Günter Grass House
The Günter Grass House is a building and museum in Lübeck's old town , which is dedicated to the literary , pictorial and plastic work of the Nobel Prize winner Günter Grass , who lived near Lübeck in old age . The sponsor of the house, which opened in October 2002, is the Hanseatic City of Lübeck Cultural Foundation .
The Günter-Grass-Haus was opened as a forum for literature and fine arts in 2002 at Glockengießerstraße 21 in Lübeck. The focus of the museum is the research and communication of the interaction between literature and visual arts in Grass' work.
The writer, graphic artist, painter and sculptor, born in Gdansk in 1927 , lived near the Hanseatic city in Behlendorf from 1986 until his death in 2015 , his secretariat and archive have been in the same building on Glockengießerstrasse since the 1990s. Despite the proximity to its namesake, the Günter Grass House worked scientifically independently. In the early years, the management was held by the art historians Kai Artinger and Stefanie Wiech. In 2009, Wiech was followed by the Germanist and historian Jörg-Philipp Thomsa as museum director.
After Grass' death, the Günter-Grass-Haus organized the central commemoration event in cooperation with Steidl Verlag , which took place on May 10, 2015 in the Lübeck Theater in the presence of Federal President Joachim Gauck . The main speech was given by the writer John Irving . Helene Grass and Mario Adorf read poems by the deceased.
On the occasion of Günter Grass' 90th birthday, the Günter Grass House hosted a festive event on November 28, 2017 in the Lübeck Music and Congress Hall with Salman Rushdie , who was friends with the Nobel Prize winner for literature. The participants in the Lübeck literary meeting founded by Günter Grass, Dagmar Leupold , Eva Menasse , Benjamin Lebert , Fridolin Schley and Tilman Spengler read from the novel A Wide Field .
For interdisciplinary research, the museum has a collection with more than 1,300 original drawings, lithographs, watercolors and etchings as well as numerous manuscripts from the artist's estate . The entire collection was digitized in 2016.
The sponsor of the house is the Hanseatic City of Lübeck Cultural Foundation. The Freundeskreis Günter-Grass-Haus eV supports and promotes the work of the museum. Members of the Freundeskreis include citizens of Lübeck and public figures such as Mario Adorf , Günter Netzer , Eva Menasse , Frank-Walter Steinmeier , Volker Schlöndorff , Denis Scheck and Ulrich Wickert .
The building complex with two renovated old town houses in Glockengießerstraße is located below the Katharinenkirche . The design was carried out by the Lübeck architect Thomas Schröder-Berkentien in collaboration with the Hamburg studio Heller . The front and rear buildings with the actual exhibition space are located on two narrow 50-meter-long plots with a medieval inner courtyard. In the courtyard in the sculpture garden, sculptures by Grass such as the sculpture Der Butt im Griff can be seen. Every year in summer, a large children's festival with changing themes and the Lübeck Museum Night take place here. Via the rear museum garden, in which sculptures by Günter Grass can also be seen, there is a connection with the branch office of the Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt Foundation in Königstrasse , the Willy Brandt House in Lübeck , which opened in 2007 .

The collection exhibition was completely revised in 2012. Under the title “To meet the inaccurate exactly”, it has since provided insights into the artist's creative process and shows connecting lines in his worlds of words and images. In five exhibition elements, the show sheds light on largely unknown facets of Grass' life and work. The following topics can currently be seen: National Socialism and its consequences, political engagement, scandals, literature and visual arts as well as Grass and the religions. One of the items is exchanged annually for Grass's birthday in October. At the end of the tour, visitors can vote on which aspect of his life and work should be shown in the exhibition in the future. In a digital archive, the past exhibition elements can be discovered, which the public itself determined in recent years. These were "Sexuality in the Work of Günter Grass" (2013), "Grass as a Soldier" (2014), "Grass and the Baltic Sea" (2015), "Grass and the Art of Cooking" (2016) and "Grass and the Religions" ( 2017).
Special exhibitions
In a special series of exhibitions, the museum also presents other artists who, like Grass, worked or are still working in more than one discipline. The double and multiple talents that the house has shown so far include Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , Hermann Hesse , Wilhelm Busch , Friedrich Dürrenmatt , Gottfried Keller , Arno Schmidt , Ernst Barlach , Janosch , Robert Gernhardt , John Lennon , Markus Lüpertz , Cornelia Funke , Winston Churchill and Joachim Ringelnatz .
