Johann Peter Bucher

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Johann Peter Bucher

Johann Peter Bucher (born August 10, 1740 in Kassel , † April 25, 1820 in Marburg ) was a German legal scholar.


Johann Peter was the son of the surgeon and landgrave Hessian valet Johann Friedrich Bucher († December 26, 1780 in Kassel). From 1755 he attended the Pädagogium Carolinum in Kassel where, among others, Justus Heinrich Wetzel (1701–1771), Johann Gottlieb Stegmann (1725–1795) and Carl Prizier (1726–1781) directed his training. On April 24, 1757 he enrolled at the University of Göttingen , where he was taught by Samuel Christian Hollmann in the philosophical sciences, by Christian Friedrich Georg Meister (1718–1782) in the legal institutions, Pandekten and embarrassing law, with Georg Heinrich Ayrer with the studied German and private law, with Georg Ludwig Böhmer with feudal and canon law and with Heinrich Christian von Selchow the German private law, as well as completed the legal internship with Justus Claproth .

From 1760 he had received a position as private tutor with the Count von Bentheim in Steinfurt, became second professor of law at the Arnoldinum grammar school on October 8, 1763 and received his doctorate on November 17, 1763 under Alexander Wynand Pagenstecher (born September 30, 1723 in Hamm; † August 23, 1796 in Harderwijk) at the University of Harderwijk as a doctor of law. On September 9, 1771 he became professor of law at the Hammonense grammar school in Hamm, and on August 18, 1772 he took over the third full professorship of law at the University of Rinteln . On September 28, 1774 he was also given the task of university syndic and on September 5, 1773 became a member of the Latin Society in Altdorf .

On October 28, 1797, he moved to the University of Marburg as Professor of Law , where he taught Catholic and Protestant canon law, German private law with fiefdom law, commercial and exchange law, forest and mining law and the institutions and Roman legal history. In Marburg he participated in the organizational tasks of the university. In 1801, 1805, 1809, 1813, 1816 and 1820 he was Dean of the Marburg Faculty of Law and in 1803 Vice-Rector of the Alma Mater. After he was appointed a secret councilor on June 2, 1815, he suffered from increasing health problems and went blind.


On April 14, 1773, Bucher married Luise Klara Wilhelmine Krieger in Rheda, the eldest daughter of the Count of Bentheim's government councilor W. Krieger. There are children from the marriage. We know of these:

  • Friedrich Wilhelm Jakob Bucher (born June 10, 1774 in Rinteln, † January 16, 1839 in Herford) lawyer, 1815 director of the city and regional court of Herford, September 1, 1827 Dr. jur.
  • Catharina Justina Bucher (* December 4, 1778 in Rinteln; † August 15, 1782 ibid)
  • Karl Franz Ferdinand Bucher (born June 14, 1786 in Rinteln, † February 3, 1854 in Erlangen) lawyer. Professor of Law in Halle and Erlangen, married around 1809 to Henriette Weber, the only daughter of the pastor in Berna Christian Heinrich Weber
  • Friederike Charlotte Amalie Bucher (born November 20, 1775 in Rinteln, † December 10, 1854 in Marburg) married. November 4, 1798 with Karl Wilhelm Justi (born January 14, 1767 in Marburg; † August 7, 1846 ibid)

Works (selection)

  • Oratio de juribus S. Rome. Imp. Comitum regnantium antiqui stemmatis et insigni inter hos aliosque comites differentia. Steinfurt 1763
  • Meditatio jurid. inaug de poena talionis. Harderwijk 1763
  • Continuatio meditationis jurid. de poena talionis. Steinfurt 1764 (Resp.Rudolph Gempt)
  • Progr. De Medico digno politiae objecto. Steinfurt 1765
  • Progr. I de regula juris pontificii: Spoliatus ante omnia restituendus. Seinfurt 1765, 1766
  • Progr. De justo civitatis rectore. Steinfurt 1766
  • Disquis. jur. I. de notione atque effectu infamiae; qua lectiones suas academicas incipiendas indicat. Steinfurt 1766
  • Disquis. jur. II. De notione atque effectu infamiae; qua lectiones suas academicas incipiendas indicat. Steinfurt 1766 (Resp.Lubert Stuermann (Gildehausen-Bentheim))
  • Treatise on the Wisdom of a Regent, an invitation. Scripture to be heard. a speech on the birthday of Count Carl von Bentheim. Steinfurt 1767
  • Oratio de moralitate precum pro salute principis. Steinfurt 1768
  • Progr. De ceremoniali SRI Comitum antiqui stemmatis in melius reformando. Steinfurt 1768
  • Progr. De sponsionibus. Steinfurt 1679
  • Diss. Jur. de imputatione actionis in ira comissae. Steinfurt 1770 (Resp. Dieter Broeker)
  • Diss. De philanthropia hosti et haeretico haud, deneganda. Seinfurt 1770 (Resp.Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Gerstein (Rheda - Westphalia))
  • Disquis. utrum feudum foemininum statim reddatur, si femina aliquando admissa. Rinteln 1772
  • Diss. Utrum moto concursu usurarum cursus sistatur? Rinteln 1774 (Resp.Johann Heinemann)
  • Diss. De arbitrio judicis non omnimode arbitrario. Rinteln 1776 (Resp. Christian Schumann (Eschwege, Lic. Jur.))
  • Progr. De divisione statuum Imperii RG in Corpus Evangelicorum et Catholicorum et legibus fundata et unitati Reipublicae nostrae non repugnante. Rinteln 1777
  • Diss. De jure capitulandi et adcapitulandi. Rinteln 1780 (Resp. Christian Ferdinánd König)
  • Diss. De diversa homagii in IRG indole diversiaque ejus effectibus. Rinteln 1784
  • Progr. De functionum publicarum seu operarum territorialium indole finibusque earum recte regundis. Rinteln 1785
  • Dissertatio Inavgvralis De Infanticidio A Matribvs In Recens Natos Infantes Commisso Et Qvibvsdam Eivs Impediendi Remediis. Rinteln 1785 (Resp.Karl Gottlieb Daniel Clauder, online )
  • Progr. De seditione coercenda ad Art. 127 CCC. Rinteln 1793
  • Progr. In obitum D. & Prof. Jur. Caroli Guil. Wippermann. Rinteln 1797
  • Diss. Inaug. de compromissi recepti atque laudi qualitatibus & effectibus. Rinteln 1797 (Resp.JGL Wippermann)
  • From the church stalls, especially after the Electoral Saxon and Princely. Hesse-Casselian rights. In: Materials for all parts of the ministry of a preacher Volume I, Issue 3
  • From the bell bag. In: Materials for all parts of the ministry of a preacher Volume I, Issue 3
  • The baptism, according to the common, but especially Electoral Saxon and princely. Hessen-Cassel. Considered right. In: Materials for all parts of the ministry of a preacher Volume I, Issue 3
  • The Lord's Supper, after the common, especially Electoral. and princely Hessen-Cassel. Right. In: Materials for all parts of the ministry of a preacher Volume II, Book 1 & 2
  • On the right of funerals. In: Materials for all parts of the administration of a preacher Volume II, Issue 3
  • Legal notices about church visits. In: Materials for all parts of the ministry of a preacher Volume IV, Issue 3
  • The simony, considered according to canonical and Protestant principles. In: Materials for all parts of the administration of a preacher Volume IV, Book 4
  • Of the year of death and grace due to the parish widows and children. In: Materials for all parts of the ministry of a preacher Volume VI, Book 2


Web link

  • Books in the German Digital Library