Julius Kleinmichel

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Sunday afternoon on Grafenberger Chaussee

Ferdinand Julius Theodor Kleinmichel (born March 5, 1846 in Rodzonne near Graudenz , Marienwerder district ; † August 12, 1892 in Munich ) was a German painter and graphic artist.


Born the son of a chief forester and orphaned at an early age, Kleinmichel came to live with relatives in Königsberg . He began his studies at the Königsberg Art Academy with Karl Ludwig Rosenfelder .

After the death of his foster parents in 1871, Kleinmichel came to Berlin .

At the invitation of Johann Arthur Severin Nikutowski , Kleinmichel visited Düsseldorf . He spent four years in a hospital bed because of a foot ailment. During this period he supplied drawings to various magazines, including a. at home in Leipzig , where he held the post of artistic director from 1878. In Leipzig he married Selma Dunsky from Tbilisi .

He was friends with the poet and youth writer Julius Lohmeyer (1835–1903) and illustrated his writings, including the magazine Deutsche Jugend . Kleinmichel also illustrated Im Flügelkleide by Victor Blüthgen , The world from the window by Johannes Trojan a . a. Children's books.

From 1882 in Munich he devoted himself to painting, showing his works in the Munich Glass Palace and in the gazebo .


Web links

Commons : Julius Kleinmichel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files