Ferdinand Maria Chotek by Chotkow

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Ferdinand Maria Graf Chotek, lithograph by Franz Eybl , around 1830
Archbishop's coat of arms

Ferdinand Maria Graf Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin (born September 8, 1781 in Vienna , † September 5, 1836 in Prague ) was Bishop of Tarnów and Archbishop of Olomouc .


Ferdinand Maria came from the old Bohemian noble family Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin from the ancestral seat Chockow near Radnitz in western Bohemia and was a son of the Gubernial President in the Kingdom of Bohemia and kuk State and Conference Minister Johann Rudolph Count Chotek von Chotkow and Wognin (1748-1824) and his wife Maria Sidonia Countess von Clary-Aldringen , daughter of Franz Wenzel Fürst von Clary-Aldringen and Maria Josepha, born von Hohenzollern-Hechingen , had seven siblings and was the grandson of Johann Karl Count Chotek von Chotkowa and Wognin (1704–1787), u . a. imperial governor of the Upper Palatinate , married on May 25, 1740 in Vienna to Anna Maria Theresia Countess Kottulinsky von Kottulin (* 1771, † 1778), widowed Countess Browne de Hautois, a family from Silesia .


Count Ferdinand Maria Chotek of Chotkowa and Wognin was after studying theology at Charles University in Prague and Promotion to doctor of theology and philosophy on December 29, 1805 priests ordained , was a canon in Passau , Prague and 1806 in the fortress Olomouc in Moravia . On April 14, 1817 he was appointed titular bishop of Ptolemais and auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Olomouc . The episcopal ordination took the Olomouc Bishop Maria Thaddeus of Trautmannsdorff with the assistance of the Bishop of Brno , Wenzel Urban of Stuffler before. Bishop Ferdinand Maria von Chotek became director of the philosophical studies of the Roman Catholic Faculty of the kk Franzensuniversität in Olomouc , today's Palacký University Olomouc , in 1830 cathedral provost and from 1831 to 1836 successor to Prince-Archbishop Rudolf of Austria (1788-1831) of Habsburg-Lorraine . On September 30, 1831, Count Chotek von Chotkowa and Wognin was appointed bishop of the Tarnów diocese in Galicia . On February 24, 1832 was the solemn enthronement as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Olomouc. He was count of the royal Bohemian court orchestra .

After 1831 Prince-Archbishop Ferdinand Maria von Chotek took over the management of the diocesan ironworks Rudolfshütte, the Witkowitzer Eisenwerke near Mährisch-Ostrau , founded by Prince-Archbishop Rudolf of Austria-Tuscany under his own direction and leased it in 1835. This industrial complex was added in 1842/1843 sold to the banker and industrialist Salomon Rothschild . Ferdinand Maria Count Chotek von Chotkowa and Wognin - he wrote himself "Chotek von Choczkowa and Wognin" - died of cholera during the coronation celebrations for the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I (* 1793, † June 29, 1875) in Prague in 1836 .


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predecessor Office successor
Gregor Thomas Ziegler Bishop of Tarnów
Franciszek de Paula Pisztek
Rudolf of Austria-Tuscany Archbishop of Olomouc
Maximilian Joseph Gottfried von Sommerau Beeckh