Johannes Daniel Benda

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Johannes Daniel Benda (born July 12, 1849 in Wittenberge , † December 3, 1927 in Lübeck ) was a German lawyer and politician .


Benda was the son of the director of the Lübeck-Büchener Railway Anton Ferdinand Benda (1817-1893) and visited the Katharineum in Lübeck until 1869 . He began his law studies in Bonn and Heidelberg and completed it in Leipzig and Göttingen after the Franco-German War . 1873 doctorate he became Dr. iur. After the state examination he became a lawyer in Lübeck in 1874 . In 1879 he was accepted as a local judge in the Lübeck judicial service and in 1890 judge at the Lübeck district court . From 1901 until he retired in 1920 he was the first public prosecutor at the Lübeck Regional Court .

The national conservative Benda was elected to the Lübeck citizenship in 1883, in the following year he became a member of the citizens' committee and spokesman there several times. He was a member of the citizenry until 1919. He shaped the life of the city in particular, through his prominent positions in a large number of associations and associations of the bourgeoisie.

At the end of 1897, Wilhelm Christian Cuwie , Theodor Sartori , Wilhelm Brehmer , Hermann Baethcke and Ernst Stiller were elected as civil members of the joint commission for the tendering of the imperial monument . He and Julius Vermehren had been appointed as their substitutes. You should opt for a massive Uechtritz Kaiser Wilhelm monument . It was only Eduard Kulenkamp , chairman of the Society of Friends of Art , who succeeded in “liberating” the city from this. Kulenkamp was granted recognition by being appointed to the new commission for building regulations for an imperial monument.

Benda was chairman of the Father City Association from 1883, the Society for the Promotion of Charitable Activities and its director, the Lübeck section of the Schiller Foundation and master of the chair of the Masonic Lodge Zur Weltkugel .

Benda was strongly influenced by a personal friendship with the Lübeck national poet Emanuel Geibel and was interested in all questions about the Lübeck theater through his own lively lectures and collaboration in the editorial team of the Lübeckische Blätter . As a conservative reviewer, however, he was unable to assert himself against the trends of the day even in Lübeck. In 1890 his argument with the young Heinrich Mann caused a sensation ; the Lübeck author Ida Boy-Ed described his conception of literature as "beauty fuss"

Like his father, Benda was honored by the Senate with the highest award in Lübeck, the Bene Merenti commemorative coin .

He was married to Therese, born in 1879. Shearling. The couple had three children: Rosa (1880–1963), who married Heinrich Sieveking ; Emanuel (1881–1947), lawyer and notary in Lübeck, and Gertrud, who married the Swiss architect Jakob Haller.

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Individual evidence

  1. Local Notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter ; Volume 40, number 2, edition of January 9, 1898, p. 15.
  2. ^ Association of Art Friends. In: Lübeckische Blätter ; Volume 67, number 6, edition of February 9, 1902, p. 68.
  3. ^ Alken Bruns: Johannes Daniel Benda . In: Biographisches Lexikon für Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck Volume 11. Karl Wachholtz, Neumünster 2000, ISBN 3-529-02640-9 , pp. 26-29