Josef Michels

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Josef Michels (born July 4, 1910 in Borbeck , † December 7, 1964 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German writer .


Josef Michels came from a working class family. After attending grammar school in Borbeck , from 1929 he studied German , French and philosophy at the universities in Bonn , Paris and Erlangen. In 1933 he earned his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Erlangen with a thesis on Goethe's Werther . He then made articles for various newspapers and worked as a lecturer at the Hamburg Adult Education Center and in Essen . From 1938 he lived in Vienna , where he worked as an editor for a newspaper. In the fall of 1940 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht . After initially serving as an artillery soldier , he was later used as a war correspondent for the infantry on the Eastern Front and in the Balkans . In January 1944 he was seriously wounded and retired from the Wehrmacht.

After 1945 Michels worked as a freelance writer and journalist and later lectured at the University of Hamburg . From 1952 he was head of the adult education center and the city ​​youth welfare office of the city of Münster / Westphalia . His last place of residence was Freiburg im Breisgau.

In addition to literary studies, Josef Michels published novels and short stories .


  • The Kiesschlucht , Essen 1933
  • Goethe's Werther , Kiel [a. a.] 1936
  • Adalbert Stifter , Berlin [a. a.] 1939
  • Flames in the Emscherbruch , Munich 1940
  • The pond , Munich 1942
  • Life gained , Munich 1944
  • Striking weather , Paderborn 1947
  • Clemens Brentano , Münster 1948
  • The Forge of God , Düsseldorf 1948
  • Orel three times , Recklinghausen 1952

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