Lübeck literature meeting

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Reading in the Lübeck Theater on the occasion of the Lübeck Literature Meeting 2013; from left Feridun Zaimoglu , Tilman Spengler , Eva Menasse and Sherko Fatah

The "Lübeck Literature Meeting" is the title given by Günter Grass to a German circle of authors founded on December 5, 2005. The association, initially titled “Lübeck 05” based on Group 47 , consists of well-known German-speaking writers. According to Grass, the aim is to keep the younger generation of writers 'need for political interference' alive and to counteract their regional 'dispersion' across the country. In contrast to Group 47, no literary critics can take part in the Lübeck 05 Circle .

The members - Thomas Brussig , Michael Kumpfmüller , Katja Lange-Müller , Benjamin Lebert , Eva Menasse , Matthias Politycki , Tilman Spengler and Burkhard Spinnen - are mainly writers who, before the 2005 Bundestag election, are clearly in favor of a continuation of the red- the green coalition. In addition to the discussion of ongoing literary projects in the sense of a workshop talk, the political situation should also be discussed. After a first meeting in Lübeck's Günter Grass House on December 5, 2005, a first joint reading took place in the Buddenbrook House on December 6 , although Thomas Brussig and Burkhard Spinnen had canceled due to illness.

In its first programmatic statements, the group, which sees itself as a “riot”, emphasized above all its experimental character. There is no explicit alliance with Group 47, and there is no joint manifesto . Most of the work, especially the review of unpublished manuscripts, should take place non-publicly. The professional cultural criticism of the feature pages should also not be accorded any special space (Grass: “We are the primary, the critics the secondary”). The group wants to meet annually from now on. New members are allowed.

In 2015 the Lübeck Literature Meeting will take place for the tenth time. The writers Dagmar Leupold , Feridun Zaimoglu , Norbert Niemann , Fridolin Schley , Ingo Schulze and Sherko Fatah are now regular participants . Günter Grass dies a few weeks after the anniversary meeting. On the 22nd - 24th January 2016, the meeting, to which guest authors Nora Bossong , Lena Gorelik , Christiane Neudecker and Karen Köhler are invited, will take place without him for the first time.

The project was originally preceded by Grass' attempt to reconnect with the structures of the former Group 47: In April 2005, he met Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Peter Rühmkorf for a joint reading for the first time in 38 years since the collapse of the union .

The Lübeck Literature Meeting is supported by the Kulturstiftung Hansestadt Lübeck .

Literature Prize

In 2011, the circle of authors together with the Kulturstiftung, the umbrella association of Lübeck museums, awarded the literary prize “By authors for authors” for the first time. The amount of the prize money is not fixed as it is raised by the participants in the literary meeting. The prize is awarded every two years. Since 2017 it has been officially called the Günter Grass Prize . The first winner under this name was Katja Lange-Müller . She received the award on February 19, 2017.

By authors for authors

Award winners

Günter Grass Prize

Award winners

Web links

Commons : Lübeck literature meeting  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Literature meeting according to Grass - «His spirit lives on» ( Memento from February 1, 2016 in the Internet Archive ), January 24, 2016
  2. Berliner Zeitung of March 2, 2015, p. 23
  3. ^ NDR: Katja Lange-Müller receives Günter Grass Prize. Retrieved February 16, 2017 .
  4. Michael Berger: Award for someone who has been forgotten . In: Lübecker Nachrichten of January 8, 2011, p. 16
  5. Formbewusst in FAZ of December 24, 2012, page 26
  6. Irina Liebmann is honored by the Grass authors' group Berliner Zeitung of March 2, 2015, p. 23
  7. ^ Text of the laudation by Dagmar Leupold , given on March 1, 2015 [1]
  8. The Truth About the Erdferkel , Süddeutsche Zeitung , February 21, 2017
  9. WORLD: Günter Grass Prize for Jens Sparschuh . January 10, 2019 ( welt.de [accessed January 17, 2019]).