Konstantin Przebendowski

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Count Konstantin Przebendowski , Polish : Konstanty Przebendowski , (born December 26, 1776 in Danzig , † October 1, 1831 in Warsaw ) was a Polish brigadier general .


Konstantin was a member of the originally Pomeranian noble family Przebendowski . His parents were the Polish major and veteran of the Kościuszko uprising , and heir to Cissau, Hochredlau , Kielau , Kolkau and Rieben August Przebendowski (1748-1808) and his first wife Wilhelmine trunk.

He married Zuzanna Tekla Zielińska W. Swinka (1778–1842), owner of Duczymin , Gasocin and Rycice in the former Płock Voivodeship in Warsaw in 1809 . There were no children from the marriage.


Przebendowski took part in the Targowica Confederation and was an ensign in the Crown Army in 1793 . Having already advanced to lieutenant , he took part in the Kościuszko uprising. He then took part in the Italian campaign in 1798 with the Polish Legion under General Dąbrowski and was wounded in 1799 near Novi. He stayed with the Legion from 1801 to 1803 on Santo Domingo in the Caribbean , but in 1804 he was captured by the English in Jamaica .

In 1807 at the latest he served in the army of the Duchy of Warsaw as a major and in 1808 received the Virtuti Militari Cross of Valor . In 1809 and 1812 he received the Order of Merit of the French Legion of Honor . He took part in the Russian campaign as the commander of a Polish cavalry regiment . In the Battle of Borodino , Przebendowski led the 1st Squadron of the 19th Light Cavalry Brigade under General Tyszkiewicz. He also took part in the Battle of the Berezina and was captured by Russia on December 5, 1812.

Przebendowski was promoted to colonel in 1815 and was promoted to brigadier general in the Army of Congress Poland that same year . He was a knight of the Order of Saint Anne and the Order of St. Stanislav, 2nd class .


  • Andrzej Niewiadomski u. Lars Severin: Family table of the Counts Prebendow-Przebendowski. In: Genealogy German journal for family history, volume XXXI / 61. Volume 2012, issue 3, pp. 225–246