Karl Ludwig von Plehwe

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Karl Ludwig von Plehwe (born September 24, 1834 on Gut Dwarischken near Schirwindt , East Prussia ; † December 6, 1920 in Königsberg ) was a German judge at the Königsberg Higher Regional Court . As such, he was the last Chancellor in Prussia .


He came from an East Prussian noble family , mentioned as early as 1712 with Adam von Plehwe on the Dwarischken fiefdom , and was the son of Karl Siegfried von Plehwe (1790–1879), lord of the Dwarischken manor and member of the Prussian House of Representatives , and Amalie Eckert (1802 -1882). Karl Ludwig's uncle was Lieutenant General Bernhard von Plehwe , Major General Karl Bernhard von Rosenbusch born. von Plehwe was a great-uncle.

Plehwe married on July 5, 1876 in Königsberg Sophie von Goßler (1845–1879), the daughter of the Higher Regional Court President Gustav von Goßler (1810–1885), Chancellor in the Kingdom of Prussia and Crown Syndicate , and Sophie von Mühler (1816–1877). His son was the DNVP politician Karl von Plehwe (1877-1958).


Plehwe attended high school in Gumbinnen and studied law in Berlin from 1853 and in Bonn from 1855. There he became a member of the Alemannia Bonn fraternity in 1855 . He was a year old volunteer with the 2nd Guards Regiment on foot in Berlin and became captain of the Landwehr . In 1856 he passed his first exam. In early 1862 he was appointed court assessor. In May 1864 he became an assistant public prosecutor in Ortelsburg, in 1867 a public prosecutor in Mohrungen, in 1870 in Memel, and in 1878 in Tilsit. There he initially stayed with the judicial reorganization. In 1880 he was transferred to Königsberg in the same capacity and in November 1887 was appointed president of the district court in Braunsberg. In 1890 he became senior public prosecutor at the Königsberg Higher Regional Court and was its president from 1899 to 1912. Plehwe was appointed to the Real Secret Higher Justice Council and in 1908 became Chancellor in the Kingdom of Prussia.

Plehwe was a landlord in Dwarischken and in the years 1898–1903 and 1907–1918 a member of the Prussian mansion as a representative of the old and fortified property in Lithuania.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Family tree of the Plehwe family.