Kurt Gattinger

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Kurt Gattinger ( September 1, 1914 in Innsbruck - January 13, 2007 ) was an Austrian SS officer , lawyer and politician of the Austrian People's Party (ÖVP).


Kurt Gattinger graduated from secondary school in Innsbruck in 1932.

In 1934 he joined the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler founded by Sepp Dietrich in 1933 . He took part in the attack on Poland as a member of the SS regiment "Germany" . In 1940 Gattinger was employed with an SS artillery regiment in the western campaign in Normandy . During the German-Soviet War he was the head of an artillery battery of the 5th SS Panzer Division "Wiking" . In 1940 he was awarded the Iron Cross as first lieutenant , and in 1942 as SS-Hauptsturmführer for the fighting in the Elbrus area the German Cross in Gold.

After the war Gattinger studied law and received his doctorate in 1948 at the University of Innsbruck; a doctoral thesis was not planned for the legal doctorate in Austria at that time.

Political career

In 1948 he joined the ÖVP Tirol and was employed in the state party secretariat. From May 1949 he worked as a legal officer and clerk for elections in the state party leadership. His duties included an amnesty campaign for former National Socialists. He initiated a pardon, tried to dismiss negotiations at the regional court and was able to contribute to the “positive settlement” of around 600 amnesty cases. His former membership in the SS was not detrimental to his popularity, even if this was not undisputed within the party.

In 1953 Gattinger became secretary of the Tyrolean People's Party. In the meantime he had made a name for himself as a contact person for “national” through the successes in pardons for former National Socialists and through naturalization procedures for South Tyrolean expellees. From an organizational point of view, Gattinger became one of the leading figures in the Tyrolean People's Party. He tightened the structures of the state and district party secretariats, set up new departments and created the party-related organizations “Apartment Ownership” (WE) and “Die Brücke”.

In August 1953, at the request of the Finance Committee of the ÖVP, an “Institute for the Promotion of the Social Market Economy and for Researching Public Opinion” was founded, and Gattinger became its managing director. The institute should influence public opinion and conduct “market research in the service of the economy”. In addition, "... for the payment of election donations and subsidies in addition to the Association of Austrian Industrialists and the Association of Independent Businesspeople, a neutral account should be set up that enables donors to pay in larger amounts of money, possibly even tax-deductible," Gattinger said in a letter the Chamber of Commerce. The institute, which is called “Die Brücke. Institute for Social Market Economy ”, developed extensive propaganda activities and placed large advertisements in newspapers across the whole of Germany.

On March 12, 1961, the first scandal broke out in Brixlegg . At a monarchist meeting Gattinger was accused of collecting commissions from party money in the course of building the party house on Südtiroler Platz in Innsbruck. In fact, Gattinger received these commissions with the consent of party chairman Aloys Oberhammer as part of his salary. The room was not accused of an illegal act, but of an immoral act. The party remained silent and covered the process in a party board decision. The Gattinger case was picked up by the Viennese newspaper Die Presse and the tabloid Express . At the end of 1962 Gattinger resigned from the office of state party secretary.

In February 1967 the offices of the non-profit housing association WE were searched by the police. As managing director of the company, Gattinger was suspected of infidelity and convicted in April 1969. He was not accused of personal enrichment. He received a heavy one-year prison sentence, which was issued after the criminal law reform. The criminal case against Gattinger led to a parliamentary question . His doctorate was revoked after his conviction, but was awarded again shortly afterwards.

In 1980 Gattinger was awarded the Cross of Merit of the City of Innsbruck as director of the non-profit housing association "Wohnungseigentum".


  • The way to your own home: Condominium and home ownership through housing subsidies 1954 , Tyrolia, Verlag des Tiroler Verein der Freunde des Wohnungseigentums, Innsbruck 1955
  • Apartment ownership in Tyrol , in: Rudolf Danzinger: 5 years apartment ownership in Austria , Association of Friends of Apartment Ownership, Vienna 1955, p. 150 ff.
  • The Tyrolean People's Party , politikwiss. Diploma thesis, Univ. Innsbruck, 1994

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Winfried Werner Linde : Dance of Death: Tirol 1938; a reflection book , Ed. Documents, Innsbruck 1988, ISBN 978-3-900709-10-5 , p. 81
  2. ^ A b Eduard Widmoser (Ed.): Südtirol AZ , Volume 2 G-Ko, Südtirol-Verlag, Innsbruck-Munich 1983, p. 36; limited preview in Google Book search
  3. ^ Siegfried Göllner: Die Stadt Salzburg 1940: Zeitungsdokumentation , Stadt Salzburg, undated PDF, p. 312
  4. ^ Siegfried Göllner: Die Stadt Salzburg 1942: Zeitungsdokumentation , Stadt Salzburg, undated PDF, p. 121
  5. The information comes from the University of Innsbruck and was transmitted on October 10, 2017 by Mr. Peter Goller, historian and archivist at the University of Innsbruck.
  6. Over 70 years of the Tyrolean People's Party: 1945-1962 The years of reconstruction after the war , homepage of the Tyrolean People's Party , accessed on September 29, 2017
  7. ^ A b Michael Gehler : Tyrol in the 20th century: from the crown land to the European region. Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-7022-2881-1 , p. 275 f.
  8. a b c d e f Martin Achrainer , Niko Hofinger: Politics according to "Tyrolean style - a triad of hard work, efficiency and belief in the future". Notes, anecdotes and analyzes on the Tyrolean political system 1945-1999 , in: Michael Gehler (Hrsg.): Tirol. "Land im Gebirge" , history of the Austrian federal states since 1945 part 3, Böhlau, Wien-Köln-Weimar 1999, ISBN 978-3-205-98789-5 , pp. 27-138, here pp. 50, 66 f., 74 f .; limited preview in Google Book search
  9. a b Horst Schreiber : Notes on the NSDAP membership of the Altlandeshauptmanns von Tirol, Eduard Wallnöfer , in: Geschichte und Region / Storia e regione 14 (2005), 1, pp. 161–191, here p. 183 f.
  10. Martin Achrainer: »There is more arguing elsewhere. We are building more. «State election campaigns in Tyrol 1945-1969. In: Herbert Dachs (Ed.): Between Competition and Consensus: State Election Campaigns in Austria's Federal States 1945. Böhlau, Wien-Köln-Weimar 2006, ISBN 978-3-205-77445-7 , pp. 303–362, here p. 350 f.
  11. Hanns Humer: Eduard Wallnöfer: a biography. Tyrolia-Verlag, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-7022-2233-2 , p. 79
  12. ^ 60 years of housing association WE , ORF Tirol, October 6, 2014
  13. Parliamentary question on Gattinger's conviction , May 22, 1969
  14. 1263 / AB XI.GP answer to parliamentary questions . July 10, 1969
  15. Innsbrucker Stadtnachrichten No. 7 of July 23, 1980 on issuu.com , PDF p. 8
  16. Cross of Merit of the City of Innsbruck , State Capital Innsbruck, PDF p. 3