Joseph Schneider (lawyer)

from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Joseph Schneider (born October 26, 1900 in Diedenhofen , Lorraine , † June 7, 1986 in Bonn ) was a German lawyer and the first president of the Federal Social Court .

Schneider studied law in Bonn and became an active member of the Catholic student association K.St.V. Arminia in KV . From 1931 he was a consultant in the Prussian Ministry of the Interior , in 1935/36 he was a department head in the government of the Rhine Province in Aachen . He then worked in the Reich Insurance Office until 1939 and until 1942 as a consultant for all aspects of social security at the Reich Protector for Bohemia and Moravia . In 1942 he was appointed head of the social insurance section in the Ministry of Economy and Labor in Prague . In this position he worked until the end of National Socialism . It was here that Schneider also met Franz Nüsslein , whose position in the Foreign Service of the Federal Republic of Germany was expressly supported by Schneider.

In 1947, Schneider became senior director of the Olpe district , and in 1950 head of the department for general administration and legal affairs in the newly formed Federal Ministry of Labor .

In 1954 he was finally appointed the first President of the Federal Social Court, which he chaired until 1968.



Web links

  • Joseph Schneider's curriculum vitae on the website of the Independent Historical Commission for Research into the History of the Reich Ministry of Labor 1933–1945

