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Kozluk (Turkey)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Province (il) : Batman
Coordinates : 38 ° 12 '  N , 41 ° 29'  E Coordinates: 38 ° 11 '40 "  N , 41 ° 29' 28"  E
Residents : 26,496 (2018)
Telephone code : (+90) 488
Postal code : 72 400
License plate : 72
Structure and administration (as of 2019)
Structure : 25 malls
Mayor : Nazime Avcı ( HDP )
Kozluk County
Residents : 61,437 (2018)
Surface: 1,101 km²
Population density : 56 inhabitants per km²
Kaymakam : Emrah Yılmaz
Website (Kaymakam):
Template: Infobox location in Turkey / maintenance / district

Kozluk (formerly Hazzo or Hezo , Armenian Hezu / Hızu ) is a district town and a district in Turkey . Both belong to the Batman Province and are located in southeastern Anatolia . Kozluk is located in the northern part of the province and borders on the Diyarbakır Province to the west and Bitlis and Siirt to the east . The second largest city in Batman Province has 43% of the county’s population, but its population is stagnant. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the place was still populated by Armenians .

The district was founded in 1938, but was still part of the Siirt Province . It is the largest in the province in terms of area and has ten percent of the provincial population. In addition to the district town ( Merkez ), there is another town called Bekirhan (3,086 inhabitants). The district still includes 69 villages ( Köy ), seven of which have over 1,000 inhabitants: Yeniçağlar (1,630), Çayönü (1,249), Karpuzlu (1,223), Taşlıdere (1,116), Tuzlagözü (1,043) and Ulaşlı (1,036). On average, 462 people live in each of the 69 villages.


Hazzo was founded at the foot of the Muşberge. The city appears as Hazzo in the Scherefname of the Şerefhans , in the Seyahatnâme of Evliya Çelebis and in the Kamus'ul Âlan . After Evliya Çelebi was Hazzo of Timur the Ag Qoyunlu snatched and destroyed the fortress. After Timur, Hazzo was again under the rule of the Aq Qoyunlu until they were defeated by the Safavids under Shah Ismail in 1502 . In 1514 Hazzo came under Ottoman rule after the Battle of Tschaldiran . İdris-i Bitlisî was on the way on behalf of the Ottoman Sultan Selim I to get the support of the Kurdish princes. Hazzo as part of Bitlis became one of the privileged Kurdish sanjaks . After the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, Hazzo was part of Sason until June 1, 1938 , after which it became part of the province of Siirt as Kozluk. Kozluk has been part of Batman Province since May 18, 1990.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Türkiye Nüfusu İl ve İlçelere Göre Nüfus Bilgileri (Nufusune.com) , accessed on April 23, 2019