Johann Jakob Rüttimann

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Johann Jakob Rüttimann around 1875

Johann Jakob Rüttimann (born March 17, 1813 in Regensberg ; † January 10, 1876 in Enge , today Gem. Zurich ) was a Swiss politician, member of the Council of States and twice (1850/1851 and 1865/1866) its president. He was a representative of liberalism .


His political career began in 1844 when he was elected to the Zurich cantonal parliament, the then Grand Council . Also from 1844 he was a member of the government of the Canton of Zurich and from 1845 a representative of the Canton of Zurich at the Swiss Federal Diet . After 1848 he was Zurich's representative on the Council of States for a total of 13 years .

From 1844 on, Rüttimann, who started working as a substitute for the land clerk (his father's) at the age of 16 and only later learned the profession of lawyer in accompanying studies, taught Zurich private law at the University of Zurich (there was no federal private law yet). After 1855 he was a lecturer in constitutional law at the newly founded ETH Zurich . He was also a federal judge from 1848 to 1854 (that year as its president) and co-founder of the Zurich-Bodenseebahn in 1953.

Between 1844 and 1872 Rüttimann was a liberal Grand Councilor of the Canton of Zurich and between 1844 and 1856 a member of the government (1850–1856 director of the judiciary) of the Canton of Zurich.

A deep friendship connected him with his political opponent, the six years younger business leader and railway entrepreneur Alfred Escher .

See also

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Riccardo Jagmetti : Johann Jakob Rüttimann - Designer of modern Switzerland. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . October 26, 2018.