In the special exhibition “Don't fence me in. Early pictures by Günter Grass”, the Günter Grass house presented works by the artist to the public for the first time, which were discovered by chance in 2013. Grass had made the drawings, watercolors and sculptures as a stonemason intern and art student in Düsseldorf.
The special exhibition “Different Views. Böll und Grass ”opened the 2015 Nobel Prize for Literature, Swetlana Alexijewitsch , on February 21, 2017.
In 2018 the museum presented photographs by Nobel Prize winner and Oscar winner George Bernard Shaw for the first time in Germany .
From October 2018 to February 2019, the Forum for Literature and Fine Arts showed the exhibition “Grass in Color. Watercolors by Günter Grass ”. Most of the work came from the house's collection.
- Kai Artinger, Hans Wißkirchen (ed.): “Words and interactions”. The Günter Grass House. Forum for literature and fine arts. Göttingen 2002.
- Hans Wißkirchen (Ed.): The lectures of the 1st International Günter Grass Colloquium in the town hall of Lübeck. Lübeck 2002.
- Kai Artinger (Ed.): "This side and the other side of Arcadia". Goethe and Grass as landscape draftsmen. Göttingen 2004.
- Kai Artinger (Ed.): Hubertus Giebe. Graphics for the novel "The Tin Drum". Lübeck 2005.
- Günter-Grass-Haus (Ed.): The immortals. The world of images of the “Wide Field” by Günter Grass. Lübeck 2005.
- Günter-Grass-Haus (ed.): From work on memory. On Günter Grass “When peeling the onion”. Lübeck 2007.
- Stefanie Wiech, Hans Wißkirchen (ed.): Günter Grass. Writer and visual artist. Lübeck 2007.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa, Stefanie Wiech (ed.): A citizen for Brandt. The political grass. Lübeck 2008.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (Ed.): A book makes history. 50 years of "The Tin Drum". Lübeck 2009.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa, Viktoria Krason (Ed.): From Danzig to Lübeck. Günter Grass and Poland. Z Gdanska do Lubeki. Günter Grass i Polska. Lübeck 2010.
- NABU, Günter-Grass-Haus (Ed.): "Clouds over the forest". An exhibition by NABU in collaboration with Günter-Grass-Haus. Lübeck 2011.
- Andrea Fromm, Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (ed.): "Idyllenjäger". Gottfried Keller as a painter. Lübeck 2012.
- Tatjana Dübbel, Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (Ed.): "Unrest in Olympus". Poems, drawings and sculptures by Markus Lüpertz. Lübeck 2013.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (Ed.): The new Grass house. Lübeck 2013.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (Hrsg.): Memorial event for Günter Grass. Lübeck 2015.
- Kulturstiftung der Länder in connection with the Günter Grass House (ed.): PATRIMONIA · 239. »Was actually a beautiful ship ...« Catalog for the exhibition in the Günter Grass House, Lübeck, January 26, 2015 to January 6, 2016 . Lübeck 2015.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa, Tatjana Dübbel (ed.): Winston Churchill - writings. Talk. Photos. Lübeck 2016.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (Ed.): Two long nights for Günter Grass. Friends and companions remember each other. Lübeck 2017.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (Ed.): " Set in scene". George Bernard Shaw and Photography . Lübeck 2018.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (Ed.): Salman Rushdie: Memories of Günter Grass . Lübeck 2018.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa, Adeline Henzschel (ed.): From the diary of a snail. Interdisciplinary aspects of a key work by Günter Grass . Lübeck 2018.
- Oliver Zybok (Ed.): Jonathan Meese. “DR. AT HOME: ART (ERZLIEBE) «. Catalog for the exhibition »Gesamtkunstwerk Lübeck« in the Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Kunsthalle St. Annen, Günter Grass-Haus, St. Petri zu Lübeck, Kulturwerft Gollan, Lübeck, February 17, 2019 to August 4, 2019 . Cologne 2019.
- Jörg-Philipp Thomsa (Ed.): Two long nights for Günter Grass. Friends and companions remember each other . Lübeck 2020.
