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The Kasyr near the village of Nizhniy Kurjaty, above the confluence of the Kisir

The Kasyr near the village of Nizhniy Kurjaty, above the confluence of the Kisir

Water code RU17010300312116100015320
location Irkutsk Oblast , Krasnoyarsk Region ( Russia )
River system Yenisei
Drain over Tuba  → Yenisei  → Kara Sea
source in Eastern Sayan
53 ° 55 ′ 10 ″  N , 96 ° 57 ′ 42 ″  E
Source height approx.  2100  m
Association with Amyl to tuba coordinates: 53 ° 46 ′ 57 ″  N , 92 ° 53 ′ 29 ″  E 53 ° 46 ′ 57 ″  N , 92 ° 53 ′ 29 ″  E
Mouth height 292  m
Height difference approx. 1808 m
Bottom slope approx. 4.7 ‰
length 388 km
Catchment area 20,900 km²
Discharge at the gauge Kasyr
A Eo : 9160 km²
Location: 141 km above the mouth
MQ 1948/1993
Mq 1948/1993
247 m³ / s
27 l / (s km²)
Discharge at the Tajaty
A Eo gauge : 11,900 km²
Location: 56 km above the mouth
MQ 1955/1994
Mq 1955/1994
302 m³ / s
25.4 l / (s km²)
Left tributaries Rybnaya
Right tributaries Tabrat , Moscharka , Kisir

The Kasyr ( Russian Казыр , from Tuvinian "the angry") is the 388 km long right source river of the Tuba in the southern Siberian Sayan Mountains in Russia .

The Kasyr rises on the Chonda-Dschuglymski ridge of the Eastern Sayan, on the southwest side of the 2796  m high Ary-Dag mountain, about 350 km as the crow flies southeast of Krasnoyarsk and 175 km southwest of Nizhneudinsk . While the source is located on the territory of Irkutsk Oblast , the river reaches the Krasnoyarsk Territory after around 50 km in a predominantly southwestern direction . As a fast-flowing, water-rich mountain river in a mostly narrow valley, it maintains a predominantly westerly direction of flow. There it has a large number of rapids , including Werchni Kitatski and Ubinski. In the last few kilometers on the edge of the mountains, the valley widens and the Kasyr forms several arms until it finally joins the Amyl coming from the left to form the right Yenisei tributary Tuba, almost 20 km southeast of Kuragino .

The catchment area of the river covers 20,900 km². The most important tributaries are Tabrat (length with source river Taimenka 87 km), Moscharka (with source river Tagassuk 106 km) and Kisir (300 km) from the right and the Rybnaja (92 km) from the left.

The discharge at the village of Tajaty, 56 km above the mouth and above the confluence of the most important tributary Kisir, is an annual mean of 302 m³ / s, with a maximum monthly mean of 1100 m³ / s in June and a minimum monthly mean of 32.17 m³ / s in March. The river usually freezes over from late October to the second half of April.

The area on the upper and middle reaches of the Kasyr is practically uninhabited, there are no settlements there. Only on the last 100 km of the river, mainly below the confluence of the Tabrat tributary and the Ubinski rapids, are there a number of villages on both sides of the river - the only 20 km upstream is the small settlement named after the river, Kasyr . The largest towns on the river are Cheremshanka and Tyuchtyat on the right bank (in Kuraginsky district ) and Tajaty and Nizhniye Kurjaty on the left bank (in Karatussky district ). Cheremshanka and the surrounding villages as well as some settlements around the lake Tiberkul drained of km over the 62 long Tjuchtjaty to Kazyr River, settlement area are several thousand supporters of the "Church of the Last Testament" under the as Vissarion known Sergei Torop .

Individual evidence

  1. Soviet General Staff Map 1: 200,000. Sheet N-47-XIX. Edition 1986
  2. Soviet General Staff Map 1: 200,000. Sheet N-46-XXI.
  3. a b c d Kazyr in the State Water Register of the Russian Federation (Russian)
  4. a b c d Article Kasyr in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D057652~2a%3D~2b%3DKasyr
  5. Kasyr at the Kasyr gauge - hydrographic data from R-ArcticNET
  6. a b Kasyr at the Tajaty gauge - hydrographic data from R-ArcticNET