Derecske-Létavértes small area

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The small area Derecske-Létavértes ( Hungarian Derecske-Létavértesi kistérség ) was a Hungarian administrative unit ( LAU 1) in the east of Hajdú-Bihar County in the Northern Great Plain until the end of 2012 . It bordered Romania to the east . In the course of the Hungarian administrative reform at the beginning of 2013, eight of the ten localities were assigned to the subsequent Derecske district (Hungarian: Derecskei járás ) and two localities to the newly created Nyíradony district .

At the end of 2012, 35,221 people lived in an area of ​​542.88 km². The population density was 65 inhabitants / km² and was below that of the county.

The administrative seat was in the city of Létavértes (7,098 Ew.). The city of Derecske had more inhabitants (8,914 inhabitants). Hosszúpályi and Bagamér were two large municipalities (Hungarian nagyközség ). This and the other municipalities (in Hungarian község ) had an average of 2,401 inhabitants (each 40.34 km² area). 


Álmosd Bagamer Derecske Hajdúbagos Hosszúpályi
Cocad Konyár Létavértes Monostorpályi Sáránd

Until 2007, the municipality of Mikepércs also belonged to the Derecske-Létavértes small area, but was then assigned to the Debrecen small area .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Gazetteer of Hungary, 1st January, 2013. KSH, accessed on March 3, 2017 (Hungarian / English, also XLS file).
  2. ^ Detailed Gazetteer of Hungary. KSH, accessed March 3, 2017 (Hungarian / English).

Coordinates: 47 ° 22 '  N , 21 ° 44'  E