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Kunigunde (also Kunigunda , short forms Kuniza , Chuniza , Cuniza , Kunne ) is a female given name .

Origin and meaning

The name is an old Germanic name based on two words: kunni (" clan ") and gund ("fight"). Kunigunde was a popular first name in the Middle Ages, especially in aristocratic circles.

name day

Well-known namesake

A name

First name

  • Kunigunde Ansion (1863–1922), Austrian writer
  • Kunigunde Fürst (* 1944), Austrian nun and former general superior of the Franciscan Sisters of Vöcklabruck
  • Kunigunde Schwab (1910–1997), German communist politician, pacifist and resistance fighter against National Socialism
  • Kunigunde Sterzl (* around 1544, † 1620), victim of the witch hunt in Eichstätt
  • Kunigunde Tremel-Eggert (1889–1957), German writer


See also


Web links

Wiktionary: Kunigunde  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations