Hintere Orthalde small fort

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Hintere Orthalde small fort
limes ORL Wp 12/33 ( RLK )
Route (RLK) Rhaetian Limes,
route 12
Dating (occupancy) no later than 260 AD
Type Small fort
size 14.75 m × 15.15 m
(= 0.022 ha)
Construction stone
State of preservation sanded rubble wall in the forest
place Schwäbisch Gmünd
Geographical location 48 ° 48 '57.1 "  N , 9 ° 49' 49"  E
height 385  m above sea level NHN
Previous Kleindeinbach small fort (west-southwest)
Subsequently Unterböbingen fort (east)
Backwards Fort Schirenhof (west-southwest)
Small fort Freimühle (west-southwest)

The fortlet Rear Orthalde was a Roman military camp , which is now in the northeastern districts of the city of Schwabisch Gmund in Baden-Wuerttemberg is an industrial area. It was built in connection with the Rhaetian Limes , a few meters away , which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005 .

Location and research history

The small fort listed by the Reich Limes Commission (RLK) under the designation “Wp 12/33”, which is also somewhat misleadingly referred to as the “ field guard ”, is only around nine meters behind the well-preserved Limes wall rising from the Schiessal valley was built at this point from pending Lias sandstones . The Roman surveyors had planned the small fortification in the lower half of the slope. From here it was possible to monitor two converging valleys and the border wall that ran through them. The system is only known in its scope. Extensive excavations have not yet taken place here. It was not until 1931 that a scientific investigation was carried out using modern means.

Building history

When it was excavated in 1931, the 14.75 × 15.15 meters (= 0.022 hectare) fortification had a stone defensive wall that was 0.80 meters wide and five layers high, made from the Angulate sandstone . It is assumed that the Hintere Orthalde small fort belonged to the Rötelsee type . It would have only had one inlet, and the timber-framed interior would have been in the shape of a horseshoe around an inner courtyard.

Along with the towers, small forts were one of the main bases of the Roman troops directly behind the Limes. It is assumed that the unknown unit of the small fort Hintere Orthalde was responsible for monitoring a section of the Limes.

Monument protection

The small fort "Hintere Orthalde" and the aforementioned ground monuments have been part of the UNESCO World Heritage as a section of the Upper German-Rhaetian Limes since 2005 . In addition, the facilities are cultural monuments according to the Monument Protection Act of the State of Baden-Württemberg (DSchG) . Investigations and targeted collection of finds are subject to approval, and accidental finds are reported to the monument authorities.

See also


  • Christian Fleer: Typification and function of the small buildings on the Limes. In: Egon Schallmayer (Ed.): Limes Imperii Romani. Contributions to the specialist colloquium “Limes World Heritage Site” in November 2001 in Lich-Arnsburg. Bad Homburg v. d. H. 2004, ISBN 3-931267-05-9 , pp. 75-92 (=  Saalburg-Schriften 6).
  • Dieter Planck , Willi Beck: The Limes in Southwest Germany . 2nd completely revised edition, Theiss, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-8062-0496-9 .
  • Andreas Thiel : Pre- and Early History . In Die Kunstdenkmäler in Baden-Württemberg. City of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Volume 1: City history, city fortifications, Heiligkreuzmünster . Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich / Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-422-06381-1 , p. 13.


  1. Wp = W oh p east, watch tower. The number before the slash denotes the Limes section, the number after the slash in consecutive numbering the respective watchtower; incorrectly referred to as “Wp 9/33” in Planck (1987).
  2. Dietwulf Baatz: The Roman Limes. Archaeological excursions between the Rhine and the Danube. Mann, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3786117012 , p. 254.
  3. ^ A b Richard Strobel: The art monuments of the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd. Volume 1. Deutscher Kunstverlag, Berlin / Munich 2003, ISBN 3422063811 , p. 13.
  4. Dieter Planck (ed.): The Romans in Baden-Württemberg . Theiss, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8062-1555-3 , p. 199.