Kebede Tekeste

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Kebede Tekeste ( Amharic ከበደ ተከስተ , born August 14, 1981 ) is an Ethiopian long-distance runner who specializes in the marathon .

At the 1998 Half Marathon World Championships in Uster, he came in 34th place.

In 2004 he switched to the 42.195 km distance and came third in the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon . In 2005 he was fifth and third in the Xiamen Marathon and the Las Vegas Marathon .

Also in 2006 and 2008 he came fifth in the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon. In 2008 he also finished seventh in the Nagano Marathon and second in the Baltimore Marathon .

The following year he finished second in the Rock 'n' Roll Arizona Marathon and came fourth in the Boston Marathon with 2:09:49 h for the first time under the 2:10 hour mark. At the end of the year, he improved himself to 2:07:52 h in second place in the Fukuoka Marathon .

In 2010 he finished second in Boston in 2:07:23 h.

Kebede Tekeste is trained by Yilma Berta and mentored by Global Athletics & Marketing, Inc.

Personal bests

Web links


  1. Athlete portrait at Global Athletics & Marketing, Inc. ( Memento of the original from September 8, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /