Julius Hirschwald

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Julius Hirschwald. Photography by Julius Cornelius Schaarwächter

Julius Hirschwald (born February 14, 1845 in Lauenburg in Pomerania , † April 14, 1928 on a trip from Tenerife to Berlin ) was a German crystallographer , mineralogist and petrographer .


Hirschwald studied mineralogy , geology , chemistry and related subjects at the universities of Berlin , Tübingen and Zurich . During his studies he became a member of the Germania Berlin fraternity in the winter semester of 1864/65 . He obtained his doctorate in philosophy ( Dr. phil. ) In Tübingen in 1868 with his dissertation “About the genetic axes of orthometric crystal systems”. Just two years later he received his habilitation and in 1875 he was appointed professor of mineralogy and geology at the Gewerbeakademie Berlin .

Hirschwald is one of the co-founders of the Technical University of Berlin and the Institute for Mineralogy and Geology, where he also held a chair from 1886 . During this time he succeeded in building up one of the most important mineralogical collections, which he gradually expanded to include the fields of technically usable mineral raw materials and their semi-finished and finished products.

His research focused initially on crystallography and mineralogy. When in 1893 he became a member of the “Commission for the determination of a procedure for the investigation of natural building stones for their resistance to weathering”, he extended his research to the field of structural rock science and rock testing and developed a new laboratory for technical rock testing, which in 1926 was taken over as an important part of the materials testing office in Berlin-Dahlem (today the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing ).

His grave is in the Zehlendorf cemetery in Berlin.


  • About the genetic axes of the orthometric crystal systems . Dissertation, Berlin 1868 (digitized version)
  • Handbook of structural rock testing ... Borntraeger, Berlin 1912.
  • Guiding principles for the practical assessment, appropriate selection and processing of natural building blocks . Borntraeger, Berlin 1915.
  • Instructions for pyrochemical analysis for chemists, mineralogists and smelters . Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin 1920. (3rd verb. Edition of the systematic solder tube analysis )



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Directory of the old fraternity members. Edition 1925/26. Frankfurt am Main 1925/26, p. 182.
  2. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 674.

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