school the Marian Men's Congregation had been founded. The Jesuits were also in charge of pastoral care. In this respect, the construction of the citizens' hall is financed privately by the Marian Congregation for Men. 1709–1710, during the reign of the Imperial Administration in Bavaria, Johann Georg Ettenhofer then built the building as foreman according to plans by the court builder Giovanni Antonio Viscardi .

During the Second World War , the Bürgersaal was destroyed in air raids in 1944, except for the outer walls; only the main facade remained undamaged. The Bürgersaal Church was the first of the Munich churches to be destroyed as early as 1945/46.


Guardian Angel, Ignaz Günther

Four obelisks crown the almost square, red and white painted baroque facade. It is two-story, is divided by double pilasters and thus follows the structure inside, which is divided into an upper church and a lower church. A figure of the enthroned Madonna and Child stands above the entrance. An inscription makes the dedication public, which extends over both friezes in gold letters: DIVAE MATRI VIRGINI / DEVOTI FILII DD. CC. MONAC. ANNO MDCCX - The sons of Munich [erected] this building to the Virgin Mother of God as [her] sons devoted to [her] in 1710.

The upper church corresponds to the citizens' hall before it was destroyed. Only the ceiling fresco "Mariae Himmelfahrt" ( Martin Knoller , 1773/74) was not reconstructed. The overall design comes from Johann Andreas Wolff. The original purpose as a hall, which is given a new orientation by the high altar in the north, is clearly recognizable.

The lower church consists of a windowless, three-aisled room that was only converted into a crypt together with the congregational printing house at the end of the 19th century . The Way of the Cross, inaugurated in 1898 by Archbishop Franz Joseph von Stein , was designed by the Munich architect Joseph Elsner and created by his colleague Hans Sprenger. The grave of the Jesuit and resistance fighter Rupert Mayer, who was beatified in 1987, is in the center of the altar .

Significant works

Grave of important people

Father Rupert Mayer


The organ of the Bürgersaalkirche was built in 1994 by the organ building company Vleugels (Hardheim) and dedicated to the blessed Father Rupert Mayer SJ. The instrument has mechanical key actions and electric stop action .

I main work C – a 3
1. Praestant 16 ′
2. Principial 8th'
3. Tibia 8th'
4th Gamba 8th'
5. Octave 4 ′
6th Pointed flute 4 ′
7th Vox angelica 4 ′
8th. Quint 2 23
9. Super octave 2 ′
10. third 1 35
11. Larigot 1 13
12. Cornet mixture III 2 23
13. Mixture V 1 13
14th bassoon 16 ′
15th Trumpet 8th'
II Positive C – a 3
16. Drone 16 ′
17th Violin principal 8th'
18th Reed flute 8th'
19th Principal 4 ′
20th Transverse flute 4 ′
21st Fifth flute 2 23
22nd Flautino 2 ′
23. Third flute 1 35
24. Sif flute 1'
25th Cymbal 1'
26th clarinet 8th'
27. Vox humana 8th'
III Swell C – a 3
28. Gamba 16 ′
29 Solo flute 8th'
30th Salicional 8th'
31. Vox coelestis 8th'
32. viola 4 ′
33. Flute 4 ′
34. Nasat 2 23
35. Piccolo 2 ′
36. violin 2 ′
37. third 1 35
38. Harmonia aeth. III 2 23
39. oboe 8th'
40. Clarine 4 ′
Pedal C – g 1
41. Principal bass 16 ′
42. Violonbass 16 ′
43. Sub-bass 16 ′
44. Fifth bass 10 23
45. Octave bass 8th'
46. Flute bass 8th'
47. Super octave bass 4 ′
48. Back set III 2 23
49. trombone 16 ′
50. prong 8th'


  • Klaus Gallas : Munich. From the Guelph foundation of Henry the Lion to the present: art, culture, history. DuMont, Cologne 1979, ISBN 3-7701-1094-3 (DuMont documents: DuMont art travel guide).
  • Lothar Altmann, Horst Th. Esterer, Christoph Kurzeder , Peter Linster SJ: Munich. Citizens' Hall. Church of the Marian Congregation for Men “Annunciation”. (Schnell, Art Guide No. 95), Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-7954-4134-0 .

Web links

Commons : Bürgersaal München  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Stations of the Cross
  2. ^ Architecture of the lower church
  3. https://www.mmkbuergersaal.de/buergersaalkirche/oberkirche/wallfahrtsorte.html
  4. ^ The Pater Rupert Mayer organ in the upper church. ( Memento from January 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive )

Coordinates: 48 ° 8 ′ 20.4 ″  N , 11 ° 34 ′ 5.6 ″  E