Johann Nepomuk von Raiser

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Epitaph of Johann Nepomuk von Raiser at the church of the Hermanfriedhof in Augsburg

Johann Nepomuk Franz Anton Raiser , from 1820 Knight von Raiser (born September 25, 1768 in Freiburg im Breisgau ; † May 14, 1853 in Augsburg ), was a German historian and archaeologist.

The administrator

Raiser studied law in Freiburg, Upper Austria, and received his doctorate there in 1792. In 1795 he became a senior official in Stockach, the capital of the Upper Austrian county of Nellenburg . Here he experiences the two battles near Stockach between Austria and France , which occurred in 1799 and 1800. In 1802 he was transferred to Günzburg in the margraviate of Burgau , also in Upper Austria , where he was also a councilor of appeal in 1803 . When in 1805 part of Upper Austria was incorporated into the Kingdom of Bavaria , he switched to the Bavarian civil service. In 1808 he advanced to the position of district director of the Oberdonaukreis based in Ulm . In 1817 he was then government director of the province of Swabia and Neuburg in Augsburg and from 1830 deputy to the regional president. In 1838 he retired.

The historian and archaeologist

In addition to his administrative duties, Raiser worked as a historian and was in contact with a number of history scholars and archivists, such as Joseph von Hormayr and Franz Josef Mone . He participated in the description of the Upper Swabian authorities Biberach , Blaubeuren , Ehingen , Riedlingen , Wangen , Waldsee , Tettnang . In 1822 he was one of the founders of the Roman Museum in Augsburg, which housed the Antiquarium Romanum , a collection of Roman stone monuments that had already been started by Konrad Peutinger . In 1828 he was the initiator of the historical and antiquity bureau from which the historical association for Swabia later emerged. From 1823 he was a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .

The main focus of his research was the Romans in Swabia and the history of Upper Austria. Last but not least, Raiser also built a considerable numismatic collection.


Raiser received the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown in 1820 and was thereby raised to the personal nobility status as "Knight of Raiser". In 1834 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown and in 1838 with the Order of Merit of St. Michael .

Origin, marriage and offspring

Raiser was born the son of the Freiburg merchant Isidor Raiser and his wife, the officer's daughter Eva Reinhard. In 1795 Raiser married Josephine Schill, the daughter of a professor at the Freiburg University Hospital . He had a son with her, Ludwig, who later became a district judge.


A detailed catalog of works is printed in Hormayr's "Pocket Book for Fatherland History". Below is just a small selection:

  • The Roman antiquities in Augsburg, and other memorials of the Upper Danube District .
  • Guntia, and stranger events in the Danube city of Günzburg, in the vicinity, and in the margraviate of Burgau; Description of the Roman antiquarian shop in Augsburg; and new finds of Roman and German antiquities in Augsburg, and in the neighborhood , Augsburg 1823 ( online in the Google book search ).
  • The Upper Danube District of the Kingdom of Bavaria under the Romans , Augsburg 1830–1832.

In addition to the catalog raisonné, there is also an overview of Raiser's handwritten collections from state, monastery and private archives in southern Swabia, northern Switzerland and all of the former Upper Austria.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Homepage of the association .
  2. s. Volume 29, 1840, pp. 238–241 ( online in Google Book Search ).
  3. s. Hormayr pp. 241-282.