Herne cultural center

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Herne cultural center after renovation in November 2010

The Herne Cultural Center ( KUZ for short ) is a cultural and event center built in the city of Herne in 1976 that unites a number of urban cultural institutions under one roof.


Cultural Center Herne 2008

The multi-purpose hall, made of exposed concrete and aluminum, was built in 1976 by the city of Herne. The construction work lasted from August 1973 to September 1976. Around 43,000 m³ of earth were excavated and 11,000 m³ of concrete was used, with about one ton of steel being used for every ten cubic meters of concrete. The volume of the enclosed space is 71,000 m³. The cultural center combines the city library, the city archive, the adult education center and the cultural office under one roof.

In summer 2010 the cultural center was renovated, rebuilt, modernized and reopened in October. Among other things, a comprehensive lighting concept in the outdoor area and in the hall, airy structures in the entrance area and a new lounge area around the counters in the foyer were created. Since reopening in 2010, the cultural center has been continuously adapted to current developments in the event industry, both structurally and technically.


The cultural center offers numerous events for all age groups, from concerts to cabaret to children's theater. Well-known actors like Bernhard Minetti and Will Quadflieg or show stars like Hape Kerkeling and Peter Kraus have already performed in the cultural center, which can be flexibly adapted to any common event format in terms of technology, organization and gastronomy. It is suitable for meetings, conferences, trade fairs, exhibitions, gala events, concerts and shows.

Urban facilities

Herne cultural center seen from Willi-Pohlmann-Platz, view of VHS, city archive, Restaurant Zille, 2014

The adult education center, the cultural office, the library of the city of Herne, the city archive and the event hall are housed in the multi-purpose building.


In addition to comedy evenings, for example with Hape Kerkeling , Johann König , Ralf Schmitz , Mirja Boes , Herbert Knebel , Jürgen von der Lippe , Hagen Rether and Götz Alsmann , the days of early music and the games fair Spielewahnsinn take place in the cultural center as an annual event , as well as since 2011 the final and the award ceremony of the nationwide competition for stage originals Tegtmeier's heirs organized by the city of Herne .

In addition, parties are held regularly, such as over-30s, New Year's Eve parties and the WDR2 house party. Companies, associations and parties also use the cultural center as a conference or event location.

Event location / hall

The hall can be moved level or stepped in order to be able to implement many different seating options. The rear wall of the hall can also be lowered so that the hall and foyer can be shared. Due to the variable wall system and the modern floor hydraulics, the hall adapts to the specific requirements and can be used for a wide variety of events.


The main stage is a maximum of 12 m wide and has a total area of ​​150 m². A variable stage system with continuously movable lifting platforms and platform systems offers a wide range of design options.

  • Hall: 580 m²
  • Hall with foyer: 1,160 m²
  • up to 1,260 people without seats
  • Row seating: Hall: 803 seats; with foyer: 1,200 seats
  • Banquet seating up to 820 seats
  • Parliamentary (hall) up to 295 seats, flexibly expandable through the foyer
  • Floor covering hall: parquet
  • Foyer flooring: natural stone
  • Lighting ratio hall: no daylight
  • Light ratio foyer: daylight
  • Air conditioning available
  • Floor space: main stage 150 m², back stage 96 m²
  • Two lifting platforms (11 × 3 m), steplessly movable from (+) 1.5 m to (-) 2.8 m on the main stage
  • Stage tower / height Schnürboden = 15 m
  • 20 hand counter pulls up to 300 kg
  • 2 side panoramas
  • Nivtec platform system in various sizes and heights (from 0.20 to 1.00 m)


The Herne cultural center is centrally located and has convenient connections. The A 42 and A 43 motorways can be reached in less than 5 minutes, and connections to public transport are guaranteed via the U35 underground line and several bus lines.

Web links

Commons : Kulturzentrum Herne  - collection of images, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. Bochum University: KUZ Kulturzentrum Herne ( memento of the original dated November 13, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved June 17, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.fh-bochum.de
  2. german-architects: Building of the Week ( Memento of the original from September 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved June 17, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.german-architects.com

Coordinates: 51 ° 32 ′ 10.2 ″  N , 7 ° 13 ′ 22 ″  E