Lübeck news
Lübeck news | |
![]() |
description | Lübeck daily newspaper |
publishing company | Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH |
First edition | April 3, 1946 |
Frequency of publication | daily from Tuesday to Sunday |
Sold edition | 75,871 copies |
( IVW 2/2020, Tue-Sun) | |
Range | 0.238 million readers |
( MA 2009 ) | |
Editor-in-chief | Gerald Goetsch |
editor | Jürgen Wessel † |
Web link | Online presence of the Lübecker Nachrichten |
ZDB | 526232-x |
The Lübecker Nachrichten (LN) is a regional daily newspaper in south-eastern Schleswig-Holstein and western Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .
Alongside the Kieler Nachrichten , the newspaper is one of the largest daily newspapers in Schleswig-Holstein. The LN appear daily except Mondays and on days after public holidays . The sold circulation is 75,871 copies, a decrease of 32.7 percent since 1998.
The LN emerged in 1946 from the Lübecker General-Anzeiger , founded by Charles Coleman in 1882 . The Lübeck regional edition still appears with this subtitle. The publisher's majority owner is the Madsack publishing group in Hanover. The editor-in-chief is Gerald Goetsch.
The Lübecker Nachrichten appears with regional editions in the Hanseatic city of Lübeck , in Bad Schwartau and the districts of Ostholstein (two different editions for Ostholstein-Nord and -Süd), Segeberg , Stormarn , Duchy of Lauenburg and Northwest Mecklenburg .
In the district of Northwest Mecklenburg, the Lübecker Nachrichten was in direct competition until the end of 2008 with the Ostsee-Zeitung , whose partner is LN. Both newspapers each had a local editorial office in Grevesmühlen. These were replaced on January 1, 2009 by a joint editorial team that produces the local pages for both titles.
The Lübeck news as most German newspapers in recent years to rest lost. The circulation sold has decreased by an average of 3% per year over the past 10 years. Last year it decreased by 4.1%. The current edition is 75,871 copies. The share of subscriptions in the circulation sold is 86.2 percent.
Development of the number of copies sold

publishing company

The publisher of the Lübecker Nachrichten is the Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH based in Lübeck-Buntekuh, a district of Lübeck . The publishing company Madsack has a direct 49 percent stake in the GmbH . Madsack has a 23 percent stake in the publishing company Hanseatische Verlags-Beteiligungs AG, which holds 24 percent of the shares. Further shares are held by a foundation of the former publisher Jürgen Wessel with 24 percent and the former managing director Günter Semmerow.
The subsidiaries include Ostsee-Zeitung GmbH & Co.KG , Lübecker Nachrichten Liefer GmbH, MZV Zeitungs Verlag GmbH, in which the advertising paper Delüx appears, Ostsee Aboservice GmbH, Medienservice Plus GmbH, Ostsee Information und Medien GmbH, the Ostsee Verlagsservice GmbH, which publishes advertising papers such as the Wochenspiegel , and the Ostsee Werbungblattverlag GmbH with the advertising journal Wochenspiegel. The Plön shop window was discontinued in 2011.
Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH is involved via Regiocast on Radio Schleswig-Holstein , travel agencies and other regional companies.
The publisher also operates various internet service portals, such as LN Reisen, LN Sportbuzzer, Glück im Norden, LN Jobs, Orte im Norden, nord-aktuell and Reisereporter.
- Editor: Jürgen Wessel († 2006)
- Managing director: Adrian Schimpf
- Editor-in-chief: Gerald Goetsch

Lübeck General-Anzeiger
The General-Anzeiger , the predecessor newspaper of the Lübecker Nachrichten , was founded in 1882 by Charles Coleman (1852-1936), whose family came from Scotland. Coleman moved from Bad Oldesloe to Lübeck in 1877 and took over a printing company there. With the Lübeck press and the Nordic press , he had already failed twice in attempts to publish newspapers in Lübeck. On July 15, 1882, the sample number appeared under the title General-Anzeiger for Lübeck and the surrounding area . M. Jotkowitz acted as editor; Charles Coleman and the editor Carl Hillmann did not appear in it yet. The free paper initially appeared twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Publisher Jotkowitz announced that the General-Anzeiger by small interesting feature articles, Miscellaneous and more important local news to make by anyone like to read leaf . In the header of the front page, reference was made to the advertising price : insertion price for the three-column corpus line 10 Pfg. Appropriate discount for repetitions. The seat of the expedition was Fleischhauerstrasse 115 (now 14).
At the turn of the year 1882/1883 the paper had a circulation of 3500 copies and appeared three times a week, from 1885 the newspaper appeared daily. The circulation rose steadily to 12,800 newspapers in 1890. Printing took place on a high-speed press, which Coleman replaced with the first rotary press with an 8 HP gas engine in order to be able to meet the growing demands. In 1893 he bought the building at Königstrasse 55, which together with the building at Königstrasse 57 was the publishing house until 1991. Until then, the publishing complex had been expanded to include premises in the buildings between Königstrasse, Fleischhauerstrasse and Dr.-Julius-Leber-Strasse (formerly Johannisstrasse). The listed office building at Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 32, whose hall was used for public events and receptions, also belonged to the publishing house.
At the beginning of the 20th century the circulation of the General-Anzeiger rose to 30,000; it was the German provincial newspaper with the highest circulation. In 1913, Robert Coleman (1897-1982), the son of Charles Colemans, joined the publishing house. He became a partner in 1924 and, together with his father, editor of the newspaper and took over the management as sole publisher in 1930.
Period of National Socialism and the post-war period
During the Nazi era , the newspaper gradually lost its independence. As early as March 30, 1933, two months after Adolf Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor, she reported on resistance actions by KPD members in Kücknitz and Dummersdorf, who had renamed street signs to Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse, under the heading “The red mob is stirring yourself! "The report said:" Hopefully some auxiliary police officers will be ordered from Lübeck to Kücknitz so that this red mob can be cleaned up thoroughly (...). "
At the end of December 31, 1933, all rights of the Gebrüder Borchers publishing house and thus of the Lübeckische advertisements that had appeared since 1751 were transferred to the General-Anzeiger - "to the general surprise", as it was said in the last edition of the Lübeck advertisements .
In 1936 the NSDAP took over 30 percent of the company's shares, and in 1942 another 21 percent. That same year, the merged General-Anzeiger with the Nazi party newspaper The Volksbote which was founded in 1894 from the Social Democratic newspaper Lübeck Volksbote in May 1933 by DC circuit was formed. The newspaper appeared until May 2, 1945 under the title Lübecker Zeitung .
After the end of the Second World War , the British military government first published the Lübecker Nachrichtenblatt , later the Lübecker Post , through British press officers such as the historian Captain Arthur Geoffrey Dickens . In the very first phase, the scope was often only one page.
Lübeck news
In 1946 there was a new generation of publishers with Claus Wessel (1893–1971), Leonard Ehrlich (1897–1975) from Berlin, persecuted by the National Socialists, Heinz Eckholdt and Johannes Möller. On March 28, 1946, you received the license for the Lübecker Nachrichten . The first edition appeared on April 3, 1946. Möller and Eckholdt later left the publishing house. In 1950 Robert Coleman received the license to publish the Lübecker General-Anzeiger and founded the Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH with Claus Wessel and Leonard Ehrlich , in which the newspaper has since appeared with the addition General-Anzeiger . In the same year, the publishing house, including the newspaper delivery staff, employed 1,300 people. In 1959, a MAN two-roll rotary machine went into operation.
In 1968 Robert Coleman's sons Charles Coleman († December 31, 1991) and Jürgen Coleman († December 31, 1991) followed their father to the top of the publishing house, as did Jürgen Wessel († 2006) his father Claus Wessel. Leonard Ehrlich was followed in 1970 by his son Bernd Ehrlich († 2006), who remained a partner until 1983.
In 1973 the circulation of the newspaper grew to more than 100,000 copies. On August 1, 1974, Günter Semmerow took up his position as managing director of the Lübecker Nachrichten . In 1979 the first edition of the advertising paper “Lübecker Wochenspiegel” was published with a circulation of 120,000 copies.
In 1982 lead type was replaced by photo typesetting; the departments have since been networked by computer.
