Johann Baptist von Thurn and Taxis

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Prince-Bishop Johann Baptist von Thurn und Taxis (oil painting between 1754 and 1762)

Johann Baptist von Thurn und Taxis , also: Johann III. von Thurn-Valsassina , (born August 20, 1706 in Konstanz ; † June 3, 1762 ) was imperial count and from 1754 to 1762 bishop of Lavant .


Johann Baptist came from the marriage of Count Inigo Lamoral von Thurn und Taxis (1653–1713) and his second wife Maria Claudia Fugger von Nordenhof (1667 / 68–1721).

Johann Baptist Reichsgraf von Thurn und Taxis was ordained a priest in Salzburg on June 11, 1729 and later became canon in Salzburg. On February 4, 1754 he was appointed Bishop of Lavant ( Diocese Lavant , today Archdiocese of Maribor ). He received episcopal ordination on March 31, 1754 from Archbishop Siegmundus Christoph Graf von Schrattenbach (1698–1771).

Individual evidence

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