Gyöngyös small area

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Map of the small area Gyöngyös

The small area Gyöngyös ( Hungarian Gyöngyösi kistérség ) was a Hungarian administrative unit ( LAU 1) in the western part of Heves County in northern Hungary until the end of 2012 . During the administrative reform of 2013, the allocation of the localities did not change. All 25 localities were taken over in the following Gyöngyös (Hungarian Gyöngyösi járás ) district.

At the end of 2012 there were 73,460 inhabitants in an area of ​​750.78 km². The population density of the largest small area was 98 inhabitants / km² above that of the county.

The administrative seat was in the only city Gyöngyös (31.018 Ew.). The 24 municipalities (in Hungarian : Község ) had an average population of 1,768 (over an area of ​​28.98 km² each). 


Abasar Adács Atkar Detk Domoszló
Gyöngyös Gyöngyöshalász Gyöngyösoroszi Gyöngyöspata Gyöngyössolymos
Gyöngyöstarján Halmajugra Karácsond Kisnána Ludas
Markaz Mátraszentimre Nagyfüged Nagyréde Pálosvörösmart
Szűcsi Vámosgyörk Vécs Visonta Visznek

Individual evidence

  1. Gazetteer of Hungary, 1st January, 2013. KSH, accessed on March 3, 2017 (Hungarian / English, also XLS file).
  2. ^ Detailed Gazetteer of Hungary. KSH, accessed March 3, 2017 (Hungarian / English).

Coordinates: 47 ° 47 '  N , 19 ° 58'  E