Barlingbo Church

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Barlingbo Church
Barlingbo Church
Church interior
Baptismal font

The Barlingbo Church ( Swedish Barlingbo kyrka ) is a country church on the Swedish island of Gotland . She belongs to the parish (Swedish församling ) Barlingbo in the pastorate Roma in the diocese of Visby .


The church is located in the western interior of Gotland, 13 km southeast of Visby, 6.5 km north of Roma and 26 km southwest of Slite .

Church building

The church silhouette rises in the manner of a staircase in three steps. From the relatively low choir to the higher nave to the sturdy church tower in the west. The church is easy to see in the surrounding arable landscape. Despite its significant proportions, the tower was not extended to its full height. The bell storey with the sound openings had to be housed in the lower part of the spire. Remains of an early medieval stone church with a tower made of plastered limestone have been excavated under today's church.

In the second quarter of the 13th century, today's choir was built in the east. The choir is an apse with a square pedestal on which the altar is placed. At the same time as the choir, a sacristy with two rooms was built on the northern side. In the middle of the 13th century the walls of the nave were built. In 1280 the tower was completed while the nave was vaulted.

The large Gothic south portal in the nave acts as the main entrance. It has a hewn edging and arches placed in perspective. Above is a gable field, the height of which exceeds that of the eaves. A large Gothic portal , which is now walled up, can be found on the north side of the tower. A Romanesque portal is located on the south facade of the choir. The interior gets its character from the powerful arches that support the daring cross vault that spans the space from the podium in the east to the tower room in the west. In the east wall there is a pointed arched window with tracery from the end of the 13th century and in the west the room is closed off by a large round window in the tower.

Glass and wall paintings

Many of the windows have remarkable figurative and ornamental stained glass from around 1280. Are medieval on the side walls and the vault frescos from different periods, including paintings , the so-called Union Master be attributed. Among these is a series of images of the apostles around the altar, which is unusual for Gotland.


  • The richly carved baptismal font with runic inscription (G 229) in the tower room dates from the 12th century and is one of the most remarkable on Gotland.
  • The large triumphal cross with a wheel cross and symbols of the evangelists at the ends of the cross is dated to the 1240s and is attributed to the Tingstädemeister (also represented in the Tingstäde ).
  • The pulpit is dated 1673 and rests on a medieval side altar.
  • The sandstone altar was made in 1683.
  • The church bell was cast at the beginning of the 15th century.
  • The organ was built by Grönlunds Orgelbyggeri from Gammelstad .


  • Erland Lagerlöf, Gunnar Svahnström: The churches of Gotland. Stein, Kiel 1991, ISBN 3-89392-049-8 , pp. 96-99.
  • Våra kyrkor. Klarkullens förlag, Västervik 1990, ISBN 91-971561-0-8 , p. 684 (Swedish)

Web links

Commons : Church of Barlingbo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 57 ° 33'52.3 "  N , 18 ° 27'47.1"  E.