Karl Lukits

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Karl Lukits (born February 26, 1921 in Jennersdorf ; † September 21, 1994 in Berlin ) was a German politician ( CDU ). From 1950 to 1954 he was a member of the People's Chamber of the GDR .


Lukits was born in Austria, spent his childhood in Styria and lived in Vienna for years . He attended elementary and middle school and became a basket maker. He later graduated from the technical college for trade and became a businessman. During the Second World War he had to do military service in the Wehrmacht .

After the end of the war, in May 1945, because of love, he walked from Czechoslovakia to Brandenburg in the Soviet zone of occupation . His first job was looking after returnees in a camp. A few months after the Soviet military administration with Order No. 2 allowed the formation and activity of anti-fascist parties and the CDU had been founded, he joined it as a young Christian. He made himself available to the Antifa youth committee and was one of the founders of the Free German Youth (FDJ) in 1946 . In June 1946 he took part as a delegate to the first parliament of the FDJ in Brandenburg.

Lukits did party work in West Havelland, was a member of the Brandenburg State Secretariat of the CDU and was appointed to the CDU's main office in Berlin in 1948 (until September 1949). He participated in the People's Congress movement and was a member of the German People's Council from March 1948 to July 2, 1948 . From spring 1949 he acted as 2nd chairman and from September 1949 to May 1954 as chairman of the CDU district committee Berlin-Mitte (successor to Franz Nitt ). From 1949 he worked for several years as a district councilor for social and health services in Berlin-Mitte.

From 1950 to 1954 he was a Berlin representative with the mandate of the FDJ of the People's Chamber of the GDR. In May 1952 he was appointed to the executive CDU city council in Berlin, of which he was a member until 1962.

On the III. Parliament of the FDJ in Leipzig in June 1949 Lukits was elected for the first time as a member of the Central Council of the FDJ. He was confirmed as a member of the Central Council by the fourth parliament of the FDJ in May 1952 and also elected to its office. He belonged to the Central Council until VI. Parliament in 1959. In August 1957 he was a member of the GDR delegation with the VI. World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow .

From September 1950 (5th party congress) to October 1954 (6th party congress) he was a member of the main CDU board.

In February 1953 he became a member of the Greater Berlin People's Representation and was then a member of the Berlin City Council from 1954 to 1963 . From 1953 to 1957 he acted as head of the general administration department in the city ​​council of Greater Berlin . From June 1957 he continued his local political activity in Berlin-Treptow as deputy mayor of the district. At the same time he was head of the operational staff for the beautification of the district, later district councilor and district building director or deputy district mayor and district councilor for housing in Treptow.

From June 1960 he was an assessor in the Berlin District Investigation Committee of the CDU and from April 1966 a member of the Berlin District Committee of the Society for German-Soviet Friendship (DSF). In April 1968 he replaced Georg Wiesemüller , who had resigned for health reasons, as chairman of the CDU district association Treptow and in May 1977 he resigned to Wolfgang Schmahl . He graduated with a degree in state science.

After his retirement as a disability pensioner, Lukits worked on a voluntary basis as chairman of the residential district committee No. 61 in Berlin-Treptow.

Lukits was married and the father of two sons. His wife Barbara, née Dieckmann (1928 - 2018), was also a member of the CDU and from 1963 to 1976 a member of the Berlin city council. Karl Lukits died in 1994.


See also


  • (Ed.): WHO IS WHO in the SBZ? A biographical manual . Publishing house for international cultural exchange, Berlin-Zehlendorf, 1958, p. 162.
  • Federal Ministry for all German issues (ed.): SBZ biography. A biographical reference book on the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany . Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, Bonn 1964, p. 222.
  • Martin Broszat and Hermann Weber (eds.): SBZ manual. State administrations, parties, social organizations and their executives in the Soviet zone of occupation in Germany 1945 - 1949 . R. Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-486-55261-9 , p. 971.
  • Michael Herms: Heinz Lippmann - Portrait of a Deputy , Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1996, ISBN 3-320-01869-8 , p. 70.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The relay of the generations between Brandenburg and Berlin . In: Neue Zeit , May 26, 1984, p. 6.
  2. ↑ Stayed true to the founding appeal . In: Neue Zeit , June 5, 1970, p. 3.
  3. Neue Zeit , January 27, 1978, p. 3.
  4. NZ visited Union Lukits friend Karl . In: Neue Zeit , February 28, 1961, p. 6.
  5. Michael Herms, Karla Popp: Westarbeit der FDJ, 1946 to 1989: a documentation . Berlin 1997.