Johann Christian Gustav Lucae

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Johann Christian Gustav Lucae, photograph around 1876
His grave in Frankfurt's main cemetery is one of the city's graves of honor

Johann Christian Gustav Lucae (also Gustav Lucae or Lucä ; born March 14, 1814 in Frankfurt am Main ; † February 3, 1885 ibid) was a German doctor and anatomist . Lucae was director of the Institute for Anatomy at the Senckenberg Institute in Frankfurt am Main until 1885 and worked primarily on the anatomy and pathology of the skull.


Johann Christian Gustav Lucae was born in Frankfurt am Main, the son of Samuel Christian Lucae . He attended the municipal high school . In 1833 he began his studies of medicine in Marburg and Würzburg and 1839, in Wurzburg with a thesis entitled "De symmetria et asymmetria organorum animalitatis, Imprimis the skull," a work on special anatomical abnormalities of the head doctorate .

In 1840 Lucae settled in Frankfurt as a doctor. In 1841 he joined the Senckenberg Natural Research Society and since 1845 has been a lecturer at the Senckenberg Institute for pathological lectures. In 1851 he became a lecturer at the Institute for Anatomy and shortly thereafter director of the Anatomical Institute until his death, in 1863 he was appointed professor. Since 1869 he has also lectured on artist anatomy at the Städel Art Institute . He was a member of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors .

The lawyer Friedrich Lucae was his brother. He is also a descendant of the chronicler Friedrich Lucae .


As an anatomist and pathologist, Lucae focused primarily on the anatomy and embryology of the skull, i.e. craniology , and published mainly on this topic. Further work dealt with pathological anatomy and embryology as well as comparative zoology. He also worked with the sculptor Eduard Schmidt von der Launitz on improving the drawing method of anatomical representations.


In 1880 he was elected a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . From 1870 he was a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .


Web links

Commons : Johann Christian Gustav Lucae  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Julius Pagel:  Lucae, Johann Christian Gustav . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 52, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1906, p. 111.
  2. ^ A b Johann Christian Gustav Lucae in the portrait collection of the Senckenberg Foundation
  3. Members of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors 1857
  4. W. Bickerich: Friedrich Lucäs trip to Lissa to 1672. In: Historical monthly sheets for the province of Posen , born 8 (1907), S. 130th
  5. ^ Member entry of Johannes Christian Gustav Lucae at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 25, 2015.
  6. ^ Carl von Voit : Johann Christian Gustav Lucae (obituary) . In: Meeting reports of the mathematical-physical class of the KB Academy of Sciences in Munich . tape 15 , year 1885, p. 176–178 ( online [PDF; accessed March 9, 2017]).