Johann Kasimir Mieg

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Johann Kasimir Mieg or Johann Casimir Mieg (born October 6, 1712 in Heidelberg , † September 28, 1764 in Herborn ) was a German Reformed preacher , theologian and university professor .


Mieg came from a wide area, which originally from Strasbourg family Mieg . He was the son of the theology professor Ludwig Christian Mieg and grandson of the theology professor Johann Friedrich Mieg the Elder . He graduated from the Heidelberg grammar school, studied at the University of Heidelberg from 1726 , then from 1728 in Zurich , Bern and at the University of Basel and returned to his hometown in 1732. There he passed the theological exam on March 26, 1732. He then completed his studies at the universities of Marburg and Halle .

Mieg was appointed associate professor of philosophy at the University of Herborn in 1733 and promoted to full professor in 1734 . In 1743 he followed a call as professor of theology and linguistics at the university in Lingen and as a preacher for the Reformed community there. In 1757 he followed a call back to the Herborn University as a professor of theology. He also became the first pastor of Herborn.

The director of the Electoral Palatinate Marriage Court Johann Friedrich Mieg was his brother, the Reformed preacher, Freemason and Illuminate Johann Friedrich Mieg his son.

Works (selection)

  • Constitutiones servi Hebraei, ex Scriptura et Rabbinorum monumentis collectae, nec non cum ceterarum gentium consuetudinibus hinc inde collatae , Herborn 1735.
  • Prologus meditationum de differentia eruditionis scholasticae et aulicae sive prima scientiarum elementa , Herborn 1736.
  • Demonstratio philosophica hominem objectum scientiae nostrae inprimis practicae sistens , Herborn 1737.
  • Demonstratio secunda genuinam speculationum et intellectus humani notionem exhibens , Herborn 1738.
  • Commentatio theologico-practica de veritate in praecordiis objecta εὐαρεστίας divinae ad Ps. 51, 8 , Lemgo 1749.
  • Primae lineae de ministerio verbi in spiritu et veritate , 2 volumes, Lingen 1751–1752.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Fuchs:  Mieg (family). In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 17, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-428-00198-2 , pp. 467-469 ( digitized version ).