Prebendow (noble family)

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Family coat of arms of those of Prebendow

Prebendow historically also: Prebentow in Poland mostly Przebendowski , where both forms of name were often combined as Prebendow – Przebendowski or Prebendow von Przebendowski , is the name of an originally Pomeranian noble family who were counts in Poland and thus also in Saxony and Galicia , in Austria -Hungary and ultimately also in Prussia achieved some reputation.


The Prebendow family is of the same tribe as the Wilmsdorff and named themselves after their family Prebendow in Lauenburg . On the Polish side, Jan Przebendowski was one of the signatories of the Peace of Toruń in 1466 . The secured family line begins with Joachim Prebendow († 1568), heir to Enzow and Predendow. Elzow had the line of trunks begin with Liborius († 1493). In 1558, Thomas and Joachim, were sons of the deceased Claus Prebentow from Duke Barnim with a proportion of Prebendow invested . The last time Carsten Prebbentow was enfeoffed by the Great Elector with Prebendow in 1665. His sons sold the shares in the estate that remained with the family, after which the Stojentin had been successors in part, to Major Martin Döring von Goddentow .

Hans von Prebentow († 1608) is said to have owned the Kaukern estate in Insterburg , died in Livonia and left only one daughter Lucretia († after 1647), who was married to Sebastian von Götzen († before 1637), heir to Kumehlen and this chew as heir daughter.

When the country Lauenburg and Bütow brandenburg hereditary fief , were the Prebendow presented to the head of Poland inclined towards opposition. In Pomerania, the family was henceforth among the most influential and wealthy. On July 6, 1711 during the Saxon imperial vicariate , Johann Georg Przebendowski (1638–1729), together with his cousins ​​Peter Georg Przebendowski (1674–1755), Jakob Przebendowski († 1724), Johann Przebendowski (* after 1676, † 1728) and Ernst Christoph Przebendowski († after 1741) raised to the rank of imperial count . On September 9, 1783, legitimation at the Galician country table as a knight of Przebendowo for Jakob Przebendowski (* before 1724, † before 1787). The latter received the Galician count status in Vienna on October 22, 1789 with the salutation high and well-born . He was the founder of the Galician lineage.

Joseph Anton von Prebendow (1719–1775) was the founder of the Prussian line of the family. All Starosteien owned by the family fell to the Prussian crown with the Prussian conquest , which represented a significant economic turning point for the family. The Prussian line of Prebendow provided several officers in the Polish and Prussian armies . The title of count was continued without objection in Prussia, but not confirmed. According to Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg , King Friedrich Wilhelm II confirmed the Prebendows in 1786 when they paid homage as Count. There is a family burial site in Wejherowo .


  • in the Duchy of Pomerania (including the Lande Lauenburg and Bütow or in Pomerania ): Chinow, Dzechlin , Enzow, Fritzow, Gluschen, Hammer, Jassow, Jeczewo / Jezow, Lischnitz , Mierzyn, Obliwitz , Prebendow, Schübben, Stachowo and Tadden
  • in Galicia : Wadowice Górne, Łuszowce / Luszowicein
  • in Prussia :
    • in Pomerellen , Prussia Royal Part or West Prussia : Blandzikau, Bohlschau, Brudzewo / Brusdau, Brzinne, Celbau , Cisowa / Cissów / Ciessau, Czemanau, Czenstkau, Gnischau , Gloddaw, Gohra, Groß and Klein Gowin, Hochredlau, Kamelau / Karwia , Chylonia / Chëlonô / Kielau, Koliebken with the Kruge Uhlenkrug and Chwarsnau with the Pustkowie Halk, Kolkau, Kruschwitz, Lewinno, Lissnau, Luboczin, Nanitz, Neuhoff, Neustadt, Penskowitz, Prisau, Pulkowitz , Quarzau, Rechauke, Rieben with the grave and Prinkowo, Groß and Klein Schlatau, Schmechau, Smazin, Soppieschin, Tillau and Usterbau, Zenislawki with a proportion of Sopot
    • in the Duchy of Prussia : Kaukern
  • in Mazovia (or south / south-east of Warsaw): Dutki, Gloskowo, Wilkty and Wrzosów
  • without regional allocation: Góra, Jackowo, Niengkla, Orlanski, Pazermin, Praskowo, Ralzau, Rieszkowitz, Saluski, Stich and Szelstrau

coat of arms

Coat of arms of the Counts of Prebendow

The Prebendow carried the Polish Kuna coat of arms .

The common coat of arms with that of Wilmsdorff shows in gold a natural marten jumping up with a red apple in its mouth. On the helmet , with red and gold covers, the marten growing with the apple.

On the occasion of raising the family in the imperial counts in 1711, the apple was in the arms by the orb replaced, which is held with the front paws of the marten, over which a crown of leaves floating.


Jan Jerzy Przebendowski
Franz Ignatz Przebendowski and Felicja Wielopolska
Przebendowski Manor in New Town
Przebendowski Palace in Warsaw
Przebendowski Palace in Krakow
  • Johann von Prebendow (* before 1576, † after 1658), 1630 district judge von Lauenburg , ⚭I. Priska von Pirch ; ⚭II. Katharina von Grumbkow
  • (ex I.) Peter von Prebendow (* approx. 1620; † 1700), 1654–1657 district judge von Lauenburg, 1645 deputy in the Polish Sejm , ⚭I. 1638 Anna Katharina von Krockow († after 1647); ⚭II. around 1657/1658 Kordula Heyna h. Jasienczyk; ⚭III. 1666 Anna Dorpowska (* 1637; † 1667); ⚭IV. Anna Konstanze von Jatzkow
  • Count Piotr Henryk Przebendowski († 1710), 1710 crown panel cutter
  • Countess Henryka Dorota Przebendowska (* approx. 1682; † 1755), ⚭I. 1703 Prince Jan Mikolaj Radziwiłł h. Traby (* 1681; † 1729), 1699–1708 table cutter of Lithuania, 1706–1707 castellan of Vilna , senator, 1708 voivode of Nowogród , ⚭II. 1730 Franciszek Bieliński h. Junosza (* 1683; † 1766), 1725–1732 Voivode von Kulm , Senator, 1732–1742 Crown Marshal, 1742–1766 Crown Grand Marshal
  • (ex II.) Countess Cordula Anna Przebendowska (* 1658)
  • (ex II.) Count Joachim Przebendowski, Sejm deputy
  • (ex II.) Count Theodor Przebendowski, Cistercian abbot of Mogila , coaudiator in Oliva in 1698
  • (ex IV.) Countess Anna Konstanze Przebendowska (* 1658), ⚭I. Michael Brandt; ⚭II. Georg Albrecht von Jatzkow, Brandenburg Oberlandeshauptmann zu Lauenburg and Bütow in 1696
  • (ex I.) Jakob Ernst Przebendowski
  • (ex I.) Anna Przebendowska
  • (ex I.) Veronika Przebendowska († 1656), ⚭ Rüdiger Woitzlaff Mitzlaff (* 1607; † 1693), Imperial Colonel Sergeant
  • ? (ex I.) Adelgunde Katharina Przebendowska († 1688), in the Chórowa Monastery since 1686
  • (ex II.) Barbara Przebendowska, ⚭I. Franciszek Bielski; ⚭II. before 1670 Jan Boguslaw Kczewski h. Lewart , Landobrister of Lauenburg
  • (ex II.) Joachim Heinrich Przebendowski, 1697 Elector August II the Strong as King of Poland, ⚭ Elisabeth Emerenzia von Chinow († before 1714)
  • Countess Anatolia Teresa Przebendowska (* 1717; † 1741), since 1736 Benedictine nun in the Sacramentki Monastery in Warsaw
  • Countess Anna Teresa Przebendowska (* 1721; † 1795), ⚭ 1743 Prince Aleksander Józef Sułkowski h. Sulima (* 1695; † 1762), Polish-Saxon Minister, General of the Crown Army, 1729 Jägermeister of Lithuania
  • Countess Elzbieta Urszula Przebendowska († before 1790), ⚭I. after 1737 Jerzy Marcin Ozarowski h. Rawicz († 1741), crown warehouse master 1729; ⚭II. 1745 Andrzej Moszczenski h. Nałęcz (* 1717; † 1783), castellan 1754 and voivode 1764 from Inowroclaw
  • Countess Sophia Antonina Rosa Przebendowska (* 1728; † after 1793), since 1746 as a Benedictine nun in the Sacramentki Monastery in Warsaw
  • Count Jakob IV. Przebendowski (* 1728/1829; † 1751)
  • Count Franz Ignatz Przebendowski (* 1731; † 1791), 1772–1779 Voivode of Pomerania , Polish Chamberlain , 1776 General Director of the Royal Post and member of the National Education Commission , ⚭ Comtesse Felicja (Szczesna) Wielopolska h. Starykon (* 1735; † 1819)
  • Countess Marianna Felicja Przebendowska, ⚭I. 1786 (marriage annulment around 1790), Ignacy Dembinski h. Rawicz, 1780 Starost von Wolfram and 1787 Thanndorf ; ⚭II. Count Matuszewicz; Parents of Count Andrzej Matuszewicz (* 1796; † 1842), Polish-Russian diplomat, participant in the London Conference (* 1796; † 1842), Polish-Russian diplomat, participant in the London Conference
  • Countess Izabella Teresa Przebendowska († 1753), ⚭ 1751 Michal Augustyn Hutten Czapski h. Leliwa (* 1702; † 1796), 1756 voivode of Marienburg
  • Count Johann Nepomuk Michael von Prebendow (* 1744; † 1796), Saxon captain, Prussian chamberlain, ⚭I. Countess Magdalena Luise von Flemming (* 1754; † after 1783), daughter of Count Karl Georg Friedrich von Flemming (* 1705; † 1767), Saxon envoy, general of the infantry and secret cabinet minister; ⚭II. Maria Theresa (von) Arciszewska († after 1796)
  • Countess Amalia von Prebendow († after 1782)