The foundation stone for the new Herrenholz printing center was laid on September 12, 1984. The web offset process has been used since 1986 in what is now the publishing house in Herrenholz in Lübeck-Buntekuh. The publishing complex in downtown Lübeck between Königstrasse, Fleischhauerstrasse and Dr.-Julius-Leber-Strasse was sold to a Dutch investor in 1990 [12] and given up in October 1991 when the editorial team moved.
On October 14, 1991 the first newspaper edition appeared in full-page break. In 1991 Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH bought the Ostsee-Zeitung in Rostock. The publisher later sold 50 percent of the shares to Axel Springer AG.
The Lübecker Nachrichten started its online service in 1997 at www.LN-Online.de.
In 1998 the newspaper was publicly reprimanded by the German Press Council for violating Section 7 of the Press Code (“surreptitious advertising”). The complaint was directed against parts of a series about commercial enterprises. [13]
In 2002 Thomas Ehlers took over the management of the Lübecker Nachrichten as the successor to Günter Semmerow .
In 2003, sales of the LN E-Paper, the electronic edition of the Lübecker Nachrichten, began .
In December 2006 Thomas Ehlers also took over the management of the publishing company Ostsee-Zeitung GmbH & Co. KG.
In July 2007 the publisher celebrated the newspaper's 125th anniversary.
In April 2008, the Lübecker Nachrichten and the Ostsee-Zeitung decided to spin off parts of both editorial teams into a joint subsidiary, Redaktions-Service-Gesellschaft GmbH & Co KG (RSG), and to introduce a news desk with cover pages and service pages for both newspapers are produced. Editors of the Lübecker Nachrichten and the Ostsee-Zeitung switched to the company . Since November 2010 the Lübecker Nachrichten has been published with a new layout.
Manfred von Thien switched to the Madsack media group in March 2011 as the “publisher's agent”. His successor as editor-in-chief was Gerald Goetsch (* 1962); he temporarily took over the management of the RSG
In December 2014, 'Heinrich Beteiligungs GmbH' from Kiel acquired the minority shares from Günter Semmerow and the Jürgen Wessel Foundation. In May 2015, long-time managing director Thomas Ehlers left the publishing house. Her successor was Stefanie Hauer in autumn 2015, who switched to Lübecker Nachrichten from that time . She left in September 2017.
Participation in the Lübecker Nachrichten
The Axel Springer AG took over in 1971 20 percent of the publisher shares; they grew by taking over the shares of Charles and Jürgen Coleman in 1987 to 49 percent. Jürgen Semmerow, who became managing director in 1974 and held this position until 2002, holds three percent. The brothers Charles and Jürgen Coleman were co-editors of the newspaper until their death on New Year's Eve 1991, when they died within a few hours. The co-partner and last editor of the newspaper, Jürgen Wessel, who died on December 14, 2006, contributed his company shares to a foundation he set up shortly before his death.
In February 2009, the Madsack publishing group took over 49 percent of Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH from Axel Springer AG, as well as 23 percent of the shares in Hanseatische Verlags-Beteiligungs AG, which held 24 percent of Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH. At the same time, Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH acquired 50 percent of the Ostsee-Zeitung in Rostock from Axel Springer AG. The Ostsee-Zeitung became a 100 percent subsidiary of the Lübecker Nachrichten again . With the takeover of a total of 51 percent of Hanseatische Verlags-Beteiligungs AG at the end of 2009, Madsack became the majority owner of the publisher. The foundation of the former publisher Jürgen Wessel owned further shares with 24 percent and the former managing director Günter Semmerow.
The following corporate relationships have existed since January 1, 2015: Heinrich Beteiligungs GmbH from Kiel (minority shareholder) acquired the minority shares (27%) from Günter Semmerow and the Jürgen Wessel Foundation. The publishing company Madsack GmbH & Co. KG (majority shareholder) holds 49% in Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH and 82.3% in Hanseatische Verlags-Beteiligungs AG, which in turn holds 24% in Lübecker Nachrichten GmbH.
