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KLIMZUG - Shaping climate change in regions for the future is a project initiative funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the "Research for Sustainable Development" (FONA) framework program to promote innovative approaches to adapting to climate change .

Aerial view of the port of Hamburg. A rise in sea level is expected due to climate change, which will also affect the tide-dependent area of ​​the Elbe.

With KLIMZUG, based on specific local requirements, innovative strategies for adapting to climate change and the associated extreme weather conditions are to be developed for regions. The aim is to adequately integrate the expected climate changes into regional planning and development processes. Global issues - such as climate change - must be answered with measures at regional or local level. Therefore, the regional aspect is particularly emphasized in KLIMZUG. On the one hand, it is intended to strengthen the future competitiveness of regions and, on the other hand, to promote the development and use of new technologies, processes and strategies for adaptation to climate change in regions.

As a measure, KLIMZUG contributes to the German high-tech strategy for climate protection and to the national adaptation strategy . It also complements the first BMBF funding measure for research and development of ways of dealing with climate change.

facts and figures

The seven KLIMZUG groups are supported for five years by research funding from the BMBF. Numerous regional partner institutions from research, business, politics, administration and society work together in them. Each network has up to 15 million euros available. The total funding volume of KLIMZUG is around 83 million euros. The funding period extends from 2008 to 2014. The project sponsor is the German Aerospace Center (DLR).


The background to the initiative is the conviction that even through successful climate protection a short-term reduction of the expected climate changes is not possible. There is therefore an urgent need for society, business and politics for new, improved ways of adapting to climate change. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is making a contribution to increasing adaptive competence in Germany by funding the research program “KLIMZUG - Shaping Climate Change in Regions for the Future”.

Since global questions on the subject of climate change have to be answered with measures at regional or local level, the regional aspect is particularly emphasized in KLIMZUG. On the one hand, it is intended to strengthen the future competitiveness of regions and, on the other hand, to promote the development and use of new technologies, processes and strategies for adaptation to climate change in regions. As a measure, KLIMZUG contributes to the German high-tech strategy for climate protection and to the national adaptation strategy.

Goals and Strategies

Climate adaptation primarily means reducing the negative consequences of climate change for people and the environment or making preparations so that prosperity, quality of life and future opportunities suffer as little as possible. The aim of adaptation research under KLIMZUG is to help ensure that expected weather events in regions are included in the regional planning processes. In addition, strategies and measures are to be developed through which regions and economic sectors are prepared for life and business under the conditions of climate change. "This is intended, on the one hand, to increase the future competitiveness of regions and, on the other hand, to promote the development and use of new technologies, processes and strategies for adaptation to climate change in regions."


It is criticized that the aim is not to reduce global warming, but rather to cushion its consequences. The funding measure is not aimed at reducing CO 2 emissions e.g. B. the economy, which is considered necessary and has been particularly emphasized in previous support measures for climate protection. It should be noted, however, that at KLIMZUG the focus was deliberately placed on adaptation to the climate impacts (see above). Society and the economy should therefore be prepared to face the previously foreseeable, inevitable negative consequences of climate change. But that does not mean that efforts to achieve effective climate protection can be slackened. Climate protection is already part of other BMBF funding measures, e.g. B. “klimazwei - research for climate protection and protection against climate impacts”, in the foreground and will continue to be the target of funding initiatives of the BMBF and other ministries.

Some critics also consider the project duration of five years to be insufficient to set the course for the year 2050. However, KLIMZUG states: “The implementation of climate change adaptation should be achieved through the formation of regional networks between science, companies, administration and social users. Through these cooperation networks, KLIMZUG wants to bundle the strengths of the actors and achieve an integration of the expected climate changes into regional planning and development processes. This is to contribute to a timely climate adaptation that is sustainable in the long term and strengthens Germany as a business location. "

Regional networks

The implementation of climate adaptation is to be achieved through the formation of regional, innovative networks between science , companies , administration and social groups . KLIMZUG wants to bundle the strengths of the respective actors and achieve an integration of the expected climate changes into regional planning and development processes. In addition, regionally different adaptation needs are taken into account. According to KLIMZUG, this should "contribute to a timely climate adaptation that is sustainable in the long term and strengthens Germany as a business location." Accordingly, the "Climate Adaptation Strategy" presented by the Bundestag states: "It should (...) not only reduce climate-related risks, but possibly also opportunities that arise from climate change can also be used. "

This is to be developed as an example in seven German regions. Measures to adapt to climate change must be specifically developed and implemented according to the regions: coastal areas differ from low mountain ranges and rural areas from cities. That is why KLIMZUG is regionally designed. New adaptation measures are tailored to the model regions and tested there. These should become a model for other regions in Germany, but also in other countries.

In these KLIMZUG regions, viable networks of cooperation between politics, administration, business, science and citizens are being established. In this way, adaptation to climate change is implemented in practical solutions and a high level of acceptance among stakeholders is achieved. The seven networks work in an interdisciplinary manner and with the involvement of local decision-makers. This bundles the scientific, planning, technical and entrepreneurial strengths of the actors.

KLIMZUG regions


Dynamic adaptation of regional planning and development processes to the effects of climate change in the Emscher-Lippe region (Ruhr area)

The focus of the dynaklim project is on the possible effects of the predicted climate change on the availability and use of water in the region and the associated consequences for the population, economy and the environment.


Innovation Network Climate Adaptation Region Brandenburg Berlin


Climate change and extreme weather conditions (e.g. heavy rain, storms, periods of drought, heat, frost) are already clearly noticeable in the Berlin Brandenburg region. Due to the comparatively low annual precipitation (557 mm, Germany approx. 789 mm), a high proportion of water bodies (2.3% of the area) and the dominance of sandy soils with low storage capacity, the Brandenburg region is particularly susceptible to prolonged periods of heat and drought associated water scarcity. The Berlin metropolitan area is also subject to the effects of climate change. The heating up of the city during hot spells and the short-term deterioration in the quality of urban water due to heavy rain events are to be feared or already observed.


It is the common goal of the project partners in INKA BB to ensure the sustainability of land and water use as well as health management in the region under changed climatic conditions. To this end, the strategic adaptability of actors from business, politics and administration to the emerging climate change is promoted.

Specifically, INKA BB aims to enable entrepreneurs and their interest groups as well as political-administrative decision-makers to

  • to deal innovatively with climate change-related opportunities and risks of land use and water and health management,
  • to develop suitable adaptation strategies in cooperation between science and practice and to implement them permanently

such as

  • to support tried and tested adaptation strategies politically, administratively or institutionally.

Fields of action

The research work planned in INKA-BB is carried out in 24 sub-projects, which are linked in terms of content and follow a joint, overarching work program. You are in the three fields of action

  • Network development and network security
  • Land use


  • Water management


Project partner

The project partners form the INKA BB consortium which, together with a large number of partners from science, business and administration, works on the task in INKA BB.


Wilseder Mountains in the Lüneburg Heath. Increased rainfall is expected in the future, which will affect the heather plants.

Strategic approaches to adaptation to climate change in the Hamburg metropolitan region

Subject areas

Specifically, a total of 25 projects are running in the three subject areas:

  • Estuary management (Elbe estuary): The study area for this topic is the entire tidal Elbe from the North Sea to the weir in Geesthacht . Higher water levels, stronger storm surges and a higher tidal range endanger the Elbe Marshes and the low-lying areas of the “metropolitan region” as a settlement area and agricultural area. The silting and silting of tributaries of the Elbe, the port access roads and ports is a major problem today is from the expected that it will intensify due to climate change.
  • Integrated urban and spatial development : The focus of this topic is therefore the question of which new requirements due to the consequences of climate change have to be taken into account in the future urban and spatial development of the metropolitan region and which adaptation and qualification measures are necessary to improve the quality of life in the To secure settlement areas in the region.
  • Sustainable cultural landscapes : Historical cultural landscapes are subject to a functional change (subatlantic heaths, wet grassland regions), which extends to modern, efficient agricultural landscapes. The aim of Klimzug-Nord is to protect this area under changing climatic conditions as a cultural landscape, to maintain it and to develop it as a living, economic and recreational area in an environmentally friendly way. For this purpose, three cultural areas that are particularly characteristic of this region are examined in more detail: the Lower Saxon Elbe Valley Biosphere Reserve , the heath region in northeast Lower Saxony (projects of the University of Lüneburg) and the Alte Land .


The KLIMZUG-NORD project is initially financed for five years (starting in 2009) and has a total volume of 29 million euros. It is largely funded by the federal government with around 15 million euros. In addition, the institutions involved bring in their own funds, mostly in the form of services. Another 1.2 million euros will be raised by the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg .

Institutions involved

At KLIMZUG NORD six universities and colleges, six other scientific research institutions, ten agencies and authorities related institutions and ten companies are currently directly involved. There are also other “associated partners”. The project is supported by all eight districts in Lower Saxony and six districts in Schleswig-Holstein in the “Hamburg Metropolitan Region”.

Scientific institutions:

KLIMZUG North Hesse

The starting point of KLIMZUG-Nordhessen is the recognizable or expected effects of climate change in the low mountain range. These include B.

  • Problems with conventional cultivation methods in agriculture and forestry,
  • increased energy requirements for cooling buildings and for manufacturing processes in summer,
  • Disorders of mobility due to increasing extreme weather events,
  • Spread of disease or health stress.

Opportunities are also associated with climate change, e.g. B.

  • Cultivation of new crops,
  • increased attractiveness in summer tourism,
  • improved mobility in winter,
  • Export of technologies and ideas to other regions.


As part of KLIMZUG-Nordhessen, the participating project partners develop and implement strategies, measures and instruments for adapting to climate change. The aim is to develop North Hesse as a model region for adaptation to climate change.

Features and methodology

The total of 27 research and implementation projects are organized in four interlocking work areas:

  • The “Scenarios” work area determines the regional adaptation requirements that result from the expected climate changes.
  • On this basis, the researchers in the second work area develop technical solutions for climate adaptation measures in the fields of action resources, energy, transport, tourism and health.
  • The third work area “Society” examines which promoting and inhibiting social factors of a political, legal, economic and psychological nature are encountered by the adaptation measures. Recommendations for action are drawn up on how the necessary changes in behavior can be achieved.
  • In the fourth work area, the developed solutions are implemented in practical projects. The implementation is scientifically monitored and the results are fed back to the other work areas.

The partners involved in the joint project (see below) from research and educational institutions, North Hessian business enterprises and regional authorities develop a common view of the challenges of climate adaptation. Their networking ensures that the solutions developed are practical and that they are integrated into decision-making and implementation processes.


In order to institutionalize and strengthen cooperation between administration, science, business and education, three new types of "governance innovations" were created, which are to be tested and further developed during the project term:

  • The climate adaptation officers coordinate the climate adaptation activities within the administrations and network the activities of administration, science, business and education.
  • The climate adaptation managers represent a comparable link between research, regional development, economic clusters and companies.
  • The Climate Adaptation Academy promotes communication within the network by organizing events. In addition, it translates the results into educational offers for the region and integrates important social groups into the network.

Involved partners

  • Regional management North Hesse
  • deENet
  • MoWiN.net e. V.
  • Limón Ltd.
  • Kassel Regional Council
  • North Hessian regional authorities (city of Kassel and the districts of Hersfeld Rothenburg, Kassel, Schwalm-Eder, Waldeck-Frankenberg, Werra-Meißner)
  • Health department of the Kassel region


Northwest2050 - Perspectives for climate-adapted innovation processes in the metropolitan region of Bremen-Oldenburg in the northwest

Subject areas

So-called clusters were developed for subject-specific work:

  • Analyzes and methods , overriding
  • Cluster region
  • Cluster energy
  • Cluster nutrition
  • Port & Logistics cluster : Extreme events can affect operations in ports, for example by restricting the usability of the shipping routes, the hinterland connections or the energy supply. Due to the exposed location of the ports in the northwest directly on the coast (Wilhelmshaven, Bremerhaven), additional costs may be required to protect the infrastructure. The cluster deals with this planning.

There is a cooperation with the Center for Integrative Environmental Research (CIER) at the University of Maryland in the coastal US state of Maryland .


The northwest 2050 project is largely funded by the federal government with almost 10 million euros. In addition, the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen , the City of Oldenburg and the districts bear part of the costs. The institutions involved bring in their own funds, mostly in the form of services.

Institutions involved


Regional adaptation strategies for the German Baltic Sea coast


Regional climate adaptation program model region Dresden



The REGKLAM project prepares the region for the effects of local climate change. The close cooperation between science and practice enabled the risks and opportunities of climate change for the region to be explored and suitable adaptation measures developed together. REGKLAM is one of seven projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the program "KLIMZUG - Shaping Climate Change in Regions for the Future". It runs from June 2008 to July 2013. Beyond this research period, the extensive project results are made available online for non-profit purposes.


Model region Dresden of the regional climate adaptation program (REGKLAM)

The model region extends from the ridges of the Ore Mountains in the south to the lowlands on the border with Brandenburg in the north. The primary project goal is to maintain good living and working conditions and the economic competitiveness of the region.


Seven partners from research, administration and business work together in the REGKLAM project network:

Numerous other institutions are also involved in the work.


Adaptation strategies and measures for the region are being developed in 17 sub-projects. The focus is on five strategic topics: urban development, water systems, agriculture and forestry, commercial economy and nature conservation.


The research results are made available on the Regklam website on the one hand and in the program fundamentals and an introductory strategy paper on the other. Detailed factsheets and action sheets provide targeted information on individual topics. In a database of measures, partners in the private sector can find out about possible adaptation measures and their success in various industries. In the REGKLAM series of publications, individual topics of climate adaptation are scientifically examined in detail. In the “Forum for Regional Climate Adaptation” local and supraregional actors can exchange ideas and network.

Content focus

In order to adequately prepare the model region Dresden for regional climate change and its effects, there is a need for action in five strategic topics. Scenarios of climatic and socio-economic change form the central basis of the scientific work in REGKLAM.

"Region in Transition"

Climate / atmospheric chemistry / socio-economic change

For the assessment of future framework conditions in the region around Dresden and the determination of necessary adaptation measures, projections of possible changes in the regional climate in the context of the changing social conditions are necessary. In the project, scenarios are created as a framework for the development of adaptation options and the climate adaptation program for the region. Scenarios are a tool to show development opportunities that also depend on framework conditions that cannot be planned. This enables the consequences of our actions to be examined and options for action to be compared without exactly knowing the actual development.

"City and living space"

Buildings / green and open spaces / bioclimate

The urban space is embedded in a surrounding area that has to meet a variety of requirements in order to be functional and attractive for its residents: supply and disposal, relaxation and leisure, resources and infrastructures. At the same time, sustainable development of urban space appears suitable for meeting the challenges of climate change. The aim of this sub-project is to make urban development more climate-friendly and energetically cheaper and at the same time to keep it liveable and attractive or to strengthen these aspects. This includes the planning of sufficient green areas and corridors to optimize air exchange, minimize accumulated heat and also to sorb dust as far as possible, as well as to keep water in the area.

"Water and Sewage"

Dams / regional water balance / water supply / wastewater disposal

The water systems are affected to a pronounced degree by climate change due to a changed water supply, changed extreme value spectra for drought and precipitation as well as the changed evaporation capacity. In the sub-module water systems, the effects of climate change on the water balance of the city of Dresden and the surrounding area are analyzed and presented. For this, it is necessary to network the affected compartments and also to point out the economic consequences. The aim of the sub-project is to develop system developments that react resiliently to future developments and changes, or to derive recommendations for action and management strategies that can be used to counteract them.