  • Count Clemens August Anton von Prebendow (* 1748, † 1808), royal Polish major in the Kościuszko uprising , ⚭I. Wilhelmine Rumpf († before 1801); ⚭II. NN; ⚭III. Julia Sokolowska († 1831)
  • (ex I.) Count Bernhard Joseph Friedrich Ludwig von Prebendow (* 1774; † young)
  • (ex I.) Count Konstantin Przebendowski (* 1776; † 1831), Polish Brigadier General, ⚭ 1809 Zuzanna Tekla Zielinska h. Swinka (* 1778; † 1842)
  • (ex II.) Countess Antonina von Prebendow († after 1856), ⚭ Martin von Berens († after 1856)
  • (ex II.) Countess Josepha von Prebendow († after 1856); ⚭ NN von Prez († before 1855), Colonel
  • (ex II.) Countess Marianna von Prebendow († after 1856)
  • (ex III.) Countess Ludowika von Prebendow (* 1799), ⚭ (August) von Montowt († 1835), Prussian major
  • (ex III.) Countess Julia Barbara Pelagia von Prebendow (* 1800; † 1865), ⚭I. Chlodwig Christian Maximilian Friedrich Dunin von Przychowski, Prussian captain; ⚭II. Gustav Adolf Ferdinand Heinrich Leo , (* 1779, † 1840), Prussian district president in Posen
  • (ex III.) Count Alexander von Prebendow (* 1802; † 1858), Prussian captain, ⚭ 1831 Countess Agnes Ernestine Abigail v. Krockow-Wickerode adH Bohlschau (* 1811; † 1881)
  • Count Oscar von Prebendow (* 1833; † 1866), Prussian lieutenant and government assessor in Düsseldorf
  • Countess Agnes Ernestine Ludowike Alexandrine von Prebendow (* 1834; † 1904), ⚭ 1856 Karl Ludwig Eduard Ferdinand von Kropff (* 1793; † 1872), Prussian lieutenant general
  • Count Hans Alexander von Prebendow (* 1835 - † 1914), Prussian major and head of the Guard Invalid Company in Potsdam , ⚭ 1875 Valeska von der Lancken (* 1845)
  • Countess Gerda von Prebendow (* 1880)
  • Countess Vera Adelheid von Prebendow (* 1885), ⚭ 1907 Clemens Franz Günther von Poncet (* 1872)
  • Countess Marie von Prebendow (* 1837)
  • Countess Elisabeth von Prebendow (* 1838)
  • Countess Cäcilie von Prebendow (* 1839)
  • Countess Adelheid von Prebendow (* 1840; † 1915), 1897–1915 canon
  • Count Hans von Prebendow (* 1842; † 1860)
  • Countess Sophie von Prebendow (* 1843)
  • Countess Ernestine von Prebendow (* 1847), ⚭ 1872 Dr. Ernst Wilhelm Adolph Schulze (* 1837), 1885 superintendent in Gollnow
  • (ex III.) Count Franz Michael von Prebendow (* 1805; † 1869), Prussian captain, heir of Schübben, ⚭ 1838 Maria Sophie Eleonore von Kleist (* 1814; † 1896)
  • Count Paul von Prebendow (* 1839)
  • Count Alfred von Prebendow (* 1841; † 1871) Prussian Prime Lieutenant
  • Count Anton von Prebendow (* 1843; † 1866), Prussian portepee ensign
  • Countess Veronica von Prebendow (* 1848; † after 1912), ⚭ 1872 Albert von Heyden (* 1842), Prussian lieutenant colonel
  • (ex III.) Count Stanislaus Napoleon von Prebendow (* 1807; † 1850), captain in the 13th Schleswig-Holstein battalion
  • Count Joseph von Prebendow (* 1749/1750; † after 1796), Polish major in the Kosciuszko uprising
  • Countess Bernardina Margaretha Casimira Apollonia von Prebendow (* 1753; † 1823), abbess in Kulm
  • Countess Franciszka Felicja Barbara von Prebendow (* 1755; † before 1782)
  • Countess Theresa von Prebendow († after 1782), ⚭ Conrad Ferdinand von Podewils (* 1749; † 1823), Prussian lieutenant
  • Count Ferdinand von Prebendow (* 1761/1762; † after 1796)
  • Count Piotr III. Przebendowski († 1794) Polish officer in the Kościuszko uprising, ⚭ Marianna Rudzińska h. Prus III (* 1757; † 1827), daughter of Michał Kazimierz Rudziński (* 1730; † 1764), voivode of Mazovia
  • Count Piotr IV. Przebendowski (* 1789; † 1837), ⚭ 1817 Wiktoryna Łubińska
  • Count Ludwik Przebendowski, heir to Luszowice near Tarnów in Galicia in 1855
  • Countess Aleksandra Przebendowska (* around 1829; † 1879), ⚭ Count Wiktor Lanckoroński († 1883)
  • Count Karol Przebendowski († 1814), 1787 Canon of Cracow
  • Countess Elżbieta Wincenta Przebendowska, Benedictine nun in the Sacramentki Monastery in Warsaw
  • Countess Johanna Przebendowska († after 1766), Polish-Electoral Saxon court lady, 1735 lady of the Star Cross
  • Countess Auguste Elisabeth Przebendowska, ⚭ 1756 Franz Joachim von der Goltz († 1760/1763), 1760 Polish-Electoral Saxon lieutenant colonel
  • (ex II.) Countess Ernestine Diliana Przebendowska (* 1727; † 1787), ⚭ 1749 Joachim Rüdiger von der Goltz (* 1717; † 1771)
  • Countess Regina Przebendowska († after 1746), ⚭ 1712 Remigian Ludwik Lewald Jezierski h. Rogala (* 1676; † before 1729), 1716–1728 district judge of Tuchel
  • Lorenz Georg von Prebendow
  • Elisabeth Ursula von Prebendow († after 1662), ⚭ Lukas von Rexin (* 1629; † after 1662)


Individual evidence

  1. George Adalbert von Mülverstedt (arrangement): J. Siebmacher's great book of arms. New sieve makers . Vol. 6th section 4. Extinct Prussian nobility. Province of Prussia (East and West Prussia). Bauer & Raspe, Nuremberg 1874, p. 65, Tfl. 47.
  2. ^ Hans-Jürgen Bömelburg : Between Polish Estates and Prussian Authorities: From Royal Prussia to West Prussia (1756–1806) , Munich: Oldenbourg, 1995, (= writings of the Federal Institute for East German Culture and History; Vol. 5), p. 373. ISBN 3-486-56127-8 .
  3. Dorothea Weichbrodt born. v. Tiedemann: patricians, citizens, residents of the Free and Hanseatic City of Danzig in family and name tables from the 14th to 18th centuries. Danziger Verlagsgesellschaft Paul Rosenberg, Klausdorf bei Kiel, Volume 3, 1990, p. 8.
  4. ^ Gazeta Korespondenta , No. 63, Saturday, August 7, 1819.
  5. Polski Słownik Biograficzny , Volume 50, Krakau 2014, p. 93.
  6. Gothaisches genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses , fourth year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1910, p. 421.
  7. ^ Kurt von Priesdorff : Soldatisches Führertum . Volume 6, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg, undated [Hamburg], undated [1938], DNB 367632810 , p. 207, no. 1833.