Johannes Leonhardi

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Johannes Leonhardi (* around 1720 in Filisur ; † January 15, 1808 in Waltensburg ) was a Swiss Reformed pastor .


Johannes Leonhardi was born in Filisur in the canton of Graubünden around 1720 and studied at the University of Zurich from 1741 . In Malans GR , he was accepted into the Evangelical-Rhaetian Synod on June 20, 1743 , which allowed him to accept a pastor's position in the canton. So he took over a pastorate in Safien . In 1745 he moved to the parishes of St. Peter-Pagig , Pagig and Molinis . He then worked in Sagogn , Sufers , Waltensburg and Stampa in order to become both pastor and Anstistes in Davos in 1773 . During this activity he campaigned against pietism .

Leonhardi criticized the pastor of Glaris , Hartmann von Moos after a funeral sermon; Von Moos resisted it on November 26th, 1775, but the following year he was forced to resign from the pastor's office. Leonhardi, however, retained his position, and in 1787 he was also appointed Dean of the Ten Courts Association . Two years later he was assigned the parish of Peist ; in this year and in the following year, 1790, he alternated with Johann Martin Leonhardi to take care of the community in Arosa .

In 1794 Leonhardi resigned from the office of dean and was reassigned to the community of Waltensburg the following year. He held this position until his death on January 15, 1808. He is one of the most important Graubünden opponents of Pietism and the Moravian Brethren .


  • Speech given publicly, on the occasion, as a laudable evangel. The ethics committee was held in relation to the disputes that had arisen because of the so-called Moravian-minded clergy who were gathered here in Chur. A. 1775, the 5/16 Hornung (1775)