See also
Web links
- Günter Grass House's website and Facebook presence
Individual evidence
- ^ The Günter Grass House in Lübeck. In: Hamburger Abendblatt , April 24, 2015.
- ↑ Hanno Kabel: The Poet's Last Home , May 10, 2015, accessed on November 3, 2019.
- ^ A borderline case - the Günter Grass house . In: Anna Rebecca Hoffmann: Remembering literature. For remembrance work in literary museums and memorials . Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld 2018, pp. 380–388 ISBN 978-3-8376-4308-4 .
- ↑ "He couldn't come out out of shame." Michael-Müller-Verlag, accessed on November 2, 2019 (interview).
- ^ An emotional farewell to Günter Grass. In: NDR.de , May 10, 2015; Farewell with sadness and respect. In: N-TV.de , May 10, 2015.
- ^ NDR: Salman Rushdie recalls Grass in Lübeck. Retrieved January 8, 2018 .
- ^ Archives of the Günter-Grass-Haus can also be used digitally in future. In: Focus , June 24, 2016.
- ^ Head of the Grass House: "We want to enlighten". In: Focus Online , April 24, 2015.
- ↑ Den Butt under control , Baunetz.de, October 21, 2002, accessed on November 3, 2019.
- ^ Grass house opened in Lübeck. ( Memento from August 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: Zeit Online , October 15, 2012; Günther Grass defends his poem on Israel. In: Focus Online , October 15, 2012.
- ^ First nationwide exhibition about Gottfried Keller as a painter. In: Die Welt , April 26, 2012.
- ^ Stefan Diebitz: Arno Schmidt. The writer as a photographer. In: Portal Art History , July 22, 2011.
- ↑ Matthias Gretzschel: Myth of women. Two exhibitions in Lübeck deal with Ernst Barlach's art and poetry. In: Hamburger Abendblatt , February 22, 2011.
- ↑ KinderZEIT editorial team: 1 Janosch + 2 pens = 1 black and yellow tiger duck . In: Zeit Online , March 10, 2010.
- ↑ John Lennon - draftsman, poet, musician. ( Memento from August 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: NDR , July 1, 2013.
- ^ Stefan Grund: Poetically colored sculptures in the Günter Grass House. In: Hamburger Abendblatt , July 5, 2013.
- ↑ Cornelia Funke's fantastic world in the Grass house. ( Memento of the original from August 14, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: Zeit Online , April 23, 2014; Katja Weise: Cornelia Funke's World of Things. ( Memento from August 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: NDR.de , April 24, 2014; Dragons, fairies and mythical creatures. In: RTL Nord , April 24, 2014; Tilman Spreckelsen: Cornelia Funke exhibition. She paints the wild fairytale heroes herself. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , June 19, 2014.
- ↑ The Unknown Page by Winston Churchill. In: DW.com , November 13, 2016.
- ^ NDR: Ringelnatz exhibition in Lübeck. Retrieved November 14, 2017 .
- ^ Günter Grass' lost works. In: NDR.de , March 30, 2016.
- ↑ Grass in the shed. In: NDR.de , March 31, 2016.
- ^ NDR: "Selfies" by George Bernhard Shaw in Lübeck. April 19, 2018. Retrieved April 23, 2018 .
- ^ NDR: Lübeck exhibition shows "Grass in Color". October 14, 2018, accessed October 23, 2018 .
- ↑ Eckhard Fuhr: “I advise you to choose Es-Pe-De.” In: Die Welt , June 3, 2008.
- ↑ "The Tin Drum" - A novel is exhibited. ( Memento from August 17, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: NDR.de , September 14, 2009; And Oskar drums forever - the tin drum turns 50. In: NDR.de , September 14, 2009; Silke Bartlick: A book makes history - 50 years of “The Tin Drum”. In: DW .de , October 8, 2009.
- ^ Matthias Günther: From Danzig to Lübeck. Günter Grass and Poland. In: Deutschlandfunk , July 7, 2010; Thomas Joerdens: "A loving-critical relationship". In: taz.de , July 8, 2010.
- ↑ "Speeches from the Grass memorial service are available for reading." In: dpa , July 24, 2015.
- ↑ Catalog for the exhibition "Was actually a beautiful ship". In: Die Welt , October 6, 2015.
Coordinates: 53 ° 52 ′ 10 ″ N , 10 ° 41 ′ 24 ″ E