Karl Anton Theodor Rethwisch

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Theodor Rethwisch

Theodor Rethwisch (born January 30, 1824 in Rendsburg , † February 17, 1904 in Flensburg ) was a German customs officer and local poet in Holstein.


Captive ships off Copenhagen, including the Hulk Dronning Marie

Rethwisch was the second son of Peter Rethwisch , a military musician in the Duchy of Holstein . He had married on October 30, 1821. On his mother's side, Theodor Rethwisch was a close relative of Theodor Körner .

Theodor attended private schools between the ages of 4 and 13 and then went to the garrison school in Rendsburg until confirmation (1840). He then worked as a clerk at customs for eight years , from 1843 in Flensburg. At the beginning of the Schleswig-Holstein uprising , in March 1848, he joined the Jäger Corps under Major Michelsen as an officer candidate. Michelsen was killed in the Battle of Bau . Rethwisch fell into Danish captivity and came across the Hulk Dronning Marie, who was lying in front of Copenhagen . During the five months in prison he had intensive contact with members of the Corps Holsatia (Slesvico-Holsatia). Released in September 1848, he was hired as a customs officer by the Provisional Government . In October he came to the Glückstadt customs district as a border customs guard . When the uprising failed and the war was lost, Rethwisch was dismissed by the Danes in 1852. He was then a farmer until the end of 1859. At the beginning of 1860 he was employed by the Altona magistrate as a clerk at the city treasury. There he became a member of the Altona Masonic Lodge Carl zum Felsen . The Hamburg-American Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft hired him in 1863 as steward. On the steamship TEUTONIA he made seven trips to New York and one trip to Grimsby .

After the Austro-Prussian victory in the German-Danish War , Rethwisch was able to return to his profession. The highest civil authority of the Duchy of Schleswig sent him to Sylt in July 1864 as a customs controller . Customs administrator since 1866, he was appointed head of the telegraph station and administrator of the postal expedition in Keitum . From mid-July 1864 he was a correspondent for the Altona Mercury . In 1867 he came to Hadersleben as the acting head tax inspector . There he became customs administrator in 1875 and later chief customs inspector at the main customs office. On February 27, 1884, he received the title of Tax Council. In 1894 he retired. On February 6, 1904, he took part in the 40th memorial service for the Battle of Oeversee . He died eleven days later at the age of 80 in Flensburg.


Rethwisch was particularly active as a poet in the early 1860s. In December 1861 appeared first in the flying sheets in verballhorntem petuh written ballad Niels Sorensen and his son Soren Nielsen (reprint 1925). It was so successful that Julius Stettenheim made Rethwisch a permanent employee of the Hamburg Wasps . The Szüdjyllanske Correspondenzer des Sören Sörensen now appeared in almost every issue of this satirical weekly . The unique, effective seals became extremely popular. They were discussed in the Hamburger Nachrichten , in the Freischütz , in the Hamburg newspaper Reform , and in Ernst Kossak's Berliner Post (formerly Monday Post ). Rethwisch wrote Low German prose and poetry for Dörre's folk calendar and for two years of the reform calendar . His mocking song Die Löwe tod lives on in the Corps Holsatia .

“When Schleswig-Holstein was again at the mercy of its oppressors in 1852 after three years of unsuccessful struggle,“ the abandoned fraternal tribe ”sought after the first pain of cheated longing for a consolation, if only weak, in satire, for which the measures of the Preachers and officials sent into the country by Danes provided never-ending material. But no one knew how to hit this time of Danish mismanagement with the arrow-biting wit more sharply than Theodor Rethwisch: he was an undaunted fighter for the just cause of his enslaved fatherland. ... His poems deserve the fame of having made a major contribution to revitalizing the declining popular mood due to the hesitant behavior of the German Confederation towards the anti-German activities of the Eider Danes , until the longed-for help finally came. With the peace agreement , Rethwisch left the battlefield. His poems were combined by Stettenheim in 1865 into a booklet that now celebrates its resurrection in this issue. "

- Karl Bruges (1914)



  • Rethwisch, Karl Anton Theodor , in Eduard Alberti (ed.): Lexicon of the Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers , 2 volumes. 1st edition, Kiel, 1867–1868, p. 258; 2nd edition, Kiel, 1885–1886, p. 170.

Web links

  • Franz Brümmer: Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present , vol. 5th, 6th edition Leipzig, 1913. German Text Archive (DTA)

Individual evidence

  1. a b Karl Brügge in the biographical foreword of the reprint Gammel Sören Sörensen published by him . Poems by Theodor Rethwisch . Flensburg 1914.
  2. ^ Martin Rackwitz / City Archives Kiel
  3. a b Kiel University Library digital


  1. ^ Day of death according to information from the Flensburg City Archives
  2. Eleven siblings were baptized in the Christkirche (Rendsburg) : Ernst (April 25, 1822), Carl Anton Theodor (February 26, 1824), Peter Heinrich (January 16, 1826), Nanni Gertrude Friedericke (1828; † 1842), Emma Maria Christiane Johanna (1830); Friedrich Carl Gustav (1832 - 1833), Clara Friedericke Christiane (1834), Hans Georg Gustav (1836), stillborn daughter (1838), Carl Wilhelm Hermann (1839) and Heinrich August Hermann (1843 - 1846). - Archive / parish registry office Rendsburg-Eckernförde
  3. ^ Sören Johann Dietrich Michelsen
  4. ^ Altonaer Mercur (Society for Schleswig-Holstein History)
  5. Hans-Dieter Loose: On the function of Low German in the caricatures of the Hamburg newspaper "Reform" (SUB Hamburg)