Johann Klein (glass painter)

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Johann Evangelist Klein (also: Johannes Klein ; * August 7, 1823 in Vienna ; † May 8, 1883 in Venice ) was an Austrian painter with a focus on church glass paintings and a university professor .


Johann Evangelist Klein studied in Vienna at the Academy of Fine Arts , where Joseph von Führich was one of his teachers. In 1848 he participated as a member of the Academic Legion in the revolution of 1848/1849 in the Austrian Empire . From 1854 he taught first as a drawing teacher at the secondary school in Schottenfeld . In the following years he devoted himself to the study of Gothic art and specialized in the designs for church glass windows and mosaic paintings. He created numerous cardboard boxes for church windows in Austria and Germany, including windows in Cologne Cathedral and St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna.

Klein died shortly before the completion of the cardboard boxes for the tower window cycle of Cologne Cathedral on a trip to Venice.

Works and drafts (selection)


  • Johann Klein, Carl Lind: Church art. Cartons for glass mosaic, panel painting etc. I. – III. Episode, Perles, Vienna 1880/84, ( urn : nbn: de: bvb: 22-dtl-0000003679 ).


Individual evidence

  1. Short obituary: Johannes Klein †. , Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung . May 26, 1883, p. 190, accessed December 18, 2012.
  2. Ulrike Brinkmann: Cologne Cathedral. Retrieved October 22, 2019 .