Papen's cabinet

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The Papen Cabinet; standing from left: Gürtner (justice), Warmbold (economy), von Schleicher (Reichswehr); sitting from left: von Braun (nutrition, agriculture), von Gayl (interior), von Papen (chancellor), von Neurath (exterior); missing: von Krosigk (finance), Schäffer (work), von Eltz-Rübenach (transport, post)

The Papen Cabinet , a presidential cabinet , was the government of the German Empire of the Weimar Republic from June 1, 1932 to December 3, 1932. The cabinet, headed by the noble Franz von Papen as Reich Chancellor and almost exclusively , became of contemporaries non-party ministers with noble descent or academic background belonged, also mockingly referred to as the Cabinet of Barons . According to the former Papen employee Fritz Günther von Tschirschky , the name was invented by the National Socialist head of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels , and was later picked up by the government's social democratic and communist opponents.

Von Papen's cabinet

The Papen cabinet was formed on the initiative of Kurt von Schleicher , who worked in the background and who had also chosen von Papen. Besides the non-party members, only the German Nationals were represented in the government, to which they contributed three ministers. Most of the members of the government were virtually unknown to the general public at the time of their appointment. Even conservatives saw the government as a temporary solution. The right-wing publicist Edgar Julius Jung , for example, when the cabinet list was presented to him by a friend on June 1st during a lecture in front of the Dortmund Industrial Club, the verdict: “I know almost all of them, they are characters who pass by. This government is of a transitory nature. What will come after her? "

The presidential cabinet only lasted six months. The reason for this was that it could not find a majority in the Reichstag and, according to Schleicher's simulation game Ott, President Paul von Hindenburg considered a breach of the constitution by ignoring a vote of no confidence by the Reichstag or a coup d'état as too dangerous. Eventually it was replaced by the Schleicher cabinet .


Reich Minister

Papen cabinet
June 1, 1932 to December 3, 1932
Federal Archives Image 183-1988-0113-500, Franz v.  Papen (cropped) .jpg
Franz von Papen independent
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath
from June 2, 1932
Wilhelm Freiherr von Gayl.JPG
Wilhelm Freiherr von Gayl DNVP
Ludwig Schwerin from Krosigk.jpg
Johann Ludwig Graf Schwerin von Krosigk
from June 2, 1932
economy Hermann Warmbold independent
job Hermann Warmbold was entrusted with running the business
until June 5, 1932
Hugo Schäffer
from June 6, 1932
Federal Archives Image 183-H13466, Franz Gürtner.jpg
Franz Gürtner
from June 2, 1932
Kurt von Schleicher independent
post Office Paul Freiherr von Eltz-Rübenach independent
traffic Paul Freiherr von Eltz-Rübenach independent
Food and Agriculture Magnus Freiherr von Braun DNVP
Reich Minister without portfolio
Federal Archives Image 183-2007-1009-501, Franz Bracht.jpg
Franz Bracht (since October 29, 1932) independent
Reich Minister without portfolio
Federal Archives Image 183-H27728, Johannes Popitz.jpg
Johannes Popitz (since October 29, 1932) independent

Officials of the Reich Chancellery

Officials of the Reich Chancellery
State Secretary of the Reich Chancellery Erwin Planck
Joint service with Reich Chancellor and State Secretary Ministerial Director Edwin Pukass
Speaker Ministerialdirektor Viktor von Hagenow (put into temporary retirement on July 1, 1932)
Speaker Ministerialrat Othmar Feßler
Speaker Ministerialrat Heinrich Vogels
Speaker Ministerialrat Richard Wienstein
Speaker Ministerialrat Edwin Pukass
Speaker Higher Government Councilor Hans Thomsen
Speaker Senior Government Councilor Curt Walter
Speaker Upper Government Councilor Otto Westphal
Speaker Senior Government Councilor Joseph Krebs
Ministerial Office Director Rudolf Ostertag
Press chief of the Reich government Ministerial Director Heinrich Ritter von Kaufmann-Asser (until August 17, 1932)
Press chief of the Reich government since August 17, 1932: Ministerialdirektor Erich Marcks

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Fritz Günther von Tschirschky: Memories of a high traitor . 1972, p. 81.