Johann Rudolph Chotek von Chotkow

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Johann Rudolph Chotek von Chotkow

Johann Nepomuk Rudolph Count Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin (born May 17, 1748 in Vienna ; † August 26, 1824 there ) was a finance expert for the House of Habsburg and Oberstburggraf in the Kingdom of Bohemia .

Origin, family and descendants

Rudolph came from the old Bohemian noble family of Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin from the ancestral seat Chockow near Radnitz ( Pilsen district ) in western Bohemia and was the son of Johann Karl Count Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin (1704–1787), imperial governor of the Upper Palatinate , general field warden , Bohemian-Austrian court chancellor, and his wife Anna Maria Theresia Countess von Kottulinsky von Kottulin and Krzizkowitz (1711–1798), widowed Countess Browne de Hautois, a family from Silesia. Johann Nepomuk Rudolph Count Chotek married Countess Maria Sidonia von Clary-Aldringen on May 18, 1772 in Vienna , a daughter of Prince Franz Wenzel von Clary-Aldringen and Countess Maria Josepha von Hohenzollern-Hechingen . Their marriage has eight children. The family of Counts Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin was divided into four lines by four of their sons .

  • 1. Johann Nepomuk Joseph (* 1773, † 1824), Kk Chamberlain, President of the Poor Support Association and honorary citizen of Prague , married in 1799 to the graphic artist Maria Isabella von Rottenhan (* July 6, 1774 in Prague, † December 14, 1817 ibid), a daughter from the 2nd marriage of Heinrich Franz von Rottenhan with Auguste Elisabeth Freiin von Sickingen . The couple founded the I line of Count Chotek.
  • 2. Joseph (* 1776; killed in the Battle of Wagram in 1809), married to Sophie, Princess of Auersperg . They are the founders of Line II of the Counts Chotek.
  • 3. Aloysia (* 1777), married to Karl Josef Fürst von Clary-Aldringen
  • 4. Wenceslas († 1807), unmarried
  • 5. Ferdinand Maria Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin (born September 8, 1782 in Vienna, † August 5, 1836 in Prague), Bishop of Tarnów in Galicia, then Archbishop of Olomouc in Moravia
  • 6. Karl Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin (* 1783, † 1868), Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, Kuk Privy Councilor and Chamberlain, Governor of Tyrol and Vorarlberg, 1826 to 1843 Oberstburggraf in Prague and Gubernial President in the Kingdom of Bohemia , married to Marie Countess Berchtold Freiin von Ungarschitz, Pulitz and Fratting. The couple is the founder of Line III of Count Chotek.
  • 7. Theresia (* 1785), canon
  • 8. Hermann Count Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin (* 1786, † 1822), Kk chamberlain and colonel, married to Henriette Countess Brunswick von Korompa. They are the founders of line IV of the Counts Chotek, from whose marriage there are three children:
    • (1). Hermine (* 1815), lady of the Star Cross, married to Franz (the elder) Count Folliot von Czenneville († 1888), Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, K. and k. Real privy councilor, chief chamberlain, general-Feldzeugmeister, adjutant general of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Habsburg-Lothringen
    • (2). Otto (* 1816, † 1896), major, member of the Austrian manor house and
    • (3). Rudolph Graf Chotek (* 1822, † 1903), hereditary member of the Hungarian magnate house, married to a Countess von Kevenhüller-Metsch, whose daughter Gabriele Countess Chotek (* 1868) was married to Franz Graf von Schönborn, and her daughter Marie Countess von Schönborn (* 1897) married in 1924 the Knight of Honor of the Order of Malta Alexander Margrave Pallavicini , their only son Alexander Margrave Pallavicino-Terlago-Chotek von Chotkowa and Wognin (born January 4, 1936 in Vienna) as a result of the will of his great-uncle Rudolph Count Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin received the name of the old Bohemian noble family Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin . The son Rudolph (1870–1921), from the marriage of Rudolph Count Chotek and a Countess von Kevenhüller-Metsch, on Futtak and Korompa, was K. and k. Until 1918, the end of the First World War . Chamberlain, privy councilor and hereditary member of the Hungarian magnate house, married to Irma Maria, née Countess Raday von Rada, who was married to Dr. med. Ernst Jürgensen remarried.

Live and act

Johann Nepomuk Rudolph Count Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin (1748-1824) was the heir of the Fideikommiß Jeniowes ( Jeviněves ) and Weltrus ( Veltrusy ) in Central Bohemia and knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece . After legal training in the administrative civil service since 1770, he became court counselor in the Bohemian court chancellery in Prague in 1776 and court chancellor there under Emperor Josef II (HRR) . In 1789 he resigned from service due to differences in reforming the taxation system and devoted himself to the administration of the large estates with the expansion of road connections and the promotion of the textile industry using the latest technology. Under Emperor Leopold II (HRR) in 1790 he became head of the newly established Finanzhofstelle, 1792/1793 President of the Court Chamber, from 1802 to 1805 State Minister and Oberstburggraf in Bohemia, was a member of the Conference Ministry from 1805 to 1809, after the Peace of Schönbrunn in 1809 President of the Court Commission in Political Law Matters and President of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences.
