La Trois

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Infobox radio tower icon
La Trois
Station logo
TV station ( public service )
Program type Full program
reception Antenna , cable , satellite , IPTV
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission November 30, 2007
language French
Seat Brussels
Broadcaster RTBF
List of TV channels

La Trois (own spelling: la trois ) is a public broadcaster of the RTBF broadcaster and has been broadcast in Belgium since November 30, 2007 for the French-speaking population, who mainly live in the southern region of Wallonia . The program is one of four television channels alongside La Une , La Deux and Arte Belgique that is broadcast under the direction of RTBF. Since September 25, 2010 the program can also be received in HD .


At the beginning, La Trois broadcast the RTBF Sat program , with the exception of sports broadcasts. After the station was discontinued on February 15, 2010, La Trois began to change the program. Today one shows series in the original version, films, documentaries and the news with sign language .


OUFtivi is the children's television channel La Trois. It rounds off the broadcaster's program. Every Monday to Friday from 6:00 a.m. to shortly after 9:00 a.m., on weekends until around 12:00 p.m., programs for children, primarily cartoons, are shown. As of September 26, 2010 , the current offer will replace Ici Bla-Bla , which was shown on the sister channel La Deux for around 15 years.

Programs (selection)


Station logos

Web links