Karl von der Mühll

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Prof. Dr. Karl Von der Mühll-His. 1841-1912

Karl von der Mühll (born September 13, 1841 in Basel ; † May 9, 1912 there ) was a Swiss mathematician and physicist.


Karl von der Mühll-His (1841–1912) Dr.  Phil., Professor, grave in the Wolfgottesacker cemetery, Basel
Grave in the Wolfgottesacker cemetery , Basel
Karl von der Mühll-His (1841–1912) Dr.  Phil., Professor, grave inscription in the Wolfgottesacker cemetery, Basel
Funerary inscription in the Wolfgottesacker cemetery , Basel

Karl von der Mühll came from an old Basel patrician family , the Daig . His maternal grandfather was the geologist Peter Merian , who in turn was the brother of the mathematics professor in Basel Johann Rudolf Merian . After graduating from high school in 1859, von der Mühll studied natural sciences and mathematics at the University of Basel , among others with Merian and Gustav Heinrich Wiedemann , and from 1861 at the Georg-August University in Göttingen with Bernhard Riemann , Wilhelm Eduard Weber , Wilhelm Klinkerfues and Friedrich Wöhler . From 1863 he continued his studies at the Albertus University in Königsberg , where he turned to mathematical physics under Franz Ernst Neumann and received his doctorate in 1866. He also studied there with the mathematician Friedrich Julius Richelot . In 1866/67 he studied at the Sorbonne . In 1868 he qualified as a professor in Leipzig in mathematical physics ( on a problem of map projection ) and in 1872 he became an associate professor there. In 1889 he became associate professor and in 1890 full professor for mathematical physics in Basel. In 1896 he became the university's financial administrator (Curator fiscorum academicorum). In the academic years 1895/96 and 1910/11 he was rector of the university. In 1887 he was elected a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina .

He was President of the Swiss Euler Commission (and thus editor of Leonhard Euler's works) and published Franz Neumann's lectures on electrical currents in 1884. From 1872 he was co-editor of the Mathematische Annalen .

In 1875 he married Katharina His.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member entry of Karl von der Mühll at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on November 22, 2015.