Johann Eduard Herberger

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Johann Eduard Herberger (born July 31, 1809 in Kempten ; † March 14, 1855 in Würzburg ) was a German pharmacist, chemist and trade teacher.

Live and act

Johann Eduard Herberger was born in Kempten (Allgäu) as the son of a royal court doctor. After attending school in Kempten and Lindau, he learned the profession of pharmacist in the Würzburg Juliushospital pharmacy and then spent a pharmacy assistantship in Strasbourg . He cultivated scientific exchanges with Pierre-Jean Robiquet in Paris and with Johann Andreas Buchner in Munich, whose collaborator he became after passing the pharmacist's exam in the early 1830s. Herberger obtained a doctorate in philosophy in Munich in 1831. He published his essential pharmacological work as a collaborator in the "Repertory for Pharmacy" published by Buchner.

In 1832 he married a niece of Buchner and took over a pharmacy in Rheinzabern . In 1836 he moved to Kaiserslautern , where in 1843/44 he was rector and teacher of chemistry at the newly founded district agricultural and trade school. In 1848 he was appointed full professor at the University of Würzburg for technology, then agriculture and forestry. From 1851 he was rector of the Würzburg district agricultural and trade school.

On November 30, 1840, Johann Eduard Herberger with the academic surname Trommsdorf was accepted as a member (matriculation no. 1476) of the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina .

Works (selection)

  • Überlingen and its healing spring . W. Wallis, Konstanz 1831 (digitized version)
  • Systematic and tabular overview of the chemical structures of organic origin with precise details of their properties in the state of simplicity and in that of connection with other bodies. For practical chemists, for doctors and pharmacists, edited according to the most excellent sources and with reference to their own experience . Joh. L. Schrag, Nuremberg
    • First delivery in 1831. The electropositive organic-chemical structures .
    • Second delivery 1836. The electronegative organic-chemical structures .
    • A planned third delivery on "neutral and indifferent organic-chemical structures" has not appeared.
  • Ceremonial address to the members of the local technical section of the Palatinate Society for Pharmacy and Technology and the Basic Sciences in Kaiserslautern. Held on November 14, 1841. Kaiserslautern 1842 (digitized version)

Herberger's contributions to the "Repertory for Pharmacy" (selection)

