Kölle Foundation

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About 1898: For donations in favor of Kölle-pin in the garden churches - Municipality issued postcard ;
Collotype , Verlag Karl F. Wunder

The Kölle Foundation in Hanover , also Kölle pen called, is a late 19th century founded Foundation in the garden churches - community that asylum offers for old ladies. Initially, the facility was located at Dieterichsstraße 11 Lage , a former garden people path in what is now the Mitte district .


The Kölle Foundation was founded in 1890 at the will of the married couple Johann Heinrich and Luise Kölle in order to be able to offer old women accommodation.

A multi-image postcard made towards the end of the 19th century by the photographer Karl Friedrich Wunder , which was issued as a thank you for a donation as a "building block for the further development of the Kölle Foundation [...]", shows, among other things, a garden house- like residential building as well as a multi-storey building marked as “ Deaconess Station Nazareth ”.

The foundation's administrative board was chaired by a member of the City of Hanover's magistrate , from 1906 to 1907, for example, the Senator “[...] Dr. Mertens ”.

In 1914 an architectural competition for designs for a new community and monastery house for the garden church community was announced.

Towards the end of the Weimar Republic , the premises of the Kölle Foundation still offered 12 accommodation places. At the time of National Socialism and during the Second World War , the address book of the city of Hanover in the Köllestift listed the caretaker and a pensioner, mainly widows and women .

More recently, the Köllestiftung of the Ev.-luth. Garden Church of St. Mary - now one of several dependent foundations in the Lutheran Evangelical City Church Association Hannover - at the address Marienstrasse 35 , also the address of the architect Eberhard Hillebrand built also in 1890 - listed - rectory at garden cemetery . location

Web links

Commons : Kölle Foundation (Hanover)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Administrative report of the Magistrate of the Royal Capital and Residence City of Hanover 1906 - 1907 , Hanover: H. Eberlein, 1908, p. 578; Preview over google books
  2. a b Compare the information in the address book from 1942
  3. a b Compare the information on the picture postcard from Karl F. Wunder
  4. ^ Helmut Zimmermann : Dieterichsstraße , in ders .: The street names of the state capital Hanover . Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 61
  5. Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung , Volume 34, Ernst & Korn, 1914, p. 659 and others; Preview over google books
  6. Statistical Yearbook of the City of Hanover , ed. from the Statistical Office of the City of Hanover, 1930, p. 159; Preview over google books
  7. oV : Foundations of the page stakvb.landeskirche-hannovers.de , last downloaded 13 April 2017
  8. Gerd Weiß , Marianne Zehnpfennig: Garden Church and Garden Cemetery , in: Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany , Monuments in Lower Saxony, City of Hanover (DTBD), Part 1, Volume 10.1, ed. by Hans-Herbert Möller , Lower Saxony State Administration Office - Institute for Monument Preservation , Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig 1983, ISBN 3-528-06203-7 , pp. 65f .; as well as in the middle of the addendum to part 2, volume 10.2: List of architectural monuments according to § 4 ( NDSchG ) (excluding architectural monuments of the archaeological monument preservation ), status: July 1, 1985, City of Hanover , Lower Saxony State Administration Office - publications of the Institute for Monument Preservation, p. 3ff.