War lectures University of Bonn

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The War Lectures of the University of Bonn (official name of the War Lectures of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn a. Rh. ) Were given in public lectures on topics from a wide range of different subject areas during the Second World War , and most of them were published in a specially published series.

Lecture series and booklets

The majority of the lectures were given in the context of a special series of lectures from the first three-semester in 1939 until the university closed in 1944 with a common main topic. The authors were professors and lecturers from the University of Bonn, some came as guest lecturers from other universities (e.g. Leipzig, Groningen) as well as from NSDAP organizations and the Wehrmacht .

The publisher of the series of the same name was the Gaudozentenführer Karl F. Chudoba , who was also rector of the University of Bonn. The booklets were published by the Bonn University Book Printing Company Gebr. Scheur, GmbH .

In 1942, in a foreword in Volume 100, Chudoba explains the background to the lectures: ... at the same time the decisive intellectual and ideological debate about the new meaning of history ... and the new order of Europe should be arranged. Similar in tone to 1943: The war lectures ... are not just a joint effort , but also a war effort by the lecturers at the Bonn Alma mater; they were taken up at the beginning of the current world war, which determined our people's size or destruction, ... when the universities ... were shut down for military-political reasons in their lectures ...

The lecture topics and contents show the clear influence of the National Socialist ideology on the scientific image of the time. However, not all authors were members of the NSDAP or one of its organizations, for example Zycha (lecture 1940: The struggle of the Germans for their rights in Böhmen, issue 9) was replaced as rector of the university in 1933 because of his critical attitude. Kern (2 lectures, 11, 39) joined a resistance group in 1944 . Others, such as Chudoba, Feldmann , Obenauer , Tackenberg or Schiedermair, were staunch National Socialists.

List of war lectures at the University of Bonn
List of war lectures at the University of Bonn

The order of the lecture books is not strictly chronological. Some issues, including those from the lecture series, appeared later than other issues in the series. There is no evidence today for issues 48, 50–53, 111–114, 121–128, 137–150: they are probably no longer in print.

A total of 129 lecture booklets were published: 29 booklets appeared in 1940, 21 in 1941, 31 in 1942, 26 in 1943 and 22 in 1944. In 1943 an anthology of all the lectures in the series Der Kampf um den Rhein was published .

Subject of the series Issue numbers Year of publication
What should we know about the enemy? 1-9 1940
General lectures 10-20a, 90 1940-1942
Science in the fight for Germany 21-29,37,41,44 1940-1941, 1944
The battle for the Rhine 31-40 1940-1941
Europe and the colonies 45-47.49.54 1941-1942
Greece 55-64 1941-1942
Holland and Flanders 65-72 1942
Art and science 81-86.89 1942-1944
Forms of leadership of the peoples 91-97 1942
The Mediterranean as a European fate 101-108 1942
Europe's northern country 115-120 1943
Famous professors from Bonn 129-136 1944
European spirit - European culture 151-159 1944

Lecturers (selection)


  • Ralf Forsbach: The Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn in the "Third Reich" . Ouldenburg, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-486-57989-4 , pp. 675 .
  • Michael F. Feldkamp : Reich church historiography and borderland research. On the scientific and journalistic work of the Bonn historian Leo Just (1901–1964) . In: B. Dietz, H. Gabel, U. Tiedau (Eds.): Reach for the West: The "West Research" of the ethnic-national sciences on the north-west European area (1919-1960) Volume II (=  studies on the history and culture of north-west Europe ). tape 6 . Waxmann, Münster 2003, ISBN 3-8309-1144-0 , p. 1027 ff .
  • Fabian Sösemann: Richard Thoma . In: Mathias Schmoeckel (Ed.): The lawyers of the University of Bonn in the "Third Reich" (=  legal historical writings ). tape 18 . Böhlau, Cologne 2004, ISBN 3-412-12903-8 , pp. 576 .
  • Thomas Mittmann: From 'favorite' to 'primary enemy' of the Jews . K + N, Würzburg 2006, ISBN 3-8260-3273-X , p. 111 f .
  • Eckart Mentzler-Trott: Gentzens Problem: Mathematical Logic in National Socialist Germany . Birkhäuser, Basel 2001, ISBN 3-7643-6574-9 , p. 166 ff .

Individual evidence

  1. Hans Naumann: The Nibelungenlied . In: Karl F. Chudoba (ed.): War Lectures at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Bonn a.Rh . tape 100 . Gebr Scheur - Bonn University Printing House , Bonn 1942, DNB  361933223 .
  2. ^ Foreword by the editor . In: Karl F. Chudoba (ed.): War Lectures at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Bonn a.Rh . Gebr Scheur - University Printing House Bonn, Bonn 1943, DNB  580331385 .