Joseph Elsner senior

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Übersee am Chiemsee: Interior view of the parish church of St. Nikolaus
Abtwil: Interior view of the parish church of St. Joseph

Joseph Elsner (also Josef Elsner ; born September 29, 1845 in Schlaney , Glatz district , province of Silesia ; † March 3, 1933 in Munich ) was an architect and church decorator of historicism and a representative of the Munich magistrate .


Joseph Elsner with his son of the same name

Elsner attended elementary school in Schlaney and began an apprenticeship as a carpenter and sculptor in the workshop of Franz X. Moschner in Baumgarten near Frankenstein , where he also remained employed as a journeyman. At the suggestion of Wilhelm Hauschild , who came from Schlegel and was already a famous history painter in Munich at the time , Elsner went to Munich in 1868. In addition to his work as a sculptor and draftsman, he attended public holiday and evening classes and expanded his knowledge as an intern at the Royal Art Academy and at the Polytechnic , where he took the subjects of structural engineering for architects, art history and building construction. In 1878 he became self-employed as an architect and opened a “Atelier for Christian Art” in Munich. One of his first students was Thomas Buscher , who later carried out several sculpting commissions for Joseph Elsner with his own studio. In 1892 Elsner took in his nephew Adalbert Wietek , who continued his apprenticeship as a carpenter in Elsner's workshops and later also became a well-known architect.

Elsner worked mainly for church clients from Munich, Upper and Lower Bavaria , the Bavarian Swabia and Silesia . He worked on several projects together with his mentor , the Munich architect Johann Marggraff . He was also given individual orders in neighboring countries. Numerous churches were rebuilt, rebuilt, stylistically changed or renovated according to his plans. From his workshop he supplied complete interior fittings or individual parts in all forms of historicism, which were made according to his drawings. Much of his historicizing church furnishings were removed around the middle of the 20th century because they no longer corresponded to contemporary tastes. Whilst, the neo-Gothic St. Nicholas Church in overseas , which had been built and 1902-1904 Elsner equipped, faithfully restored several years ago and in the monument list of on Monuments Bavarian State Office added. Elsner designed the neo-Gothic interior for the parish church of St. Joseph in Abtwil , Switzerland, built in 1903–1905 based on a design by August Hardegger , which was created in his workshops. From 1892 to 1898, the Way of the Cross for the lower church of the Munich Citizens' Hall was designed by Joseph Elsner .

Elsner always remained connected to his Silesian homeland. Despite the great distance he built or equipped several churches there, including a. in Bad Reinerz , Neurode , Schlegel, Niedersteine , Maria Schnee and in 1909 the branch church of the Birth of Mary in his home town of Schlaney.

Since 1875 Joseph Elsner was a member of the Munich Association for Christian Art . In the electoral period 1899–1905 he was a parish representative of the Second Chamber of the Munich Magistrate. He was second chairman of the district association of Catholic men's associations, had been a member of the board of directors of the Gesellenhausstiftung since 1892 and was a member of the Hansa Munich commercial association. For his services he received several awards, including the Order of St. Michael , the King Ludwig Cross and the papal order Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice .

Joseph Elsner died in Munich and was buried at the Sendlinger Friedhof . Bavarian Prime Minister Heinrich Held and Munich Mayor Karl Scharnagl as well as Father Rupert Mayer , the then President of the Marian Congregation of Men , took part in the funeral service .

Joseph Elsner was married to Walburga Hauser (1857–1924) from Munich since 1876. The marriage had 13 children, six of whom died in childhood. The business was continued by his son Joseph Elsner junior .

Other works (selection)


  • Hildegard Berning: Joseph Elsner (1845-1933). In: Joachim Bahlcke (Ed.): Schlesische Lebensbilder , Volume 9. Insingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-7686-3506-6 , pp. 293-304.
  • Association for Christian Art in Munich (Hrsg.): Festgabe in memory of the 50th. Anniversary. Lentner'sche Hofbuchhandlung, Munich 1910, p. 150.

Individual evidence

  1. J. Huber: Churches and Parishes in the Gaiserwald SG , Abtwil 2005
  2. Stations of the Cross
  3. Dehio , Bayern IV, p. 1150
  4. Dehio, Bayern IV, p. 504
  5. see list of monuments in Geisenfeld . In contrast, according to this web link [1], the renovation was carried out in 1880–1885; regotization is not recorded there.
  6. ^ New building St. Pankratius; accessed October 29, 2018 ( Memento of the original from October 29, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. high altar