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Lüschgrat taken from Tguma, in the background Piz Beverin and Bruschghorn

Lüschgrat taken from Tguma, in the background Piz Beverin and Bruschghorn

height 2178.4  m above sea level M.
location Canton of Graubünden , Switzerland
Mountains Adula Alps
Dominance 3.78 km →  Güner Horn
Notch height 335 m ↓  glass pass
Coordinates 745 843  /  174 048 coordinates: 46 ° 42 '6 "  N , 9 ° 20' 45"  O ; CH1903:  745843  /  174048
Lüschgrat (Canton of Graubünden)
Development Double ski lift from the Tschappina Heinzenberg ski area
Normal way From the Glaspass or from Ober Gmeind
particularities Highest mountain of the Heinzenberg

The Lüschgrat is a mountain east of Safien and west of Thusis in the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland with an altitude of 2178  m above sea level. M. It is the highest mountain on the Heinzenberggrat . From the Heinzenberg side it is inconspicuous as a grass hill, from the Safiental side it is rocky and steeper. The Tschappina Heinzenberg ski area is located on its eastern slope . The mountain station of the double ski lift , located 17  meters below the summit, is the highest point in the ski area.

Location and surroundings

The Lüschgrat belongs to the Heinzenberggrat, a subgroup of the Adula Alps . The municipal boundary between Safien and Tschappina runs over the summit . The Lüschgrat is bordered in the east by the Heinzenberg and in the west by the Safiental .

The neighboring peaks include the Tguma and the Glaser Grat .

The valley locations are Safien and Tschappina. A frequent starting point is Ober Gmeind, where the valley station of the double ski lift that extends to the summit is.

Heinzenberger tightrope walk


The Heinzenberger ridge hike is a scenic and varied day hike over the Heinzenberger ridge. It leads from Obertschappina via Tguma and Präzer Höhi to Präz and offers a great panoramic view of the Safiental, Domleschg , Albula and the surrounding mountains. Instead of going directly to Tguma, the hike can be extended via the Glaspass, Glaser Grat and Lüschgrat. In addition, the end of the tour can be extended to Bonaduz :

  • Starting point: Glaspass ( 1831  m )
  • Destination: Bonaduz ( 662  m )
  • Route: Glaspass -  Glaser Grat ( 2124  m ) - P. 1989 -  Lüschgrat ( 2178  m ) - Bischolpass ( 1999  m ) -  Tguma ( 2163  m ) -  Präzer Höhi ( 2119  m ) -  Crest dil Cut ( 2015  m ) -  Crest Ault ( 1942  m ) - Alp Sura ( 1771  m ) - Alp Sut ( 1506  m ) - Scardanal ( 1131  m ) - P. 692 - Bonaduz
  • Difficulty: T3 , mostly as trail white-red-white marks
  • Duration: 8 h

Routes to the summit

Over the south ridge

  • Starting point: Safien Platz ( 1296  m ) or Glaspass ( 1831  m )
  • Via: Bruchalp, P. 1989
  • Difficulty: T2
  • Time required: 3¾ hours from Safien, 1½ hours from the Glaspass
  • Alternative: From the Glaspass over the Glaser Grat to P. 1989 (+ ¼ hour)

Over the eastern slope

  • Starting point: Obertschappina ( 1577  m ) or Ober Gmeind ( 1813  m )
  • Via: following the ski lift
  • Difficulty: T2
  • Time required: 1¾ hour from Obertschappina or 1 hour from Ober Gmeind

Over the north ridge

  • Starting point: Safien Neukirch ( 1292  m ) or Lüsch ( 1974  m )
  • Via: Bischolpass
  • Difficulty: T2
  • Time required: 3¼ hours from Safien Neukirch or ¾ hours from Lüsch


  • Bernard Condrau: Club Guide, Bündner Alpen, Volume 2 (Bündner Oberland and Rheinwaldgebiet) 4th edition. Verlag des SAC, 1981, ISBN 3-85902-025-0 , pp. 301-302.
  • National map of Switzerland, sheet 1215 Thusis, 1: 25000, Federal Office of Topography, 1985 edition

Web links

Commons : Lüschgrat  - Collection of images, videos and audio files