Johann Sigmund von Kuenburg

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Prince-Bishop Johann Sigmund von Kuenburg (right) with his Lavanter predecessor Franz Kaspar von Stadion (left) (oil painting around 1700)

Johann Sigmund von Kuenburg (also Johann Sigmund Graf von Kuenburg ; born September 20, 1659 in Graz ; † November 18, 1711 ) was Prince-Bishop of Lavant 1704–1708 and Prince-Bishop of Chiemsee from 1708–1711 .


Johann Sigmund came from the older Styrian line of Kuenburg . He was Count von Kuenburg, Freiherr in Küenegg, Lord in Prunsee, Rabenhofen, Kopreining and Ottersbach. His father, Sigmund Ludwig Freiherr von Kuenburg, was in the imperial service and worked as a treasurer, court chamber councilor of Inner Austria and landscape president of Styria . In 1665 he acquired the title of imperial count and from 1669, in addition to his other offices, he was also the inheritance gift of the Archbishopric of Salzburg . Johann Sigmund's mother was Anna Maria von und zu Eibiswald .

Johann Sigmund von Kuenburg had been canon in Salzburg since 1675 , where he enrolled in the same year to study both rights. In 1679 he studied in Siena . In 1682 he was provost at the Salzburg collegiate monastery Beatae Mariae Virginis ad nives ( snow gentlemen ). From 1681 he was domicellar in Eichstätt , which he gave up in 1684 to become canon in Passau . In 1686 he was appointed court chamber councilor in Salzburg, where he was ordained a priest on March 15, 1687.

After the death of Lavant Bishop Franz Caspar von Stadion , the Salzburg Archbishop Johann Ernst von Thun appointed Johann Sigmund von Kuenburg as his successor on February 22, 1704. The confirmation took place on March 27th. J. and the inauguration on May 23, 1704. Even before that, he was appointed to the Salzburg Secret Council.

On April 1, 1708 Archbishop Thun nominated him to succeed the Chiemsee Bishop Sigmund Carl von Castel-Barco , which is why he resigned himself to the diocese of Lavant. After confirmation on June 6th. The installation followed on July 25, 1708. In the same year he was promoted to President of the Privy Council and governor . Even before his inauguration, in May 1708 he visited the Augustinian canons of Herrenchiemsee and in 1709 he called a diocesan synod to St. Johann in Tirol , on which statutes were adopted that took into account the resolutions of the Council of Trent and the Salzburg provincial synods. In 1710 he was appointed president of the court chamber, but died a year later. His body was buried in Salzburg Cathedral .


  • Erwin Naimer: Kuenburg, Johann Sigmund Freiherr (imperial count since 1665) von (1656–1711). In: Erwin Gatz (Ed.): The Bishops of the Holy Roman Empire. 1648 to 1803. A biographical lexicon. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-428-06763-0 , pp. 245-246.

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