Joseph Eutych Kopp

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Joseph Eutych Kopp

Joseph Eutych Kopp (born April 25, 1793 in Beromünster , † October 25, 1866 in Lucerne ) was a Swiss historian , poet and politician .

Live and act

Joseph Eutych Kopp, son of a smallholder family, first attended the local Abbey School in Beromünster , then the Lucerne Lyceum . From 1812 to 1814 he studied ancient languages ​​at the University of Freiburg with Johann Leonhard Hug . From 1814 to 1815 he studied in Paris with his brother. Then he was a teacher in Aarau , Hofwil and Zurzach . From 1819 to 1865 he worked as a professor for ancient languages ​​at the Lyzeum Lucerne. The theologian Johann Huber was among his students here .

From 1828 to 1831, Kopp was Lucerne Councilor, 1831 and 1841 Constitutional Council. From 1841 to 1845 he was a member of the conservative-democratic government council and president of the education council. Kopp also wrote poems and dramas . As a historian, he introduced exact and critical source research ; he rejected everything mythical, transfigurational and not verifiable in documents.

His comprehensive life's work was the documents on the history of the federal leagues and the history of the federal leagues , which showed a new perspective on the formation of the Confederation . In contrast to Johannes von Müller and other historical researchers, Kopp attached great importance to the original sources, which he constantly questioned in detail. He eliminated the popular elements of the liberation tradition such as the tell saga or the Rütli oath , he assessed the previously ostracized Habsburgs positively, polemic debates within and outside of scientific circles were the result.

In 1843 he was a co-founder of the Historical Association of the Five Places . He was a member of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin, Vienna and Munich and an honorary doctorate from the University of Basel . In 1852 he turned down an offer to Vienna . He had a close friendship with the historian Johann Friedrich Böhmer . He kept in touch with historians of his time on research trips to the archives.


Web links

Wikisource: Joseph Eutych Kopp  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Heidi Bossard-Borner: Article on Kopp, Joseph Eutych in the HLS