Design of the newspaper
In 2010 the newspaper was relaunched . The layout designed with the media company KircherBurkhardt has six instead of the previous seven columns . Reports and message and comment columns are separated by vertical lines. The headlines were given the Cellini font , the body text the Candida font. Comments and glosses are provided with photos of the authors. The "LN-Journal am Sonntag" appears on Sundays. The "Weltspiegel" page has been renamed "LN Panorama". The first issue appeared on November 23, 2010, one day after the Ostsee-Zeitung, which was redesigned in the same layout .
The editors-in-chief since the end of the Second World War have been:
- Hans-Joachim Schilling
- Hans Schrem (1948–1961)
- Conrad Moritz Lankau (1961–1976)
- Martin Wein (1976–1985)
- Klaus J. Groth (1985-1993)
- Thomas Lubowski (1993-1998)
- Manfred von Thien (1999-2006)
- Ulrich Exner (April 2006 to the end of January 2009)
- Manfred von Thien (February 2009 to the end of February 2011)
- Gerald Goetsch (since March 1, 2011)
- January Herchenröder (1911-1986), head of the features section -Ressorts 1961-1978
- Wolfgang Chechne (1924–2019), head of the features section from 1978 to 1990
- Helmut von der Lippe (1935–2010), editor from 1965 to 2000, head of the Lübeck local editorial team from 1975 to 1981 and the report department
- Günter Zschacke (* 1936), features editor from 1963 to 1998 and author
- Albrecht Schreiber (* 1938), editor, author and publisher
- Holmar Knörzer (* 1942), head of the Northern Germany department until 1992
- Barbara Thomaß (* 1957), media scientist, completed her traineeship at the newspaper
- Carsten Germis (* 1959), journalist and author, former member of the political team
- Michael Schoepperl (* 1964), head of department, deputy editor-in-chief from 2002 to 2004
- Jens Kürbis (* 1965), sports editor and former national handball player
- Nick Vogler (* 1968), managing editor, local manager Lübeck
- Rüdiger Möbusz (1940–1993), typesetter and politician (SPD)
- Korbinian Witting (* 1980), former ice hockey player, media management
- Special edition of the Lübecker Nachrichten on the occasion of his 125th birthday , July 15, 2007
Web links
- Website of the publishing house of the Lübecker Nachrichten
- online portal of the Lübecker Nachrichten
Individual evidence
- ↑ see also the history of the Lübeck daily newspapers
- ↑ according to IVW ( details on ivw.eu )
- ↑ Title display | Information community to determine the spread of advertising media. Accessed on November 15, 2019 .
- ↑ according to IVW , second quarter 2020, Tue-Sun ( details and quarterly comparison on ivw.eu )
- ↑ according to IVW , fourth quarter in each case ( details on ivw.eu )
- ↑ red: Ostsee-Zeitung becomes LN subsidiary, Springer sells shares in regional newspapers In: Lübecker Nachrichten of February 5, 2009, p. 10
- ↑ see also the history of the Lübeck daily newspapers
- ^ Special edition of the Lübecker Nachrichten on the 125th birthday , July 15, 2007, page 13, reproduction of the sample number title page from July 15, 1882
- ↑ Werner Petrowsky / Working Group "History of the Lübeck Labor Movement": Lübeck - Another History, Insights into Resistance and Persecution in Lübeck 1933–1945 . Zentrum - Jugendamt der Hansestadt Lübeck (Hrsg.), Lübeck 1986, ISBN 3-923814-02-X , p. 86. The report is reproduced in facsimile.
- ^ Last edition of the Lübeck advertisements from December 30, 1933
- ↑ Gerald Goetsch new LN editor-in-chief In: Lübecker Nachrichten of January 29, 2011, p. 8
- ↑ ln-online.de
- ↑ madsack.de
- ↑ meedia.de September 15, 2017: After an embarrassing lobby attack on Martin Schulz: Madsack separates from LN managing director Stefanie Hauer
- ^ Announcement from Axel Springer AG dated February 4, 2009
- ↑ The Madsack media group acquires a majority in Hanseatische Verlags-Beteiligungs AG ( Memento of December 14, 2009 in the Internet Archive ), announcement by the Madsack publishing group of December 1, 2009
- ↑ Manfred von Thien: New optics, but the soul remains . In: Lübecker Nachrichten of November 23, 2010, p. 3