"Agriculture and Forestry"

Agriculture / forestry / land use

Due to climate change, agriculture and forestry in the region will in future be affected by changes in winter length and winter hardiness as well as heavy rain, hail and increasing drought v. a. faced during the growing season. As a result, on the one hand, yield losses of agricultural crops, forest growth and disturbances of natural forest regeneration are to be expected. It can also be assumed that the risk of forest fires and storm damage will increase. On the other hand, potentially positive effects of warming on special crops in fruit and wine growing in the Elbe valley must be taken into account and assessed. This requires the adaptation of agricultural and forestry cultivation strategies and techniques in a landscape-related context. In addition to the effects of climate change on the production function of agricultural and forestry sites, significant effects on their soil and environmental functions are to be expected. An increase in soil erosion by water and wind and thus economically significant off-site effects are forecast, especially after extreme weather events, effects on water supply and water quality as well as the habitat functions of the agricultural and forestry sites.

"Trade and Industry"

Adaptation strategies / adaptation options

The starting point for developing adaptation options for the regional economy is, on the one hand, the analysis of how regional companies are affected by climate change and, on the other hand, the analysis of the effects of global economic change. This is done using the example of particularly climate-sensitive and regionally important sectors such as manufacturing, energy and water supply, tourism or the construction industry. Adaptation potentials for production processes are shown on the basis of selected individual examples.

"Natural reserve"

Climate change can be expected to have both direct and indirect effects on biological diversity and nature conservation. Direct effects can be, for example, (possibly additional) impairments of existing ecosystems and habitats as well as the species and populations living there. For water-dependent ecosystems and species, for example, these can result from the expected increasing drought in the summer half-year. Indirect effects can result from adaptation or climate protection measures in other areas. On the one hand, this can concern conflicts in the competing use of resources or areas. On the other hand, there is also potential for synergies, for example when implementing certain erosion protection measures.

"Science - Practice - Transfer"

Continuing education in construction / land use assessment

In the area of ​​science-practice transfer, the focus is on conveying new, scientific knowledge to practice. For the model region, the two areas of “further training in construction” and “land use assessment” in particular were carefully examined. The topic of further training in construction deals with the effective implementation of knowledge transfer from climate research to the construction industry. The aim of further training programs is to familiarize actors in the construction industry with the possible areas of conflict and the associated solution approaches for buildings and urban structures under the regional effects of climate change. In the land use assessment, interactions between different land use types should be taken into account as well as the different impacts and demands of the land users.

Accompanying process

The accompanying process carried out by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research is responsible for a joint external presentation of the KLIMZUG projects. In addition, it promotes the exchange between the associations and with other interested parties, especially from business.

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the FONA framework program of the BMBF
  2. a b Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Ed.) (2009): Encountering climate change. The German adaptation strategy. bmu.de ( Memento of the original from July 31, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 3.6 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bmu.de
  3. Announcement by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Shaping climate change in regions for the future (KLIMZUG) Regions win in competition - the world wins!
  4. bmbf.de ( Memento of the original from May 27, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bmbf.de
  5. klimazwei.de ( Memento of the original from April 12, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.klimazwei.de
  6. Federal Ministry of Education and Research: About KLIMZUG ( Memento of the original from March 1, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.klimzug.de
  7. ^ German Bundestag: German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change . (PDF; 1.2 MB), printed matter 16/11595, December 19, 2008
  8. WASY GmbH
  9. Institute for Applied Aquatic Ecology GmbH (IaG)
  10. Institute for Water and Soil Dr. Uhlmann (IWB) ( Memento of the original from March 5, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.iwb-dresden.homepage.t-online.de
  11. Homepage of INKA BB
  12. Climate Research Project KLIMZUG NORD: Adaptation Strategies for the metropolitan region of Hamburg
  13. KLIMZUG-NORD homepage
  14. Homepage of the KLIMZUG North Hesse project
  15. ^ Northwest German Forest Research Institute
  16. Regional Management North Hesse
  17. deENet
  18. MoWiN.net e. V. ( Memento of the original from January 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mowin.net
  19. ^ Limón GmbH
  20. ↑ Regional Council Kassel
  21. Health Department of the Kassel Region ( Memento of the original from November 15, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / Gesundheitsamt.stadt-kassel.de
  22. Research project "nordwest2050" Bremen.de
  23. Weser Kurier of August 20, 2009
  24. REGKLAM series of publications
  25. REGKLAM forum for regional climate adaptation ( memento of the original from June 24, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / forum.regklam.de