  • Volume 32 (1829), pp. 30–42: On the knowledge of alcohol (digitized version ) , p. 347–357: Some about pyrothonides (digitized version )
  • Volume 33 (1830), pp. 1–24: Analysis of the common Hyssops (Hyssopus officinalis Linné), and discovery of a new subalkaloid (digitized) , p. 214–221: Contributions to the history of the pyrothonides (digitized)
  • Volume 34 (1830), pp 22-58: Chemical analysis of the Quendels (digitized) , 131-137: Chemical history of sage camphor (digitized) , p 150: Subsequent note about the Pyrothonide (digitized) , S 150–151: Lithion in the lava from Aetna (digital copy ) , p. 313-314: About the use of the juice of Rhamnus catharticus as a chemical reagent (digital copy)
  • Volume 35 (1830), pp. 363-372: About the bitter substances of the cucurbitaceae family , in particular about the Colocynthin (Coloquintenbitter) (digitized version )
  • Volume 36 (1830), pp. 1-53: Together with Johann Andreas Buchner. Chemical treatise on the barberry root (digitized) , p. 226-237: About the bitter substance of Icelandic moss ( Cetraria islandica ) (digitized) , p. 353-367: About the Urari-Sipo of the Tecunas Indians (v. Cocculus Amazonum M.?) And on the bark of Rouhamon (Strychnos) Gujanensis Aubl., In chemical and toxicological relation (digitized version )
  • Volume 37 (1831), pp. 17–35: Chemical analysis of the dragon's blood (digitized version ) , pp. 36–58: Together with Johann Andreas Buchner. About Cyclamen europaeum (digitized version ) , pp. 58–77: Together with Johann Andreas Buchner. About the peculiar salicin (digitized version ) , pp. 203–217: Together with Johann Andreas Buchner. About Jalappin and Euphorbiin, as a contribution to the knowledge of the drastic resins (digitized version )
  • Volume 38 (1831), pp. 183-189: Chemical comparisons of some types of rhubarb roots (digitized version ) , pp. 189-197: Together with Johann Andreas Buchner. About the representation of oxalic acid through the decomposition of vegetable matter using potash (digital copy ) , pp. 337–360: Together with Johann Andreas Buchner. Comparative chemical analysis of the Muscovite rhubarb and the pilot root , with regard to the chemical constitution of the barberry root (digitized version ) , pp. 381–395: Together with Johann Andreas Buchner. Contributions to a closer knowledge of the antimony (digitized version)
  • Volume 39 (1831), pp. 37-47: About the representation of the aloe bitters for medical purposes (digital copy )
  • Volume 44 (1833), pp. 59–73: The chlorophyll in the three stages of its development, its flowering and its finite metamorphosis (digitized version)
  • Volume 45 (1833), pp. 110-113: Notes on iodic acid, gray mercury ointment, falsified gold-sulfur, and the solubility of lead oxide in water (digital copy )
  • Volume 47 (1834), pp. 19–38: Knowledge of the Arabic and Senegal gum (digitized version )
  • Volume 48 (1834), pp. 1–38: The root cortex of the white diptam , in a chemical and therapeutic relationship (digitized version ) , p. 101–120: Chemical and pharmacological notes (digitized version ) , p. 382–391: About zinc oxide ( Digitized)
  • Volume 49 (1834), pp. 14–38: For technical, economic, medical and chemical knowledge of the more common algae, with special consideration of Korigeen's or Irish pearl moss (digitized version ) , continued p. 184–201: (digitized version ) , conclusion p . 376–394: (digitalisat) , pp. 238–249: Mixed experiences about mercury iodine, mineral kermes , arsenic acetic acid, gray mercury ointment, thickened ox bile, Rad. Ninsi etc. (digitalisat)
  • Volume 51 (1835), pp. 266-269: Correspondence about salicin a. Populin in the leaves of Populus alba; Alantcamphor and kryst. Alanthine; Peucedanine; Drying out of the copper oxide hydrate (digital copy)
  • Vol. 52 (1835), pp. 309-327; For chemical knowledge of the fired Kropf sponges (digitized) , pp 397-400: Briefliche communications on the aroma and bitter substance of the May-flowers , over the constituents of the Aloe and the extraction of the . Taraxaci wheel (digitized)
  • Volume 55 (1836), pp. 361–362: Preliminary note on cetrarin (digitized version )
  • Volume 56 (1836), pp. 265-318: Chemical investigations on several, mostly crystallizable, plant substances (digitized version )
  • Volume 57 (1836), pp. 210–214: Practical remarks in relation to plant analysis (digitized version ) , p. 214–220: About the preparation of iron wines (digitized version )
  • Volume 58 (1836), pp. 271-273: Letter communication about a new way of preparing the cetrarin; voluntarily sublimated benzoic acid and extr. myrrhae from bad myrrh variety (digital copy )
  • Volume 66 (1839), pp. 1-23: The flowers and bracts of Tilia vulgaris Hayne ; chemically examined (digitized version ) , pp. 256–259: Chemical analysis of pig gallstones. A letter note (digitized version)
  • Volume 71 (1840), 122–124: Notes on the preparation of potassium cyanide and potassium carbonate (digitized version )
  • Volume 79 (1843), pp. 236–240: Contributions to the knowledge of the composition of the blood and urine of bleach addicts and the effect of iron preparations in chlorosis (digital copy )

Herberger was editor of the following magazines

  • Together with FL Winckler. Yearbook for practical pharmacy and related subjects. Published by the Pharmaceutische Gesellschaft Rheinbayerns. Bauer, Ludwigshafen, 1st year (1838) (digitized) to 10th year (1847) (digitalized)
    • In it u. a .: 1st year (1838), pp. 157–188: Chemical treatise on salicin (digitized version ) ; 2nd year (1839), pp. 319–340: About the milk of women and animals (digitized version )
  • General magazine for agriculture and related items . CG Kunze, Mainz. Volume 1 (1844) (digitized version) and Volume 2 (1845) (digitized version)
  • German general journal for technical trades. CG Kunze, Mainz Volume 1 (1844) (digitized version) , Volume 2 (1845) (digitized version)


  • Ludwig Franz Bley (1801–1868). Biographical monument. Johann Eduard Herberger . In: L. Bley (Ed.). Pharmacy Archives . Hahn, Hanover 1855, Volume 133, pp. 81–85 (digitized version )
  • Ludwig Andreas Buchner . Johann Eduard Herberger . In: New Repertory for Pharmacy . Ch. Kaiser, Munich 1855 (Volume 4), pp. 140–144 (digitized version )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Daniel Ferdinand Neigebaur : History of the Imperial Leopoldino-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists during the second century of its existence . Friedrich Frommann, Jena 1860, directory of the members of the academy, according to the chronological order, p. 268 ( ).
  2. Review in: JA Buchner (Ed.) Repertorium für die Pharmacie , Volume 41 (1832), pp. 444–448 (digitized version )
  3. Review in: JA Buchner (Ed.) Repertorium für die Pharmacie , Volume 56 (1836), pp. 257–261 (digitized version )
  4. Review in: JA Buchner (Ed.) Repertorium für die Pharmacie , pp. 417–421 (digitized version )
  5. Review in: JA Buchner (Ed.) Repertorium für die Pharmacie , Volume 86 (1844) pp. 421–424 (digitized version )